- 由于没有外网访问权限,但项目非常紧迫,这时你会怎么做? Since you don’t have internet access permission and you need some public document urgently, what can you do?
A. 通过代理访问外网,迅速查阅后关闭代理 Use the proxy to access the internet and get the public documents
B. 通过ST或softphone联系有网络访问权限的同事,让其帮助查询后发给自己 Use ST or softphone to contact someone who has permission to get those files and send them to you
你的答案: B正确答案 B
- 树立保密意识,涉及内部秘密的资料,信息和成果,应妥善保管,若有遗失或失窃,应该 Develop a sense of confidentiality. Restricted materials, information and results should be properly kept, if lost or stolen, you should:
A. 管它呢,丢了就丢了 What the hell? If you lose it, you lose it
B. 立即向公司领导汇报 Report to superior immediately
C. 虽然很担心,但还是没向上级汇报 Although very worried, but still did not report to the superior
你的答案: B正确答案 B
- 为了使用方便,你可以设置将密码设置的简单、单一。 For the convenience, you can set a simple password.
A. 错误 Incorrect
B. 正确 Correct
你的答案: A正确答案 A
- 关于office的办公电脑,正确的是? About the working laptop/Desktop, which is correct?
A. 不得在本地放置项目信息, 所有项目相关信息一律存储在服务器 Please don’t put project documents on local, please upload them into servers
B. 可以将项目信息存储在本地硬盘 You can store the project documents in your local laptop.
你的答案: A正确答案 A
- 以下做法错误的是? Which of the following is wrong?
A. 离开座位去接水,由于距离茶水间很近,但还是把屏幕锁上 If you want to leave your station for water, you need to lock your computer screen even if the tea room is very close
B. 同事在自己座位上帮忙调试程序,自己去卫生间 Go to the bathroom when your colleague is helping debugging program on your station
你的答案: A正确答案 B
- 是否可以下载一些绿色版软件提高自己工作效率 Is it allowed to download green software to improve your work?
A. 不可以 Not allowed
B. 可以 Allowed
你的答案: A正确答案 A
- 客户提供的工作电脑发生故障,在告知客户之后,即可自行带到第三方进行维修。If the working computer provided by the customer fails, you can take it to a third party for repair after informing the customer.
A. 不可以,违反了客户的信息安全管理规定。No, it violates the customer’s information security management regulations.
B. 可以,已经告知客户了,谁修都可以。Yes, anyone can repair it after informing the customer。
你的答案: A正确答案 A
- 项目进行最终测试,由于时间紧迫,你无意发现自己能访问production data, 这时候该如何做? Your project is doing final test, you suddenly find you can access the production database, what should you do?
A. 立刻告知上级,协助其快速处理 Report immediately
B. 好奇心驱使,慢慢浏览研究一番 Read them caref