手写一个Java Android Binder服务及源码分析

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上一篇文章手写一个C++ Android Binder服务及源码分析,我们详细讲解了如何用C++编写自己的Binder服务,并且对C++编写的binder服务源码进行分析,相信通过上篇文章我们已经可以很轻松的使用c++编写自己的binder服务,并对其实现机制有了深入了解。

本篇在讲解如何使用java语言编写自己的binder服务,并通过对代码的分析,深入了解java binder服务的实现机制。

其实java编写的binder服务本质是对C++ binder接口的封装,而C++编写的binder服务实质是对C语言binder接口的封装,而C编写的binder服务是对linux内核中binder驱动的调用,都是一环套一环,编程语言越高级,封装就越深,开发人员使用就越便捷。因此,建议在阅读本篇文章之前,先阅读手写一个C++ Android Binder服务及源码分析,这有利于你对binder服务的深入理解。

如果不满足于仅仅会使用java语言和C++语言编写自己的binder服务,而是想深入内核理解android binder,推荐继续阅读以下系列文章:
深入内核讲明白Android Binder【一】
深入内核讲明白Android Binder【二】
深入内核讲明白Android Binder【三】

android binder是android中各个服务进程进行沟通的桥梁,如果想要阅读android源码,binder是不可或缺的一个技术点,掌握binder技术原理,对于我们android源码的阅读和理解至关重要,这也是我断断续续花半年的时间,也一定要啃下binder源码的原因。后续我会输出更多android系统源码的文章,让我们一起成长为一个不仅仅停留在写android APP层面的程序员,而是成为一名可以审视/优化google源码的工程师,这条路很艰辛,但我们一起加油!



1. binder服务demo功能介绍

我们继续采用上篇文章手写一个C++ Android Binder服务及源码分析中C++语言实现的binder服务功能,Java实现的binder服务也提供sayhello和sayhello_to两个函数供客户端调用。

2. binder服务demo代码结构图

  • IHelloService.aidl文件用于声明服务接口
  • IHelloService.java由IHelloService.aidl自动生成,其内容自动生成了服务端的代理类IHelloService.Stub.Proxy,客户端只需要通过Proxy类即可完成对服务端的跨进程调用
  • HelloService.java继承IHelloService.Stub类,完成服务的本地实现
  • TestServer.java 服务端的代码实现
  • TestClient.java客户端的代码实现

3. binder服务demo代码实现

3.1 IHelloService.aidl

/** {@hide} */
interface IHelloService
        void sayhello();
        int sayhello_to(String name);


  1. aidl文件放在源代码目录:https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base/tree/cm-14.1/core/java/android/os
  2. 在源代码目录添加aidl文件的路径:>https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base/blob/cm-14.1/Android.mk
  3. mmm frameworks/bash

3.2 IHelloService.java(自动生成)


  1. IHelloService接口定义了sayhello,sayhello_to两个服务函数
  2. IHelloService.Stub抽象类实现了IHelloService接口,但并没有实现sayhello,sayhello_to这两个服务函数,因此这两个服务函数交由IHelloService.Stub的派生类HelloService实现,java的HelloService类的作用等同于C++中的BnHelloServie.cpp的功能
  3. IHelloService.Stub.Proxy类作为服务端的代理类,完全自动生成,用于被客户端直接调用,Proxy类实现了IHelloService接口的sayhello,sayhello_to两个函数,Proxy类等同于C++中的BpHelloService.cpp的功能
 * This file is auto-generated.  DO NOT MODIFY.
 * Original file: frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/IHelloService.aidl
/** {@hide} */
public interface IHelloService extends android.os.IInterface
    /** Local-side IPC implementation stub class. */
    public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.Binder implements IHelloService
        private static final java.lang.String DESCRIPTOR = "IHelloService";
        /** Construct the stub at attach it to the interface. */
        public Stub()
            this.attachInterface(this, DESCRIPTOR);
         * Cast an IBinder object into an IHelloService interface,
         * generating a proxy if needed.
        public static IHelloService asInterface(android.os.IBinder obj)
            if ((obj==null)) {
            return null;
            android.os.IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface(DESCRIPTOR);
            if (((iin!=null)&&(iin instanceof IHelloService))) {
            return ((IHelloService)iin);
            return new IHelloService.Stub.Proxy(obj);
        @Override public android.os.IBinder asBinder()
            return this;
        @Override public boolean onTransact(int code, android.os.Parcel data, android.os.Parcel reply, int flags) throws android.os.RemoteException
            switch (code)
                case INTERFACE_TRANSACTION:
                    return true;
                case TRANSACTION_sayhello:
                    return true;
                case TRANSACTION_sayhello_to:
                    java.lang.String _arg0;
                    _arg0 = data.readString();
                    int _result = this.sayhello_to(_arg0);
                    return true;
            return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
        private static class Proxy implements IHelloService
            private android.os.IBinder mRemote;
            Proxy(android.os.IBinder remote)
                mRemote = remote;
            @Override public android.os.IBinder asBinder()
                return mRemote;
            public java.lang.String getInterfaceDescriptor()
                return DESCRIPTOR;
            @Override public void sayhello() throws android.os.RemoteException
                android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
                android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
                try {
                    mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_sayhello, _data, _reply, 0);
                finally {
            @Override public int sayhello_to(java.lang.String name) throws android.os.RemoteException
                android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
                android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
                int _result;
                try {
                    mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_sayhello_to, _data, _reply, 0);
                    _result = _reply.readInt();
                finally {
                    return _result;
        static final int TRANSACTION_sayhello = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0);
        static final int TRANSACTION_sayhello_to = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 1);
    public void sayhello() throws android.os.RemoteException;
    public int sayhello_to(java.lang.String name) throws android.os.RemoteException;

3.3 HelloService.java


import android.util.Slog;

public class HelloService extends IHelloService.Stub {
    private static final String TAG = "HelloService";
    private int cnt1 = 0;
    private int cnt2 = 0;

    public void sayhello() throws android.os.RemoteException {
        Slog.i(TAG, "sayhello : cnt = "+cnt1);
    public int sayhello_to(java.lang.String name) throws android.os.RemoteException {
        Slog.i(TAG, "sayhello_to "+name+" : cnt = "+cnt2);
        return cnt2;

