VAD(Voice Activity Detection,语音活动检测)是一种技术,用于识别音频流中语音和非语音的区域。它能够区分语音和背景噪声,从而提高后续处理的效率和准确性。
- 检测语音区域:识别音频流中的语音部分,判断对话是否结束。
- 过滤静音和噪声:去除静音、背景噪音和音乐等非语音部分。
- 减少处理成本:避免对无关音频进行进一步处理(例如,语音识别或传输),从而提高系统效率。
传统上,VAD库如WebRTC VAD是Google提供的一种算法实现。随着AI技术的发展,基于机器学习的VAD库应运而生,其中SileroVAD就是今天的主角🔗。
从图中可以看出,SileroVAD在召回率和精准率方面均优于WebRTC VAD。
原始官方文档仅提供了基于PyTorch的实现。由于PyTorch主要是一个训练框架,依赖性较多,且在生产环境中往往过于庞大(Linux环境通常需要几个GB的空间)。为了解决这个问题,我选择使用微软推出的轻量级推理框架——ONNX Runtime。与PyTorch相比,ONNX Runtime的推理速度更快,依赖性更小,仅为28MB。
经过测试(在MacBook M1,Python 3.12环境下),单线程运行时约占用3%的CPU资源。如果需求较高,可以通过多进程优化来提高并发处理能力。
from typing import Final
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
_RATE: Final = 16000 # Khz
_MAX_WAV: Final = 32767
_ONNX_PATH: Final = "Silero_VAD_16k.onnx"
_CONTEXT_SIZE: Final = 64 # 16Khz
_CHUNK_SAMPLES: Final = 512
_CHUNK_BYTES: Final = _CHUNK_SAMPLES * 2 # 16-bit
class SileroVadDetector:
"""Detects speech/silence using Silero VAD.
_shared_session = None
def session(self) -> onnxruntime.InferenceSession:
if self._shared_session is None:
opts = onnxruntime.SessionOptions()
opts.inter_op_num_threads = 1
opts.intra_op_num_threads = 1
self._shared_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(
_ONNX_PATH, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"], sess_options=opts
return self._shared_session
def __init__(
prob_threshold: float = 0.5,
silence_threshold: float = 4.0,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the Silero VAD detector.
prob_threshold (float, optional): 声音检测敏感度,越高对人声可能性要求越高。
silence_threshold (float, optional): 人声停止检测窗口时间,用于判断是否出现了人声停止。
self._context = np.zeros((1, _CONTEXT_SIZE), dtype=np.float32)
self._state = np.zeros((2, 1, 128), dtype=np.float32)
self._sr = np.array(_RATE, dtype=np.int64)
self.prob_threshold = prob_threshold
self.silence_threshold = silence_threshold
self.buffer = bytearray()
self.silence_start_time = None
self.activity_flag = False
self.chunk_count = 0
self.last_end = 0
def process_chunk(self, audio: bytes) -> float:
"""Return probability of speech [0-1] in a single audio chunk."""
if len(audio) != _CHUNK_BYTES:
# Window size is fixed at 512 samples in v5
raise Exception("Invalid chunk size")
audio_array = np.frombuffer(audio, dtype=np.int16).astype(np.float32) / _MAX_WAV
# Add batch dimension and context
audio_array = np.concatenate(
(self._context, audio_array[np.newaxis, :]), axis=1
self._context = audio_array[:, -_CONTEXT_SIZE:]
ort_inputs = {
"input": audio_array[:, : _CHUNK_SAMPLES + _CONTEXT_SIZE],
"state": self._state,
"sr": self._sr,
ort_outs = self.session.run(None, ort_inputs)
out, self._state = ort_outs
return out.squeeze()
def need_switch_speaker(self, audio_chunk: bytes) -> bool:
Process an audio chunk and return True if it is time to switch speakers.
This function buffers the audio chunks, processes them in chunks of
`_CHUNK_BYTES` size, and checks if the probability of speech is above
`prob_threshold`. If it is, it resets the silence start time and sets the
activity flag to True. If the activity flag is set and the probability of
speech is below `prob_threshold`, it checks if the current time minus the
silence start time is greater than or equal to `silence_threshold`. If it
is, it returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.
audio_chunk (bytes): The audio chunk to process
bool: Whether it is time to switch speakers
while len(self.buffer) >= _CHUNK_BYTES:
chunk = bytes(self.buffer[:_CHUNK_BYTES])
prob = self.process_chunk(chunk)
current_time = self.chunk_count * _PER_CHUNK_TIME
if prob >= self.prob_threshold:
if self.silence_start_time:
self.silence_start_time = None
if not self.activity_flag:
self.activity_flag = True
elif self.activity_flag:
if self.silence_start_time:
if current_time - self.silence_start_time >= self.silence_threshold:
return True
self.silence_start_time = current_time
self.buffer = self.buffer[_CHUNK_BYTES:]
self.chunk_count += 1
return False