MapBox Android版开发 5 示例清单
Examples for v9
title | descriptions |
Create a simple map view | Learn how to quickly display a Mapbox Street map in your app. |
Dynamically build a map view | Add a mapview in a dynamically created layout. |
Inset map | Show a smaller inset map fragment and link it to a larger map for two map interaction. Great for gaming. |
Picture in picture | Use the Android O release of picture-in-picture to maintain a map in a separate window. |
RecyclerView interaction | Manipulate the map based on recyclerview interactions. |
Support map fragment | Include a map fragment within your app using Android support library. |
Default styles | Use a variety of professionally designed styles with the Mapbox Maps SDK. |
Change a map’s language | Switch the maps language dynamically. |
Adjust light location and color | Change the location and color of the light shined on extrusions. |
Basic pulsing location | Show the basic LocationComponent pulsing circle. |
Biometric fingerprint | Use the Android system’s fingerprint unlock to reveal “personal” data on a map. |
Calendar integration | Show calendar event locations on the map. |
Custom pulsing location | See how to customize the LocationComponent pulsing circle’s color, speed, and opacity. |
Customized location icon | Use LocationComponent options to customize the user location information. |
Location picker | Drop a marker at a specific location and then perform reverse geocoding. |
Shared preferences | Use the Android system’s Shared Preferences to save and retrieve coordinates. |
Show a user’s location | Use the LocationComponent to show the user’s current location on the map. |
Show a user’s location on a map fragment | Use the LocationComponent to display a user’s location on a map fragment. |
Track device location | Receive updates when the device changes location. |
Animate the map camera | Animate the map’s camera position, tilt, bearing, and zoom. |
Fit camera in bounding box | Position the camera so that all the given markers are in view. |
Location camera options | Use LocationComponent camera options to customize map camera behavior. |
Restrict map panning | Prevent a map from being panned to a different place. |
Rotating camera | Slowly have the camera circle around a single point. |
Animated icon movement | Use Android system interpolators to animate SymbolLayer icons movement. |
Icon setting based on Feature property | Create a SymbolLayer and set the iconId to be dependent on each Feature’s property key-value pair. |
Symbol layer icon size change | Query the map and animate the change in a SymbolLayer icon’s size if clicked on. |
Symbol layer icons | Use a SymbolLayer to display icons on the map. |
Symbol layer info window | Use SymbolLayer and icons to show data in a BubbleLayout “info window”. |
SymbolLayer clustering | Use GeoJSON and SymbolLayer icons to view clustered images. |
SymbolLayer icons | Add markers via SymbolLayer and manipulate the data in real time. A Mapillary integration is also showcased in this example. |
Text anchor position | Adjust the anchor position of SymbolLayer text fields. |
Zoom-based icon switch | Change SymbolLayer icons based on the camera’s zoom level. |
Animate marker position | Animate the marker to a new position on the map. |
Click to add photo | Select a photo on the device and add it on the map tap location. |
Marker following route | Using a map matched GeoJSON route, the marker travels along the route at consistent speed. |
Line behind moving icon | Draw a line behind a moving SymbolLayer icon which moves along a Mapbox Directions API route. |
Draw a polygon | Draw a vector polygon on a map with the Mapbox Maps SDK. |
Draw a polygon with holes | Draw a vector polygon with holes on a map using the Mapbox Maps SDK. |
Outlined polygon hole | Outline a polygon hole to highlight a revealed region. |
Circle icon toggle | Use layer filters and feature properties to create the visual effect of toggling between circles and icons when they’re tapped on. |
Circle radius | Set the radii of a circle layer’s circles based on a data property. |
Circle to icon transition | Use expressions to create a smooth visual transition from circles to icons. |
CircleLayer clusters | Use GeoJSON and circle layers to visualize point data in clusters. |
Style circles categorically | Using a categorical circle-color property function for a visualization. |
Multiple text formats | Use a format expression to style labels with multiple languages, fonts, sizes, and colors. |
Zoom to show a cluster’s leaves | Tap on a cluster and adjust the camera bounds to show the cluster’s leaves. |
Toggle collision detection | Allow or deny text and icons to overlap and collide. |
Mapbox Studio style | Use a custom Mapbox-hosted style. |
Local style or custom raster style | Load a locally stored map style JSON file or custom raster style via a URL. |
Style attribution | Adjust the attribution “i” to match a map style, app UI, or color motif. |
Style lines using an identity property function | Using an identity line-color property function for a visualization. |
Style with missing icon | Provide an icon when a Style failed to load one. |