3.4 TestServer.java


import android.util.Slog;
import android.os.ServiceManager;

/* 1. addService
 * 2. while(true) { read data, parse data, call function, reply }

public class TestServer {
    private static final String TAG = "TestServer";

    public static void main(String args[])
        /* add Service */
        Slog.i(TAG, "add hello service");
        ServiceManager.addService("hello", new HelloService());
        while (true)
            try {
                  } catch (Exception e){}

3.5 TestClient.java


mport android.util.Slog;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
import android.os.IBinder;

/* 1. getService
 * 2. 调用服务的sayhello,sayhello_to

/* test_client <hello|goodbye> [name] */

public class TestClient {
    private static final String TAG = "TestClient";

    public static void main(String args[])
        if (args.length == 0)
            System.out.println("Usage: need parameter: <hello|goodbye> [name]");

        if (args[0].equals("hello"))
            /* 1. getService */
            IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("hello");
            if (binder == null)
                System.out.println("can not get hello service");
                Slog.i(TAG, "can not get hello service");

            IHelloService svr = IHelloService.Stub.asInterface(binder);

            if (args.length == 1)
                            try {
                        System.out.println("call sayhello");
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello");
                      } catch (Exception e) {}
                            try {
                        int cnt = svr.sayhello_to(args[1]);
                        System.out.println("call sayhello_to "+args[1]+" : cnt = "+cnt);
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello_to "+args[1]+" : cnt = "+cnt);
                      } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("call sayhello_to , err :"+e);
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello_to , err : "+e);

3.6 编译binder服务的Android.mk文件

# Copyright 2008 The Android Open Source Project
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := HelloService.java IHelloService.java TestServer.java
LOCAL_MODULE := TestServer

include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := HelloService.java IHelloService.java TestClient.java
LOCAL_MODULE := TestClient


上面我们讲解了如何用java语言写自己的android binder服务,下面我们深入分析java实现的binder的服务的内部逻辑,我们知道java最终会调用到C++的封装,而C++的binder实现我们上一篇文章手写一个C++ Android Binder服务及源码分析,已经分析过了,所以,这里的源码解析就解析到C++层面。

1. client端发送数据的实现机制

1.1 添加服务源码分析


public class TestServer {
    private static final String TAG = "TestServer";

    public static void main(String args[])
        /* add Service */
        Slog.i(TAG, "add hello service");
        ServiceManager.addService("hello", new HelloService());
        while (true)
            try {
                  } catch (Exception e){}

public static void addService(String name, IBinder service) {
    try {
        getIServiceManager().addService(name, service, false);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "error in addService", e);

private static IServiceManager getIServiceManager() {
    if (sServiceManager != null) {
        return sServiceManager;

    // Find the service manager
    sServiceManager = ServiceManagerNative
    return sServiceManager;
 * Cast a Binder object into a service manager interface, generating
 * a proxy if needed.
static public IServiceManager asInterface(IBinder obj)
    if (obj == null) {
        return null;
    IServiceManager in =
    if (in != null) {
        return in;
    return new ServiceManagerProxy(obj);

// addService是通过ServiceManagerProxy对象中的addService函数实现的
public void addService(String name, IBinder service, boolean allowIsolated)
        throws RemoteException {
    Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();
    Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();
    data.writeInt(allowIsolated ? 1 : 0);
    mRemote.transact(ADD_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);

1.2 获取服务源码分析


public class TestClient {
    private static final String TAG = "TestClient";

    public static void main(String args[])
        if (args.length == 0)
            System.out.println("Usage: need parameter: <hello|goodbye> [name]");

        if (args[0].equals("hello"))
            /* 1. getService */
            IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("hello");
            if (binder == null)
                System.out.println("can not get hello service");
                Slog.i(TAG, "can not get hello service");

            IHelloService svr = IHelloService.Stub.asInterface(binder);

            if (args.length == 1)
                    try {
                        System.out.println("call sayhello");
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello");
                      } catch (Exception e) {}
                    try {
                        int cnt = svr.sayhello_to(args[1]);
                        System.out.println("call sayhello_to "+args[1]+" : cnt = "+cnt);
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello_to "+args[1]+" : cnt = "+cnt);
                      } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("call sayhello_to , err :"+e);
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello_to , err : "+e);

 * Returns a reference to a service with the given name.
 * @param name the name of the service to get
 * @return a reference to the service, or <code>null</code> if the service doesn't exist
 * @hide
public static IBinder getService(String name) {
    try {
        IBinder service = sCache.get(name);
        if (service != null) {
            return service;
        } else {
            return Binder.allowBlocking(rawGetService(name));
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "error in getService", e);
    return null;

private static IBinder rawGetService(String name) throws RemoteException {
        final long start = sStatLogger.getTime();

        final IBinder binder = getIServiceManager().getService(name);

        return binder;

private static IServiceManager getIServiceManager() {
    if (sServiceManager != null) {
        return sServiceManager;

    // Find the service manager
    sServiceManager = ServiceManagerNative
    return sServiceManager;

 * Cast a Binder object into a service manager interface, generating
 * a proxy if needed.
static public IServiceManager asInterface(IBinder obj)
    if (obj == null) {
        return null;
    IServiceManager in =
    if (in != null) {
        return in;
    return new ServiceManagerProxy(obj);

// getService是通过ServiceManagerProxy对象中的getService函数实现的
public IBinder getService(String name) throws RemoteException {
    Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();
    Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();
    mRemote.transact(GET_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);
    IBinder binder = reply.readStrongBinder();
    return binder;

1.3 client端执行服务函数源码分析


public class TestClient {
    private static final String TAG = "TestClient";

    public static void main(String args[])
        if (args.length == 0)
            System.out.println("Usage: need parameter: <hello|goodbye> [name]");

        if (args[0].equals("hello"))
            /* 1. getService */
            IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("hello");
            if (binder == null)
                System.out.println("can not get hello service");
                Slog.i(TAG, "can not get hello service");
            // 获得服务的代理类,IHelloService.Stub.Proxy对象
            IHelloService svr = IHelloService.Stub.asInterface(binder);

            if (args.length == 1)
                    try {
                        // 执行服务函数
                        System.out.println("call sayhello");
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello");
                      } catch (Exception e) {}
                    try {
                        // 执行服务函数
                        int cnt = svr.sayhello_to(args[1]);
                        System.out.println("call sayhello_to "+args[1]+" : cnt = "+cnt);
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello_to "+args[1]+" : cnt = "+cnt);
                      } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("call sayhello_to , err :"+e);
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello_to , err : "+e);

