Conference:The 30th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications
CCF level:CCF B
Categories:Database/Data Mining/Content Retrieval
Conference time:May 25-28, 2025, Singapore
录用率:147 full papers and 85 short papers selected from 722 submissions
Database systems
Database core technology
Query processing and optimization
Index and storage systems
Data model and query language
Databases for emerging hardware
Machine learning for database
Data warehouse and OLAP
Transaction management
Domain-specific/advanced database systems
Data processing in VR/AR/MR
Graph data management
Data management in social networks
Embedded and mobile databases
Temporal and spatial databases
Data streams and time-series data
Knowledge management
Text databases
Multimedia databases
HCI for modern information systems
Natural language query interface
Probabilistic and uncertain data
Sensor data management
Statistical and scientific databases
Cloud data management
Cloud data management
Big Data data management (e.g, MapReduce, Spark)
Parallel database systems
Data semantics and data integration
Information integration
Distributed ledger and Blockchain
Distributed ledgers
Data mining in a distributed ledger setting
Secure data sharing and collaborative intelligence through blockchain
Algorithm design, complexity analysis, implementation for blockchain
Benchmarking and performance study
Data analytics on blockchain
Data provenance, data governance, especially with AI
Data asset management
Data store for blockchain
Applications and use cases of blockchain
Data science and advanced applications
Data science
Data-driven AI technology
Data mining and knowledge discovery
Neural network
Graph and social network analysis
RDF and knowledge graphs
Text and data mining
Advanced applications
Search and recommendation technology
Security, privacy, and trust
Data quality and credibility
Bio and health informatics
Semantic Web and knowledge management
Data archive and digital library
Web information systems
Information extraction and summarization
Important dates
Abstract submission | November 04, 2024 |
Full paper submission | November 11, 2024 |
Acceptance notification | January 16, 2025 |
Camera ready | February 8, 2025 |
* All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time
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