Add a new layer below labels | Using the second argument of addLayer, you can be more precise. |
Transparent render surface | Create a transparent background and fill it with something such as moving water. |
Add a vector tile source | Add a vector source to a map and display it as a layer. |
Add a WMS source | Adding an external Web Map Service layer to the map. |
Animated image source (GIF) | Show an animated image (GIF) anywhere on the map. |
Background fog | Add a gradient on top of a MapView to show a background fog effect. |
Create a line layer | Create a GeoJSON line source, style it using properties, and add the layer to the map. |
Draw a GeoJSON line | Draw a polyline by parsing a GeoJSON file with the Mapbox Maps SDK. |
Draw multiple geometries | Filter and draw multiple geometries from a single GeoJSON file. |
Join local JSON data with vector tile geometries | Style a choropleth map by merging local JSON data with vector tile geometries. |
Use an image source | Use an image source to easily display images on the map. |
Adjust a layer’s opacity | Drag the seek bar to adjust the opacity of a raster layer on top of a map. |
Adjust text labels | Adjust the color, size, and fonts of SymbolLayer text fields. |
Button interaction styling | Change various properties of a map based on user interaction and other runtime situations. |
Change a layer’s color | Using layer set to change a layer’s fill color. |
Color dependent on zoom level | Make a property depend on the map zoom level, in this case, the water layers fill color. |
Display water depth | Use data-driven styling to show bathymetry (water depth) data. |
Highlighted line | Tap on a line and add a highlight effect behind it. |
Hillshading | Use elevation data to show and customize hills and mountains. |
Icon update based on API response | See the International Space Station location in real time. |
Line gradient | Style a line with colored gradient. |
Opacity fade | Adjust the opacity of a satellite raster layer based on zoom level. |
Pulsing layer opacity | Use the style API to highlight parks, hotels, and attractions. A pulsing animation is also added to the colors. |
Show and hide layers | Create a custom layer switcher to display different datasets. |
Snaking directions | Rather than showing the directions route all at once, have it ‘snake’ from the origin to destination. |
Spinning icon | Use a ValueAnimator to adjust SymbolLayer icons’ rotation values and create a spinning effect. |
Update a choropleth layer by zoom level | Style a choropleth map with data-driven styling, local JSON data, and vector tile geometries. |
Variable label placement | To increase the chance of high-priority labels staying visible, provide the map renderer a list of preferred text anchor positions. |
Click on single layer | Click on and highlight a selected GeoJSON polygon. |
RecyclerView Directions | Quickly show the directions route associated with a RecyclerView item. |
Satellite land select | View satellite photos and click to outline an area of land. |
Select a building | Use the query feature to select a building, get its geometry and draw a polygon highlighting it. |
Baseball spray chart | Use the Maps SDK and filters to explore baseball data. |
Building outline | Query the building layer and show a building’s outline. |
Drawing search area | Drag a finger on the map to draw a search area. |
Feature count | Get the feature count inside a bounding box and highlight all the buildings. |
Multiple expressions | Use multiple expressions to convert and visualize data. |
Query a map feature | Click the map to add a marker at the location and display the maps property information for that feature. |
Search again in an area | Search for certain features once the map is moved. This example finds parks. |
Create hotspots from points | Use the Mapbox Maps SDK to visualize point data as hotspots. |
Show heatmap data | Add and customize a heatmap to visualize data. |
Styling heatmaps | Gain minute control over heatmap coloring. |
Data time lapse | Use data-driven styling to visualize point data with a time lapse effect; rainfall in China in this example. |
Show time lapse | Use an image source and a runnable to show data changes over time. |
Indoor Map | Display an indoor map of a building with toggles to switch between floor levels. |
Cache management | Explore the various ways to manage the Maps SDK cache. |
Share snapshot image | Send and share a map snapshot image. |
Snapshot Notification | Show a snapshotted image in a notification. |
A simple offline map | Download and view an offline map using the Mapbox Maps SDK. |
Offline manager | Download, view, navigate to, and delete an offline region. |
Display 3D building height based on vector data | Use extrusions to display 3D building height based on imported vector data. |
Extrude polygons for 3D indoor mapping | Create a 3D indoor map with the fill-extrude-height paint property. |
Rotate and tilt with 3D buildings | Rotate and tilt device to change camera and see all around 3D buildings. |
Use GeoJSON data to set extrusion height | Use data-driven styling and GeoJSON data to set extrusion heights. |