@Override public void sayhello() throws android.os.RemoteException
    android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
    android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
    try {
        // 向服务端发送数据
        mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_sayhello, _data, _reply, 0);
    finally {
@Override public int sayhello_to(java.lang.String name) throws android.os.RemoteException
    android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
    android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
    int _result;
    try {
        // 向服务端发送数据
        mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_sayhello_to, _data, _reply, 0);
        _result = _reply.readInt();
    finally {
        return _result;


1.4 ServiceManagerProxy中mRemote的构造源码分析

  • ServiceManager.addService添加服务,构造ServiceManagerProxy对象时传入的参数就是mRemote
  • 该参数由BinderInternal.getContextObject()方法获得,该方法是一个native方法,即通过JNI才可以调用的由C++实现的方法,该C++函数最终得到一个Java BinderProxy对象,其中mObject指向new BpBinder(0),BpBinder中的mHandle属性等于0,代表目的进程,即servicemanager进程。
    因此,mRemote是一个由C++程序创建的Java BinderProxy对象,其中mObject指向new BpBinder(0)
 public class TestServer {
    private static final String TAG = "TestServer";

    public static void main(String args[])
        /* add Service */
        Slog.i(TAG, "add hello service");
        ServiceManager.addService("hello", new HelloService());

        while (true)
            try {
                  } catch (Exception e){}
public static void addService(String name, IBinder service) {
    try {
        getIServiceManager().addService(name, service, false);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "error in addService", e);

private static IServiceManager getIServiceManager() {
    if (sServiceManager != null) {
        return sServiceManager;

    // Find the service manager
    sServiceManager = ServiceManagerNative.asInterface(BinderInternal.getContextObject());
    return sServiceManager;

static public IServiceManager asInterface(IBinder obj)
    if (obj == null) {
        return null;
    IServiceManager in =
    if (in != null) {
        return in;
    return new ServiceManagerProxy(obj);

public ServiceManagerProxy(IBinder remote) {
    mRemote = remote;

 * Return the global "context object" of the system.  This is usually
 * an implementation of IServiceManager, which you can use to find
 * other services.
// C或C++函数,通过JNI调用。具体的实现代码,在source insight工具中可以通过ctrl + /进行搜索,找到这个JNI定义的地方
//该函数最终得到一个Java BinderProxy对象,其中mObject指向new BpBinder(0)
public static final native IBinder getContextObject();

static const JNINativeMethod gBinderInternalMethods[] = {
     /* name, signature, funcPtr */
    { "getContextObject", "()Landroid/os/IBinder;", (void*)android_os_BinderInternal_getContextObject },
    { "joinThreadPool", "()V", (void*)android_os_BinderInternal_joinThreadPool },
    { "disableBackgroundScheduling", "(Z)V", (void*)android_os_BinderInternal_disableBackgroundScheduling },
    { "setMaxThreads", "(I)V", (void*)android_os_BinderInternal_setMaxThreads },
    { "handleGc", "()V", (void*)android_os_BinderInternal_handleGc }

static jobject android_os_BinderInternal_getContextObject(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz)
    sp<IBinder> b = ProcessState::self()->getContextObject(NULL);
    return javaObjectForIBinder(env, b); //b = new BpBinder(0)

sp<IBinder> ProcessState::getContextObject(const sp<IBinder>& /*caller*/)
    return getStrongProxyForHandle(0);

sp<IBinder> ProcessState::getStrongProxyForHandle(int32_t handle)
    sp<IBinder> result;

    AutoMutex _l(mLock);

    handle_entry* e = lookupHandleLocked(handle);

    if (e != NULL) {
        // We need to create a new BpBinder if there isn't currently one, OR we
        // are unable to acquire a weak reference on this current one.  See comment
        // in getWeakProxyForHandle() for more info about this.
        IBinder* b = e->binder;
        if (b == NULL || !e->refs->attemptIncWeak(this)) {
            if (handle == 0) {
                // Special case for context manager...
                // The context manager is the only object for which we create
                // a BpBinder proxy without already holding a reference.
                // Perform a dummy transaction to ensure the context manager
                // is registered before we create the first local reference
                // to it (which will occur when creating the BpBinder).
                // If a local reference is created for the BpBinder when the
                // context manager is not present, the driver will fail to
                // provide a reference to the context manager, but the
                // driver API does not return status.
                // Note that this is not race-free if the context manager
                // dies while this code runs.
                // TODO: add a driver API to wait for context manager, or
                // stop special casing handle 0 for context manager and add
                // a driver API to get a handle to the context manager with
                // proper reference counting.

                Parcel data;
                status_t status = IPCThreadState::self()->transact(
                        0, IBinder::PING_TRANSACTION, data, NULL, 0);
                if (status == DEAD_OBJECT)
                   return NULL;

            b = new BpBinder(handle); //mHandle = 0
            e->binder = b;
            if (b) e->refs = b->getWeakRefs();
            result = b;
        } else {
            // This little bit of nastyness is to allow us to add a primary
            // reference to the remote proxy when this team doesn't have one
            // but another team is sending the handle to us.

    return result;

jobject javaObjectForIBinder(JNIEnv* env, const sp<IBinder>& val)
    if (val == NULL) return NULL;

    if (val->checkSubclass(&gBinderOffsets)) {
        // One of our own!
        jobject object = static_cast<JavaBBinder*>(val.get())->object();
        LOGDEATH("objectForBinder %p: it's our own %p!\n", val.get(), object);
        return object;

    // For the rest of the function we will hold this lock, to serialize
    // looking/creation/destruction of Java proxies for native Binder proxies.
    AutoMutex _l(mProxyLock);

