How to Pick Which books to read (如何选择适合你的书)(一)

发布于:2024-07-27 ⋅ 阅读:(27) ⋅ 点赞:(0)
I often get asked what my favorite books are.I struggle to answer this question because, implicitly, the person is conflating two different questions:


What are your favorite books?

What books should I read?

Most of my favorite books aren’t personal development books.The best books I’ve read probably aren’t goint to be all that great for someone who’s in the market for inspiring/useful life advice.

The correct, although less satifying, answer is that the best book is the one that teaches you something important you didn’t already know.Given what people know is different, a book might be life-changing for you and boring pablum for somebody else.

The Herarchy of Books

Therefore, instead of trying to offer a suggestion for what are the “best” books, I think the right way to read books is to think of them like an inverted pyramid.

At the bottom, are the best books which provide an entry point to a topic.These books are good ones to start with if you haven’t read very much, or at least haven’t read much on that topic.

As you go up the layers, the books become increasingly smarter and more nuanced, but paradoxically, less helpful.They’re less helpful because they’re providing increasingly sophisticated distinctions.They dig deeper to build more fundamental pictures of the world and fill in more esoteric details, rather than offfer straightforward answers to basic questions.

The thing is, if you’ve read enough books at a lower layer, the upper layers are actualy really good! They answer deeper questions more thoughtfully than lower layers.

The problem is that, from the vantage point of anyone within the pyramid, books at levels lower than your own are at best gross simplifications and, at worst, outright false.The assumptions they make and details they gloss over are just too large for them to be taken seriously.

Books at levels higher than your own feel pedantic.Arguments over minutea, definitions and esoterica that nobody in the real world actually cares about.You want a yes-or-no answer, and instead they spend hundreds of pages to say, “Maybe?”.

Ascending the Hierarchy

The goal of any lifelong learning effort, in my opinion, is that you start with the lower levels and proceed up to highter ones.

A mistaken impression of how knowledge works is that the process of learning, or ascending the hierarchy of books, is strictly additive.That is to say, you get the same picture you had before, just at a higher resolution.

Knowledge just doesn’t work that way.As you climb the herarchy, you get more detail and nuance to your existing picture, yes. But you also start to realize how many assumptions, approximations and mistaken concepts were underpinning that original picture.

Learning isn’t just about fleshing out, but also reorganizing the fundamental substructure of what you’ve learned.

Quick example: When I was young I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad and thought is was a great book. It taught, I thought, about the importance of saving adn investing to buld wealth.Later, I found critiques that attack the books pro-real-estate, active-management investing philosoph which probably aren’t best for the average investor.

Question: Is Rich Dad, Poor Dad a good book?I still think, for the person who doesn’t yet have the concept of investing deeply understood, it’s a decent one.For the person who has these concepts mastered, however, the more specific advice is probably wrong enough to be harmful.

I don’t think there’s an absolute answer to the question of whether a book is good or not, independent of where you are in the hierarchy.