View Examples for v11
title | descriptions |
Create a rotating globe | Display your map as an interactive, rotating globe. |
Creating a map view | Customize your map view. |
Display a globe | Create a map using the globe projection. |
Display a map view | Create and display a map that uses the default Mapbox Standard style. |
Inset map | Show a smaller inset map fragment and link it to a larger map for two map interaction. Great for gaming. |
Map Fragment | Use a MapView inside a map fragment and fragment backstack. |
MapSurface | MapSurface with SurfaceView host and Widget. |
Multi display | Display the map on a secondary display. |
Multi map fragments | Using multiple map fragments in one Activity. |
RecyclerView | MapView integration inside a RecyclerView. |
TextureView | Use TextureView as render surface. |
ViewPager | Use a MapView inside a ViewPager. |
Change the map’s style | Switch between custom and default Mapbox styles for the same map view. |
DSL styling | Shows runtime styling using dsl. |
Runtime styling | Shows runtime styling. |
Transparent background | MapView with transparent background. |
Work with the Standard style | Use the Standard style and modify settings at runtime. |
Localization Plugin | Automatically localize the map labels into the device’s current language. |
Ornaments | Update margins of ornaments when the map rotates. |
Scale Bar | Show scale bar at custom position. |
Display the user’s location | Display the user’s location on a map with the default user location puck. |
Location component | Shows location puck on the map. |
Location component animation | Animates puck with custom location provider updates. |
Simulate a navigation route | Simulate a navigation route with location tracking. |
Space station current location | See the International Space Station location in real time. |
Advanced Viewport with gestures | Advanced viewport with gestures showcase. |
Continue camera animation during gestures | Animate the map camera properties during user gestures. |
Fly-to camera animation | Animate the camera changes with the fly-to animation. This causes the camera to ease from a starting point to an end destination. |
Restrict map panning | Restrict the map’s viewport to a specified set of coordinates for gesture-based camera changes. The viewport can still be changed programmatically. |
Using camera animations | Use setCamera to animate the camera position. |
Using custom camera animations | Animate the map camera to a new position using camera animators. Individual camera properties such as zoom, bearing, and center coordinate can be animated independently. |
Viewport camera | Viewport camera showcase. |
Gestures | Manipulate gesture interaction with the map. |
Map overlay | Use Map Overlay. |
Display multiple icon images in a symbol layer | Add point data and several images to a style and use the switchCase and get expressions to choose which image to display at each point in a SymbolLayer based on a data property. |
Add a marker symbol | Add a blue teardrop-shaped marker image to a style and display it on the map using a SymbolLayer. |
Add markers to map | Add markers that use different icons. |
Animate Marker Position | Animate updates to a marker/annotation’s position. |
Add Polylines Annotations | Show polyline annotations on a map. |
Add a Fill/Polygon Annotation | Show polygon annotations on a map. |
Draw a polygon | Draw a vector polygon on a map. |
Draw a polygon with holes | Add a polygon layer with interior holes. |
Add Circle Annotations | Show circle annotations on a map. |
Basic Pulsing Circle | Display the LocationComponent’s default pulsing circle. |
Style circles categorically | Add point data to a style from a vector tileset and use the match and get expressions to assign the color of each point in a CircleLayer based on a data property. |
Add Point Annotations | Show point annotations on a map. |
Animate Point Annotations | Animate PointAnnotations on a map. |
Dynamic view annotations | Add dynamic view annotations to line layers and fixed coordinates. |
View annotation as InfoWindow | Legacy InfoWindow implementation using view annotations. |
View annotation with point annotation | Animate a view annotation on screen. |
View annotations - advanced example | Add view annotation anchored to a symbol layer feature. |
View annotations - animation | Add view annotation to a point annotation. |
View annotations - basic example | Add view annotation on a map click. |
Add Cluster Symbol Annotations | Show fire hydrants in Washington DC area in a cluster. |
Cluster points within a layer | Create a circle layer from a geoJSON source and cluster the points from that source. The clusters will update as the map’s camera changes. |
Mapbox Studio style | Use a custom style designed in Mapbox Studio. |
Add a sky layer | Add a customizable sky layer to simulate natural lighting with a Terrain layer. |
Adjust layer order | Insert a specific layer above or below other layers. |
Custom Layer | Custom Layer Example using Kotlin. |
Display a raster particle layer | Add a Raster Particle Layer to your map. |
Native Custom Layer | Custom Layer Example using C++. |