    // Someone else's...  do we know about it?
    jobject object = (jobject)val->findObject(&gBinderProxyOffsets);
    if (object != NULL) {
        jobject res = jniGetReferent(env, object);
        if (res != NULL) {
            ALOGV("objectForBinder %p: found existing %p!\n", val.get(), res);
            return res;
        LOGDEATH("Proxy object %p of IBinder %p no longer in working set!!!", object, val.get());
    //使用C++代码来创建java BinderProxy对象
    object = env->NewObject(gBinderProxyOffsets.mClass, gBinderProxyOffsets.mConstructor);
    if (object != NULL) {
        LOGDEATH("objectForBinder %p: created new proxy %p !\n", val.get(), object);
        // The proxy holds a reference to the native object.
        //设置BinderProxy对象中的object = val.get = new BpBinder(0)
        env->SetLongField(object, gBinderProxyOffsets.mObject, (jlong)val.get());

        // The native object needs to hold a weak reference back to the
        // proxy, so we can retrieve the same proxy if it is still active.
        jobject refObject = env->NewGlobalRef(
                env->GetObjectField(object, gBinderProxyOffsets.mSelf));
        val->attachObject(&gBinderProxyOffsets, refObject,
                jnienv_to_javavm(env), proxy_cleanup);

        // Also remember the death recipients registered on this proxy
        sp<DeathRecipientList> drl = new DeathRecipientList;
        env->SetLongField(object, gBinderProxyOffsets.mOrgue, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(drl.get()));

        // Note that a new object reference has been created.

    return object;

const char* const kBinderProxyPathName = "android/os/BinderProxy";

static int int_register_android_os_BinderProxy(JNIEnv* env)
    jclass clazz = FindClassOrDie(env, "java/lang/Error");
    gErrorOffsets.mClass = MakeGlobalRefOrDie(env, clazz);

    clazz = FindClassOrDie(env, kBinderProxyPathName);
    gBinderProxyOffsets.mClass = MakeGlobalRefOrDie(env, clazz);
    gBinderProxyOffsets.mConstructor = GetMethodIDOrDie(env, clazz, "<init>", "()V");

1.5 IHelloService.Stub.Proxy中mRemote的构造源码分析

  • 客户端获取使用服务时先调用IHelloService.Stub.asInterface(binder)获得IHelloService.Stub.Proxy对象
  • 而传入Proxy构造函数的参数binder就是mRemote,即mRemote就是 ServiceManager.getService(“hello”)拿到的IBinder
  • 而ServiceManager.getService最终使用JNI调用C++实现的nativeReadStrongBinder函数,该函数会创建一个java BinderProxy对象
  • 而BinderProxy对象中的mObject = parcel->readStrongBinder()
  • 而parcel->readStrongBinder()就是服务端的handle值。

因此,mRemote是一个由C++程序创建的Java BinderProxy对象,其中mObject指向new BpBinder(handle),handle是从service_manager中返回的对应hello服务的值。

public class TestClient {
    private static final String TAG = "TestClient";

    public static void main(String args[])
        if (args.length == 0)
            System.out.println("Usage: need parameter: <hello|goodbye> [name]");

        if (args[0].equals("hello"))
            /* 1. getService */
            IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("hello");
            if (binder == null)
                System.out.println("can not get hello service");
                Slog.i(TAG, "can not get hello service");

            IHelloService svr = IHelloService.Stub.asInterface(binder);

            if (args.length == 1)
                    try {
                        System.out.println("call sayhello");
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello");
                      } catch (Exception e) {}
                    try {
                        int cnt = svr.sayhello_to(args[1]);
                        System.out.println("call sayhello_to "+args[1]+" : cnt = "+cnt);
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello_to "+args[1]+" : cnt = "+cnt);
                      } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("call sayhello_to , err :"+e);
                        Slog.i(TAG, "call sayhello_to , err : "+e);

 * Cast an IBinder object into an IHelloService interface,
 * generating a proxy if needed.
public static IHelloService asInterface(android.os.IBinder obj)
    if ((obj==null)) {
    return null;
    android.os.IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface(DESCRIPTOR);
    if (((iin!=null)&&(iin instanceof IHelloService))) {
    return ((IHelloService)iin);
    return new IHelloService.Stub.Proxy(obj);

private static class Proxy implements IHelloService
    private android.os.IBinder mRemote;
    Proxy(android.os.IBinder remote)
        mRemote = remote;
// 由上面的2可知,IBinder binder = ServiceManager.getService("hello");
// 是通过ServiceManagerProxy对象中的getService函数实现的
// 源码地址:https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base/blob/cm-14.1/core/java/android/os/ServiceManagerNative.java#L109C7-L109C26
public IBinder getService(String name) throws RemoteException {
    Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();
    Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();
    mRemote.transact(GET_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);
    IBinder binder = reply.readStrongBinder();//这个就是IHelloService.Stub.Proxy中mRemote
    return binder;

 * Read an object from the parcel at the current dataPosition().
public final IBinder readStrongBinder() {
    return nativeReadStrongBinder(mNativePtr);

private static native IBinder nativeReadStrongBinder(long nativePtr);

static const JNINativeMethod gParcelMethods[] = {
{"nativeReadStrongBinder",    "(J)Landroid/os/IBinder;", (void*)android_os_Parcel_readStrongBinder}

static jobject android_os_Parcel_readStrongBinder(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr)
    //把java Parcel对象转换为C++ Parcel对象
    Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
    if (parcel != NULL) {
        //它会创建一个java BinderProxy对象,而BinderProxy对象中的mObject = parcel->readStrongBinder()
        return javaObjectForIBinder(env, parcel->readStrongBinder());
    return NULL;

sp<IBinder> Parcel::readStrongBinder() const
    sp<IBinder> val;
    return val;

status_t Parcel::readStrongBinder(sp<IBinder>* val) const
    return unflatten_binder(ProcessState::self(), *this, val);

status_t unflatten_binder(const sp<ProcessState>& proc,
    const Parcel& in, sp<IBinder>* out)
    const flat_binder_object* flat = in.readObject(false);

    if (flat) {
        switch (flat->type) {
            case BINDER_TYPE_BINDER:
                *out = reinterpret_cast<IBinder*>(flat->cookie);
                return finish_unflatten_binder(NULL, *flat, in);
            case BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE:
                // 通过handle创建BpBinder对象
                *out = proc->getStrongProxyForHandle(flat->handle);
                return finish_unflatten_binder(
                    static_cast<BpBinder*>(out->get()), *flat, in);
    return BAD_TYPE;

sp<IBinder> ProcessState::getStrongProxyForHandle(int32_t handle)
    sp<IBinder> result;

