Go语言现代web开发09 for 循环语句

发布于:2024-09-18 ⋅ 阅读:(59) ⋅ 点赞:(0)

Often, we need to execute a specific block of code multiple times. Loops are constructs that help us to do that. We can find multiple loops in various programming languages, but to keep things as simple as possible, the Go programming language has only one loop, for loop.


The for loop consists of three statements separated with a semicolon, which comes after for keyword, as we can see in the following code example.


for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    a[i] = i * 2

The first statement, the init statement, will declare and initialize variables that will be visible in the scope of the loop (integer variable i). Init statement will be executed before the first iteration.


The second statement, condition, has the same role as the condition in if statement. The condition will be evaluated before every iteration and if the result of the evaluation is positive (true), the next iteration will be executed.


The third statement, the post statement, will update conditional and local variables. The post statement will be executed at the end of every iteration. In our example, operator ++ will increment the value of the variable.


The for loop from our example will initialize an integer array with ten elements.


Init and put statements are optional and they can be omitted (in that case, semicolons can be also omitted). We often omit these statements when there is no need to use local variables. This for loop will update the value of the variable result.


for result < 500 {
    result *= sum * 2

Technically, we can also omit conditional statement. But without it, the loop will never stop iterating. These kinds of loops are called infinite loops.


Range is a special from of for loop which used to iterate over slice and map. For each iteration, two values will be returned, an index and a value (copy of the element at the index). In the next example, we will iterate through slice and sum-only elements on even indexes.


for i, v := range arr {
    if i % 2 == 0 {
        sum += v

The variable v is actually a copy of arr[i], so any modification of variable v will not affect the original slice. We can test this with the following code example.


a := []int{3, 33, 333}
for _, v := range a{
    v = v * v

In order to modify the original slice, the element must be accesses through an index.


Variable v is allocated only once, it will not e allocated for each iteration, so we should be very careful. In the following example, all elements of the second slice will point to the same variable that holds the last assigned value (three in our case).


a := []int{3, 33, 333}
var b []*int

for _, v := range a {
    b = append(b, &v)

for _, v := range b {

The Go compiler does not allow the declaration of unused variables, but sometimes we do not need index or value. They can be ignored by assigning them to the _(underscore) operator. This operator is also know as a blank identifier.


In this example, we decided to ignore the index.

for _, v := range arr {
    sum += v

There are situations when it is not necessary to execute all iterations. With the continue statement, the remaining part of the current iteration will be skipped, and the next iteration will be executed. In the following example, all slice elements, except one on index 3 will be printed on standard output.


a := []int{3, 33, 333, 3333, 33333}
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    if i == 3{

The break statement will terminate the execution of the current loop. This can be useful when we are looking for the index of an element with a specific value. When we find that element, we can stop the search and there is no need to execute the remaining iterations. In the next example, the loop will be terminated when the value of variable i is equal to 3.


for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    if i == 3{



