每日英语听力 Day9

发布于:2024-10-12 ⋅ 阅读:(9) ⋅ 点赞:(0)

People like tree houses, this is a fun thing for kids, however i built a tree house that was a little bit different from what you are probably imagining we didn’t build a house that a closed box like you see in the movies usually we built a tree house where we just had these different platforms on different branches of the tree. a platform is just a flat space and in this case a place where you can stand on. so my friend and i, we built this tree house that had many different platforms and->at different levels and on different branches and we would have to climb to the different platforms using these steps that we also built we used wood and nailed the wood in to the tree to build steps that we can->could step on.

By the way when we say that you nail something we are saying that you use a nail this sharp a -> this sharp little tool and you use that that->and you hided->hit it in->into the object you nail it so we nailed these wooden steps into the tree truck so that we can climb to the tree to get different platforms i know that this maybe a little difficult to be visualized but it’s probably the best way that i can describe it and building this tree house is->was really fun i think we had more fun building the tree house that we did plan->playing in the tree house so it was really fun to construct this

And we were pretty young when we built this I think I was like 10 years old maybe so we were young it’s probably a little dangerous but we did it anyway and this was the first time I really use->used the->a hammer and nails on my own. so i learned how a hammer->to hammer things when i built this tree house and it was a great place to play and to use our imagination to create games and things like that in this tree house.

And in general i always really like climbing trees as a kid and i->that was always something that i enjoyed and so this was a perfect project for me because i got a->the chance to climb the->this tree and also built something use my imagination play etc. so that was one of my favorite activities as a kid.

Another childhood activity that i want->wanted to mention is that i usually collected bugs for a time the word bug just means inspect->insect so i actutally collect bugs during a brief time in my life.

Now when i look back on this it seems a kind of groose->gross to me the word gross just means disgusting so it seems to be kond of gross when i think back to all the bugs that i collected when->\ i remember in perticular i collected catepilars->caterpillars you know these things that turned to be->turn into butterflies right? so i collected caterpillars and i remember puting them into->in a container and i tried to create a good environment for them in this container i put leaves and sticks something->and things like that inside and i fed them fruit i remember feeding them cantaloupe actually. if you don’t know what a cantaloupe is this is that type of a melon that’s orange on the inside that’s cantaloupe so i remember feeding them cantaloupe and cleaning the container and i don’t know way i was so interested in them but by->for some reason i liked to collect them and watch them interact with each other in this container.

And i also remember collecting some beatals->beetles i remember doing that i don’t remember all of these->the others specific bugs that i collected but i just remember that i liked to watch them interact with each other i would combine some different bugs together and watch what they did to see if whey would get along or say what->if they would fight wahtever->or whatever by the way the phrase->phrasal verb get along means that you are inharmony->in harmony with another person or another animal so that->it means that you don’t fight with each other you get along so i think that i liked to experiment a little bit and see these bugs would get along with each other so that is another activity that i did as a kid

And another one was making paper airplanes so i loved making paper airplanes as a kid especially because i loved try->trying to find the different combinations of folds that would result in the->\ best airplane i don’t know if you have much experiences making paper airplanes but of course it’s really matters how you fold the paper so if you fold the paper in different->certain ways and you follow a certain design you can make a pretty impressive airplane actually some airplanes that we made actually stay in the air for quiet a while.

And i remember that we had on design peticular->in particular that was the best one so my neignbor and i found this a->\ perfect design that we would recreate time and time again and created these airplanes and tried to make them fly as high and as long as possible and so it was a very intricate design the word intricate means that something is very detailed and so this was an intricate design i still remember how to make this paper plane->airplane even now as an adult. That’s how many time i made it i made it so many times that i still have that muscle memory i still remember exactly how to make these->this airplanes so we found that perfect design and we always tried to improve it or even found a->found an even better design.

So we found other combinations of folds that worked pretty well but we never end it->ended up beating that one really good design that we found but it was really fun to do that and to experiment with different types of design->designs i really like that i like experimenting with different options and trying to create different designs with things like that that’s something that i enjoy and i really enjoyed it as a kid so that was another good activity that i had.

And another one was something we called card boarding so we would sliced->slice down this big hell->hill on pieces of card board. card board is a->that material that is used to package items to transport them or ship them to another place by the way when we say shipping when we say in items of ships->that an item ships we are saying that it’s sent from one place to another so cardboard is that matherial that's used to ship items to package them then->and ship them so we would cut big pieces of cardboard from these different boxes and we would sit on them and then sliced->slide down this big hill. that was behind my house.

So this is->was something that my friend came up with by the way when we say that you come up with something we are saying that you think of an idea. so this is something that he came up with and i joined in and we had a lot fun doing this it didn’t always work everytime->\ really well because sometimes the grass the gule->grew in a way that didn’t allow us to slide very well. so we had to work around that and do our best to be able to make it to the bottom of the hill on this card board->cardboard.

But it is->was actually a little bit dangerous because we wouldn't->weren't able to start->stop very well you don’t really have a break->brake system with this type of cradboard obviously so if we made it to the bottom of the hill on the cardboard sometimes we wouldn’t be able to stop well and we would kind of follow up with->fall off of it and may be it would hurt a little bit or we might runing to->run in to something and we would crash right? so it was a little bit dangerous and i think that was->were a few time->times i got hurt but nothing serious just miny->minor things but that was an activity that was a fun one in the scens->sense that we created it and it wasn’t someting that other people really did we didn’t learn about it from anyone else my friend just created it he has->had this idea and we just did it and we were the only ones that we knew did this kind of activities->type of activity.