    AutoMutex _l(mLock);

    handle_entry* e = lookupHandleLocked(handle);

    if (e != NULL) {
        // We need to create a new BpBinder if there isn't currently one, OR we
        // are unable to acquire a weak reference on this current one.  See comment
        // in getWeakProxyForHandle() for more info about this.
        IBinder* b = e->binder;
        if (b == NULL || !e->refs->attemptIncWeak(this)) {
            if (handle == 0) {
                // Special case for context manager...
                // The context manager is the only object for which we create
                // a BpBinder proxy without already holding a reference.
                // Perform a dummy transaction to ensure the context manager
                // is registered before we create the first local reference
                // to it (which will occur when creating the BpBinder).
                // If a local reference is created for the BpBinder when the
                // context manager is not present, the driver will fail to
                // provide a reference to the context manager, but the
                // driver API does not return status.
                // Note that this is not race-free if the context manager
                // dies while this code runs.
                // TODO: add a driver API to wait for context manager, or
                // stop special casing handle 0 for context manager and add
                // a driver API to get a handle to the context manager with
                // proper reference counting.

                Parcel data;
                status_t status = IPCThreadState::self()->transact(
                        0, IBinder::PING_TRANSACTION, data, NULL, 0);
                if (status == DEAD_OBJECT)
                   return NULL;
            // 创建BpBinder对象
            b = new BpBinder(handle); 
            e->binder = b;
            if (b) e->refs = b->getWeakRefs();
            result = b;
        } else {
            // This little bit of nastyness is to allow us to add a primary
            // reference to the remote proxy when this team doesn't have one
            // but another team is sending the handle to us.

    return result;

1.6 已知mRemote是一个java BinderProxy对象,那么再分析下mRemote.transact

最终调用到C++对象BpBinder的transact函数,到这就和C++的Binder实现接上了,BpBinder的transact函数在手写一个C++ Android Binder服务及源码分析中已经详细解释,这里不再赘述。


public boolean transact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags) throws RemoteException {
    Binder.checkParcel(this, code, data, "Unreasonably large binder buffer");
    if (Binder.isTracingEnabled()) { Binder.getTransactionTracker().addTrace(); }
    return transactNative(code, data, reply, flags);

public native boolean transactNative(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply,
        int flags) throws RemoteException;
static const JNINativeMethod gBinderProxyMethods[] = {
     /* name, signature, funcPtr */
    {"pingBinder",          "()Z", (void*)android_os_BinderProxy_pingBinder},
    {"isBinderAlive",       "()Z", (void*)android_os_BinderProxy_isBinderAlive},
    {"getInterfaceDescriptor", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void*)android_os_BinderProxy_getInterfaceDescriptor},
    {"transactNative",      "(ILandroid/os/Parcel;Landroid/os/Parcel;I)Z", (void*)android_os_BinderProxy_transact},
    {"linkToDeath",         "(Landroid/os/IBinder$DeathRecipient;I)V", (void*)android_os_BinderProxy_linkToDeath},
    {"unlinkToDeath",       "(Landroid/os/IBinder$DeathRecipient;I)Z", (void*)android_os_BinderProxy_unlinkToDeath},
    {"destroy",             "()V", (void*)android_os_BinderProxy_destroy},

static jboolean android_os_BinderProxy_transact(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,
        jint code, jobject dataObj, jobject replyObj, jint flags) // throws RemoteException
    if (dataObj == NULL) {
        jniThrowNullPointerException(env, NULL);
        return JNI_FALSE;

    Parcel* data = parcelForJavaObject(env, dataObj);
    if (data == NULL) {
        return JNI_FALSE;
    Parcel* reply = parcelForJavaObject(env, replyObj);
    if (reply == NULL && replyObj != NULL) {
        return JNI_FALSE;
    //从java BinderProxy对象中取出mObject,它就是一个BpBinder对象
    IBinder* target = (IBinder*)
        env->GetLongField(obj, gBinderProxyOffsets.mObject);
    if (target == NULL) {
        jniThrowException(env, "java/lang/IllegalStateException", "Binder has been finalized!");
        return JNI_FALSE;

    ALOGV("Java code calling transact on %p in Java object %p with code %" PRId32 "\n",
            target, obj, code);

    bool time_binder_calls;
    int64_t start_millis;
    if (kEnableBinderSample) {
        // Only log the binder call duration for things on the Java-level main thread.
        // But if we don't
        time_binder_calls = should_time_binder_calls();

        if (time_binder_calls) {
            start_millis = uptimeMillis();

    //printf("Transact from Java code to %p sending: ", target); data->print();
    status_t err = target->transact(code, *data, reply, flags);
    //if (reply) printf("Transact from Java code to %p received: ", target); reply->print();

    if (kEnableBinderSample) {
        if (time_binder_calls) {
            conditionally_log_binder_call(start_millis, target, code);

    if (err == NO_ERROR) {
        return JNI_TRUE;
    } else if (err == UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION) {
        return JNI_FALSE;

    signalExceptionForError(env, obj, err, true /*canThrowRemoteException*/, data->dataSize());
    return JNI_FALSE;

2. server端读取数据/执行服务的实现机制

public class TestServer {
    private static final String TAG = "TestServer";

    public static void main(String args[])
        /* add Service */
        Slog.i(TAG, "add hello service");
        ServiceManager.addService("hello", new HelloService());
        while (true)
            try {
                  } catch (Exception e){}

