- 计算几何:用于分析点集的边界特征。
- 图形学:用于碰撞检测和物体包围。
- 数据科学:在聚类分析、异常值检测等场景中用于计算数据的紧致边界。
- 凸包计算:使用
方法计算输入点集的凸包。这一步可以确保我们找到点集的外部边界,以此作为最小矩形的候选边界。 - 最小矩形计算:利用
from .min_rect import *
from .qhull_2d import *
from .min_bounding_rect import *
import numpy as np
import sys
def minBoundingRect(hull_points_2d):
# Compute edges (x2-x1, y2-y1)
edges = np.zeros((len(hull_points_2d)-1, 2)) # empty 2 column array
for i in range(len(edges)):
edge_x = hull_points_2d[i+1, 0] - hull_points_2d[i, 0]
edge_y = hull_points_2d[i+1, 1] - hull_points_2d[i, 1]
edges[i] = [edge_x, edge_y]
# Calculate edge angles atan2(y/x)
edge_angles = np.zeros(len(edges)) # empty 1 column array
for i in range(len(edge_angles)):
edge_angles[i] = np.arctan2(edges[i, 1], edges[i, 0])
# Check for angles in 1st quadrant
edge_angles = np.abs(edge_angles % (np.pi/2)) # want strictly positive answers
# Remove duplicate angles
edge_angles = np.unique(edge_angles)
# Test each angle to find bounding box with smallest area
min_bbox = (0, sys.maxsize, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # rot_angle, area, width, height, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y
# print("Testing", len(edge_angles), "possible rotations for bounding box... \n")
for i in range(len(edge_angles)):
# Create rotation matrix to shift points to baseline
R = np.array([[np.cos(edge_angles[i]), np.cos(edge_angles[i]-(np.pi/2))],
[np.cos(edge_angles[i]+(np.pi/2)), np.cos(edge_angles[i])]])
# Apply this rotation to convex hull points
rot_points = np.dot(R, np.transpose(hull_points_2d)) # 2x2 * 2xn
# Find min/max x,y points
min_x = np.nanmin(rot_points[0], axis=0)
max_x = np.nanmax(rot_points[0], axis=0)
min_y = np.nanmin(rot_points[1], axis=0)
max_y = np.nanmax(rot_points[1], axis=0)
# Calculate height/width/area of this bounding rectangle
width = max_x - min_x
height = max_y - min_y
area = width * height
# Store the smallest rect found first
if area < min_bbox[1]:
min_bbox = (edge_angles[i], area, width, height, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y)
# Re-create rotation matrix for smallest rect
angle = min_bbox[0]
R = np.array([[np.cos(angle), np.cos(angle-(np.pi/2))],
[np.cos(angle+(np.pi/2)), np.cos(angle)]])
# Project convex hull points onto rotated frame
proj_points = np.dot(R, np.transpose(hull_points_2d)) # 2x2 * 2xn
# min/max x,y points are against baseline
min_x = min_bbox[4]
max_x = min_bbox[5]
min_y = min_bbox[6]
max_y = min_bbox[7]
# Calculate center point and project onto rotated frame
# center_x = (min_x + max_x) / 2
# center_y = (min_y + max_y) / 2
# center_point = np.dot([center_x, center_y], R)
# Calculate corner points and project onto rotated frame
corner_points = np.zeros((4, 2)) # empty 2 column array
corner_points[0] = np.dot([max_x, min_y], R)
corner_points[1] = np.dot([min_x, min_y], R)
corner_points[2] = np.dot([min_x, max_y], R)
corner_points[3] = np.dot([max_x, max_y], R)
return min_bbox[2], min_bbox[3], corner_points,area
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .qhull_2d import qhull2D
from .min_bounding_rect import minBoundingRect
def min_area_rect(xy_points):
# Find convex hull
hull_points = qhull2D(xy_points)
# Reverse order of points, to match output from other qhull implementations
hull_points = hull_points[::-1]
# print('Convex hull points: \n', hull_points, "\n")
# Find minimum area bounding rectangle
width, height, corner_points,area = minBoundingRect(hull_points)
# # Visualization
plt.plot(xy_points[:, 0], xy_points[:, 1], 'o', label='Points')
plt.plot(hull_points[:, 0], hull_points[:, 1], 'r--', lw=2, label='Convex Hull')
# Plot the bounding box
box = np.vstack([corner_points, corner_points[0]]) # Close the box by repeating the first point
plt.plot(box[:, 0], box[:, 1], 'g-', lw=2, label='Min Bounding Box')
plt.title('Convex Hull and Minimum Area Bounding Box')
return width, height,corner_points,area
from __future__ import division
from numpy import *
def link(a, b):
return concatenate((a, b[1:]))
def edge(a, b):
return concatenate(([a], [b]))
def qhull2D(sample):
def dome(sample, base, depth=0, max_depth=1000):
h, t = base
dists = dot(sample - h, dot(((0, -1), (1, 0)), (t - h)))
if len(dists) == 0:
return base
# Handle cases where all distances are very small
if all(abs(dists) < 1e-10):
return base
outer = sample[dists > 0]
# print("dists:",dists,"outer:",outer)
# Handle empty outer case
if len(outer) == 0:
return base
pivot_index = argmax(dists)
pivot = sample[pivot_index]
# Ensure depth does not exceed maximum allowed
if depth > max_depth:
return base
# Recursive case
left_dome = dome(outer, edge(h, pivot), depth + 1, max_depth)
right_dome = dome(outer, edge(pivot, t), depth + 1, max_depth)
return link(left_dome, right_dome)
if len(sample) > 2:
axis = sample[:, 0]
base = take(sample, [argmin(axis), argmax(axis)], axis=0)
left_dome = dome(sample, base)
right_dome = dome(sample, base[::-1])
return link(left_dome, right_dome)
return sample