Triangle Custom Layer | Triangle Custom Layer Example. |
Add animated weather data | Load a raster image to a style using ImageSource and display it on a map as animated weather data using RasterLayer. |
Draw a GeoJSON line | Load a polyline to a style using GeoJsonSource and display it on a map using LineLayer. |
Draw multiple geometries | Display multiple shapes on a map. |
External Vector Source | Add a third party vector tile source. |
Geojson performance | Display long route as large geojson. |
Raw GeoJSON | Use a GeoJSON string as data for a GeoJSON source through Value API. |
Raw Source/Layer | Use a JSON string as an Source/Layer. |
TileJson | Using raster source and layer to render OSM tiles with TileSet class. |
Use an image source | Use an image source to easily display images on the map. |
Vector tile source | Add a vector source to a map using an URL. |
WMS Source | Add an external WMS source to your map using TileSet API. |
9-patch image | Add 9-patch image to the style. |
Animate a line | Animate updates to a polyline. |
Animated TextureView | Apply ViewAnimation on a TextureView. |
Change icon size | Change icon size with Symbol layer. |
Custom Attribution | Custom attribution showcase. |
Distance Expression | Show POIs on a map with distance expression filter. |
Line behind moving icon | Draw a line behind a moving icon. |
Line gradient | Style a line with colored gradient. |
Raster Colorization | Raster colorization using raster-color. |
Raw Expression | Use a JSON string as an expression. |
Show and hide layers | Allow the user to toggle the visibility of a CircleLayer on a map. |
Tint a fill layer | Add an image to a style and use it to display a pattern in the landuse FillLayer in the Mapbox Streets style. |
Feature state | Create interactive hover effects with feature state. |
Within expression | Usage of the within expression on a buffered geometry. |
Visualize data as a heatmap | Add earthquake frequency data to a style from a GeoJSON file and render it on a map using a HeatmapLayer. |
Mapbox Recorder | Showcasing recording / replaying session with MapboxMapRecorder. |
Debug mode | Use variations of debug modes of the Map. |
Create a snapshot | Create a static, non-interactive image of a map style with specified camera position. The resulting snapshot is provided as a bitmap on Android. |
DDS MapSnapshotter | Use data driven styling with static map image generation. |
Local Style MapSnapshotter | Use an local style with static map image generation. |
MapView Snapshot | Create a bitmap snapshot from a MapView. |
Sky Snapshotter | Junction view showcase. |
Legacy offline Map | Use OfflineManager to download tiles. |
Offline Map | Use OfflineManager to download tiles. |
3D Model Layer | Showcase the usage of a 3D model layer. |
Add a Line to 3D Terrain | Example showcasing terrain with animating the free camera with a line string. |
Display 3D buildings | Extrude the building layer in the Mapbox Light style using FillExtrusionLayer and set up the light position. |
Display 3D buildings with 3D lights | Extrude the building layer in the Mapbox Standard style and set up the light position. |
Use 3D Terrain | Example that demonstrates realistic map with 3D terrain and atmosphere sky layer. |
Jetpack Compose Examples for v11
title | descriptions |
Display a map | Create and display a map that uses the default Mapbox Standard style. |
Multi display | Display the map on a secondary display. |
Multi map | Using multiple MapboxMap in one Activity. |
Generic style positions | Showcase positioning of layers and annotations using GenericStyle. |
Use style imports | Showcase adding style imports in runtime. |
Use style states | Showcase updating atmosphere, projection and lights through style states. |
Use style terrain | Showcase updating terrain. |
Work with the Standard style | Use the Standard style and modify settings at runtime. |
Ornaments | Showcase map ornaments customization. |
Location component | Show location puck on the map. |
Simulate a navigation route | Simulate a navigation route with location tracking. |
Map viewport animation | Use map viewport animations. |
Add Polyline Annotations | Show polyline annotations on a map. |
Add Polygon Annotations | Show polygon annotations on a map. |
Add Circle Annotations | Show circle annotations on a map. |
Add Point Annotations | Show point annotations on a map. |
Add View Annotations | Show view annotations on a map. |
Dynamic view annotations | Add dynamic view annotations to line layers and fixed coordinates. |
Add Cluster Symbol Annotations | Show fire hydrants in Washington DC area in a cluster. |
Add clip layer | Showcase using clip layer to hide 3D buildings. |
Add layers and sources in runtime | Showcase adding layers and sources in runtime. |
Add animated weather data | Load a raster image to a style using ImageSource and display it on a map as animated weather data using RasterLayer. |
Use an image source | Use an image source to easily display images on the map. |
Query rendered features | Showcase query rendered features. |
Debug mode | Use variations of debug modes of the Map. |
3D Model Layer | Showcase the usage of a 3D model layer. |