2.1 app_process为服务创建binder线程,实现读取数据


  • app_main运行TestServer服务后,它最终会导致app_main.cpp中AppRuntime类的onStarted函数被调用
  • onStarted函数中通过ProcessState.startThreadPool创建子线程
  • 最终在PoolThread中的threadLoop函数中调用IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(mIsMain)来读取/处理客户端数据
  • IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool在手写一个C++ Android Binder服务及源码分析中已经详细解释,这里不再赘述。
int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
    if (prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0) < 0) {
        // Older kernels don't understand PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS and return
        // EINVAL. Don't die on such kernels.
        if (errno != EINVAL) {
            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS failed: %s", strerror(errno));
            return 12;

    AppRuntime runtime(argv[0], computeArgBlockSize(argc, argv));
    // Process command line arguments
    // ignore argv[0]

    // Everything up to '--' or first non '-' arg goes to the vm.
    // The first argument after the VM args is the "parent dir", which
    // is currently unused.
    // After the parent dir, we expect one or more the following internal
    // arguments :
    // --zygote : Start in zygote mode
    // --start-system-server : Start the system server.
    // --application : Start in application (stand alone, non zygote) mode.
    // --nice-name : The nice name for this process.
    // For non zygote starts, these arguments will be followed by
    // the main class name. All remaining arguments are passed to
    // the main method of this class.
    // For zygote starts, all remaining arguments are passed to the zygote.
    // main function.
    // Note that we must copy argument string values since we will rewrite the
    // entire argument block when we apply the nice name to argv0.

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
        if (argv[i][1] == '-' && argv[i][2] == 0) {
            ++i; // Skip --.

    // Parse runtime arguments.  Stop at first unrecognized option.
    bool zygote = false;
    bool startSystemServer = false;
    bool application = false;
    String8 niceName;
    String8 className;

    ++i;  // Skip unused "parent dir" argument.
    while (i < argc) {
        const char* arg = argv[i++];
        if (strcmp(arg, "--zygote") == 0) {
            zygote = true;
            niceName = ZYGOTE_NICE_NAME;
        } else if (strcmp(arg, "--start-system-server") == 0) {
            startSystemServer = true;
        } else if (strcmp(arg, "--application") == 0) {
            application = true;
        } else if (strncmp(arg, "--nice-name=", 12) == 0) {
            niceName.setTo(arg + 12);
        } else if (strncmp(arg, "--", 2) != 0) {
        } else {

    Vector<String8> args;
    if (!className.isEmpty()) {
        // We're not in zygote mode, the only argument we need to pass
        // to RuntimeInit is the application argument.
        // The Remainder of args get passed to startup class main(). Make
        // copies of them before we overwrite them with the process name.
        args.add(application ? String8("application") : String8("tool"));
        runtime.setClassNameAndArgs(className, argc - i, argv + i);
    } else {
        // We're in zygote mode.

        if (startSystemServer) {

        char prop[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
        if (property_get(ABI_LIST_PROPERTY, prop, NULL) == 0) {
            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("app_process: Unable to determine ABI list from property %s.",
            return 11;

        String8 abiFlag("--abi-list=");

        // In zygote mode, pass all remaining arguments to the zygote
        // main() method.
        for (; i < argc; ++i) {

    if (!niceName.isEmpty()) {

    if (zygote) {
        runtime.start("com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit", args, zygote);
    } else if (className) {
        runtime.start("com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit", args, zygote);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: no class name or --zygote supplied.\n");
        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("app_process: no class name or --zygote supplied.");
        return 10;


virtual void onStarted()
    sp<ProcessState> proc = ProcessState::self();
    ALOGV("App process: starting thread pool.\n");

    AndroidRuntime* ar = AndroidRuntime::getRuntime();
    ar->callMain(mClassName, mClass, mArgs);


void ProcessState::startThreadPool()
    AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    if (!mThreadPoolStarted) {
        mThreadPoolStarted = true;

void ProcessState::spawnPooledThread(bool isMain)
    if (mThreadPoolStarted) {
        String8 name = makeBinderThreadName();
        ALOGV("Spawning new pooled thread, name=%s\n", name.string());
        // 创建子线程
        sp<Thread> t = new PoolThread(isMain);
        // 运行子线程

status_t Thread::run(const char* name, int32_t priority, size_t stack)
    if (name == nullptr) {
        ALOGW("Thread name not provided to Thread::run");
        name = 0;

    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

    if (mRunning) {
        // thread already started
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    // reset status and exitPending to their default value, so we can
    // try again after an error happened (either below, or in readyToRun())
    mStatus = NO_ERROR;
    mExitPending = false;
    mThread = thread_id_t(-1);

    // hold a strong reference on ourself
    mHoldSelf = this;

    mRunning = true;

    bool res;
    if (mCanCallJava) {
        res = createThreadEtc(_threadLoop,
                this, name, priority, stack, &mThread);
    } else {
        res = androidCreateRawThreadEtc(_threadLoop,
                this, name, priority, stack, &mThread);

    if (res == false) {
        mStatus = UNKNOWN_ERROR;   // something happened!
        mRunning = false;
        mThread = thread_id_t(-1);
        mHoldSelf.clear();  // "this" may have gone away after this.

        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;

    // Do not refer to mStatus here: The thread is already running (may, in fact
    // already have exited with a valid mStatus result). The NO_ERROR indication
    // here merely indicates successfully starting the thread and does not
    // imply successful termination/execution.
    return NO_ERROR;

    // Exiting scope of mLock is a memory barrier and allows new thread to run

int Thread::_threadLoop(void* user)
    Thread* const self = static_cast<Thread*>(user);

    sp<Thread> strong(self->mHoldSelf);
    wp<Thread> weak(strong);

#if defined(__ANDROID__)
    // this is very useful for debugging with gdb
    self->mTid = gettid();

    bool first = true;

    do {
        bool result;
        if (first) {
            first = false;
            self->mStatus = self->readyToRun();
            result = (self->mStatus == NO_ERROR);

            if (result && !self->exitPending()) {
                // Binder threads (and maybe others) rely on threadLoop
                // running at least once after a successful ::readyToRun()
                // (unless, of course, the thread has already been asked to exit
                // at that point).
                // This is because threads are essentially used like this:
                //   (new ThreadSubclass())->run();
                // The caller therefore does not retain a strong reference to
                // the thread and the thread would simply disappear after the
                // successful ::readyToRun() call instead of entering the
                // threadLoop at least once.
                result = self->threadLoop();
        } else {
            result = self->threadLoop();

        // establish a scope for mLock
        Mutex::Autolock _l(self->mLock);
        if (result == false || self->mExitPending) {
            self->mExitPending = true;
            self->mRunning = false;
            // clear thread ID so that requestExitAndWait() does not exit if
            // called by a new thread using the same thread ID as this one.
            self->mThread = thread_id_t(-1);
            // note that interested observers blocked in requestExitAndWait are
            // awoken by broadcast, but blocked on mLock until break exits scope

        // Release our strong reference, to let a chance to the thread
        // to die a peaceful death.
        // And immediately, re-acquire a strong reference for the next loop
        strong = weak.promote();
    } while(strong != 0);

    return 0;

class PoolThread : public Thread
    PoolThread(bool isMain)
        : mIsMain(isMain)
    virtual bool threadLoop()
        return false;
    const bool mIsMain;

2.3 在某个线程的IPCThreadState的joinThreadPool函数中的循环里读取数据


  1. 读到的数据中含有.prt/.cookie
  2. 把cookie转换成BBinder对象
  3. 调用BBinder派生类JavaBBinder的transact函数
  4. C++调用Binder.java中的execTransact函数
  5. 调用IHelloService.java中的onTransact函数
  6. 调用服务端的本地函数
void IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool isMain)
    LOG_THREADPOOL("**** THREAD %p (PID %d) IS JOINING THE THREAD POOL\n", (void*)pthread_self(), getpid());

    mOut.writeInt32(isMain ? BC_ENTER_LOOPER : BC_REGISTER_LOOPER);
    // This thread may have been spawned by a thread that was in the background
    // scheduling group, so first we will make sure it is in the foreground
    // one to avoid performing an initial transaction in the background.
    set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_FOREGROUND);
    status_t result;
    do {
        // now get the next command to be processed, waiting if necessary
        result = getAndExecuteCommand();

        if (result < NO_ERROR && result != TIMED_OUT && result != -ECONNREFUSED && result != -EBADF) {
            ALOGE("getAndExecuteCommand(fd=%d) returned unexpected error %d, aborting",
                  mProcess->mDriverFD, result);
        // Let this thread exit the thread pool if it is no longer
        // needed and it is not the main process thread.
        if(result == TIMED_OUT && !isMain) {
    } while (result != -ECONNREFUSED && result != -EBADF);

        (void*)pthread_self(), getpid(), (void*)result);

status_t IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()
    status_t result;
    int32_t cmd;
    result = talkWithDriver();
    if (result >= NO_ERROR) {
        size_t IN = mIn.dataAvail();
        if (IN < sizeof(int32_t)) return result;
        cmd = mIn.readInt32();
        IF_LOG_COMMANDS() {
            alog << "Processing top-level Command: "
                 << getReturnString(cmd) << endl;

        if (mProcess->mExecutingThreadsCount >= mProcess->mMaxThreads &&
                mProcess->mStarvationStartTimeMs == 0) {
            mProcess->mStarvationStartTimeMs = uptimeMillis();
        result = executeCommand(cmd);

        if (mProcess->mExecutingThreadsCount < mProcess->mMaxThreads &&
                mProcess->mStarvationStartTimeMs != 0) {
            int64_t starvationTimeMs = uptimeMillis() - mProcess->mStarvationStartTimeMs;
            if (starvationTimeMs > 100) {
                ALOGE("binder thread pool (%zu threads) starved for %" PRId64 " ms",
                      mProcess->mMaxThreads, starvationTimeMs);
            mProcess->mStarvationStartTimeMs = 0;

        // After executing the command, ensure that the thread is returned to the
        // foreground cgroup before rejoining the pool.  The driver takes care of
        // restoring the priority, but doesn't do anything with cgroups so we
        // need to take care of that here in userspace.  Note that we do make
        // sure to go in the foreground after executing a transaction, but
        // there are other callbacks into user code that could have changed
        // our group so we want to make absolutely sure it is put back.
        set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_FOREGROUND);

    return result;

status_t IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int32_t cmd)
    BBinder* obj;
    RefBase::weakref_type* refs;
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    switch ((uint32_t)cmd) {
    // 处理数据
            binder_transaction_data tr;
            result = mIn.read(&tr, sizeof(tr));
            ALOG_ASSERT(result == NO_ERROR,
                "Not enough command data for brTRANSACTION");
            if (result != NO_ERROR) break;
            Parcel buffer;
                reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(tr.data.ptr.buffer),
                reinterpret_cast<const binder_size_t*>(tr.data.ptr.offsets),
                tr.offsets_size/sizeof(binder_size_t), freeBuffer, this);
            const pid_t origPid = mCallingPid;
            const uid_t origUid = mCallingUid;
            const int32_t origStrictModePolicy = mStrictModePolicy;
            const int32_t origTransactionBinderFlags = mLastTransactionBinderFlags;

            mCallingPid = tr.sender_pid;
            mCallingUid = tr.sender_euid;
            mLastTransactionBinderFlags = tr.flags;

            int curPrio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, mMyThreadId);
            if (gDisableBackgroundScheduling) {
                if (curPrio > ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL) {
                    // We have inherited a reduced priority from the caller, but do not
                    // want to run in that state in this process.  The driver set our
                    // priority already (though not our scheduling class), so bounce
                    // it back to the default before invoking the transaction.
                    setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, mMyThreadId, ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
            } else {
                if (curPrio >= ANDROID_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND) {
                    // We want to use the inherited priority from the caller.
                    // Ensure this thread is in the background scheduling class,
                    // since the driver won't modify scheduling classes for us.
                    // The scheduling group is reset to default by the caller
                    // once this method returns after the transaction is complete.
                    set_sched_policy(mMyThreadId, SP_BACKGROUND);

            //ALOGI(">>>> TRANSACT from pid %d uid %d\n", mCallingPid, mCallingUid);

            Parcel reply;
            status_t error;
            IF_LOG_TRANSACTIONS() {
                TextOutput::Bundle _b(alog);
                alog << "BR_TRANSACTION thr " << (void*)pthread_self()
                    << " / obj " << tr.target.ptr << " / code "
                    << TypeCode(tr.code) << ": " << indent << buffer
                    << dedent << endl
                    << "Data addr = "
                    << reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(tr.data.ptr.buffer)
                    << ", offsets addr="
                    << reinterpret_cast<const size_t*>(tr.data.ptr.offsets) << endl;
            if (tr.target.ptr) {
                // We only have a weak reference on the target object, so we must first try to
                // safely acquire a strong reference before doing anything else with it.
                if (reinterpret_cast<RefBase::weakref_type*>(
                        tr.target.ptr)->attemptIncStrong(this)) {
                    error = reinterpret_cast<BBinder*>(tr.cookie)->transact(tr.code, buffer,
                            &reply, tr.flags);
                } else {
                    error = UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION;

            } else {
                error = the_context_object->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, tr.flags);

            //ALOGI("<<<< TRANSACT from pid %d restore pid %d uid %d\n",
            //     mCallingPid, origPid, origUid);
            if ((tr.flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0) {
                LOG_ONEWAY("Sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid);
                if (error < NO_ERROR) reply.setError(error);
                sendReply(reply, 0);
            } else {
                LOG_ONEWAY("NOT sending reply to %d!", mCallingPid);
            mCallingPid = origPid;
            mCallingUid = origUid;
            mStrictModePolicy = origStrictModePolicy;
            mLastTransactionBinderFlags = origTransactionBinderFlags;

            IF_LOG_TRANSACTIONS() {
                TextOutput::Bundle _b(alog);
                alog << "BC_REPLY thr " << (void*)pthread_self() << " / obj "
                    << tr.target.ptr << ": " << indent << reply << dedent << endl;
        printf("*** BAD COMMAND %d received from Binder driver\n", cmd);
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;

    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        mLastError = result;
    return result;

status_t BBinder::transact(
    uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)

    status_t err = NO_ERROR;
    switch (code) {
        case PING_TRANSACTION:
            err = onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);

    if (reply != NULL) {

    return err;

//class JavaBBinder
class JavaBBinder : public BBinder
    JavaBBinder(JNIEnv* env, jobject object)
        : mVM(jnienv_to_javavm(env)), mObject(env->NewGlobalRef(object))
        ALOGV("Creating JavaBBinder %p\n", this);

    bool    checkSubclass(const void* subclassID) const
        return subclassID == &gBinderOffsets;

    jobject object() const
        return mObject;

    virtual ~JavaBBinder()
        ALOGV("Destroying JavaBBinder %p\n", this);
        JNIEnv* env = javavm_to_jnienv(mVM);

    virtual status_t onTransact(
        uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0)
        JNIEnv* env = javavm_to_jnienv(mVM);

        ALOGV("onTransact() on %p calling object %p in env %p vm %p\n", this, mObject, env, mVM);

        IPCThreadState* thread_state = IPCThreadState::self();
        const int32_t strict_policy_before = thread_state->getStrictModePolicy();

        //printf("Transact from %p to Java code sending: ", this);
        jboolean res = env->CallBooleanMethod(mObject, gBinderOffsets.mExecTransact,
            code, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(&data), reinterpret_cast<jlong>(reply), flags);

        if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
            jthrowable excep = env->ExceptionOccurred();
            report_exception(env, excep,
                "*** Uncaught remote exception!  "
                "(Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)");
            res = JNI_FALSE;

            /* clean up JNI local ref -- we don't return to Java code */

        // Check if the strict mode state changed while processing the
        // call.  The Binder state will be restored by the underlying
        // Binder system in IPCThreadState, however we need to take care
        // of the parallel Java state as well.
        if (thread_state->getStrictModePolicy() != strict_policy_before) {
            set_dalvik_blockguard_policy(env, strict_policy_before);

        if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
            jthrowable excep = env->ExceptionOccurred();
            report_exception(env, excep,
                "*** Uncaught exception in onBinderStrictModePolicyChange");
            /* clean up JNI local ref -- we don't return to Java code */

        // Need to always call through the native implementation of
        if (code == SYSPROPS_TRANSACTION) {
            BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);

        //aout << "onTransact to Java code; result=" << res << endl
        //    << "Transact from " << this << " to Java code returning "
        //    << reply << ": " << *reply << endl;

    virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args)
        return 0;

    JavaVM* const   mVM;
    jobject const   mObject;

//gBinderOffsets.mExecTransac指向android/os/Binder java类中的execTransact方法
//而这个android/os/Binder java类就是它的派生类HelloService对象
gBinderOffsets.mExecTransact = GetMethodIDOrDie(env, clazz, "execTransact", "(IJJI)Z");
const char* const kBinderPathName = "android/os/Binder";
jclass clazz = FindClassOrDie(env, kBinderPathName);

private boolean execTransact(int code, long dataObj, long replyObj,
            int flags) {
        Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(dataObj);
        Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(replyObj);
        // theoretically, we should call transact, which will call onTransact,
        // but all that does is rewind it, and we just got these from an IPC,
        // so we'll just call it directly.
        boolean res;
        // Log any exceptions as warnings, don't silently suppress them.
        // If the call was FLAG_ONEWAY then these exceptions disappear into the ether.
        try {
            res = onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
        } catch (RemoteException|RuntimeException e) {
            if (LOG_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.", e);
            if ((flags & FLAG_ONEWAY) != 0) {
                if (e instanceof RemoteException) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Binder call failed.", e);
                } else {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.", e);
            } else {
            res = true;
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
            // Unconditionally log this, since this is generally unrecoverable.
            Log.e(TAG, "Caught an OutOfMemoryError from the binder stub implementation.", e);
            RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException("Out of memory", e);
            res = true;
        checkParcel(this, code, reply, "Unreasonably large binder reply buffer");

        // Just in case -- we are done with the IPC, so there should be no more strict
        // mode violations that have gathered for this thread.  Either they have been
        // parceled and are now in transport off to the caller, or we are returning back
        // to the main transaction loop to wait for another incoming transaction.  Either
        // way, strict mode begone!

        return res;

@Override public boolean onTransact(int code, android.os.Parcel data, android.os.Parcel reply, int flags) throws android.os.RemoteException
    switch (code)
            return true;
        case TRANSACTION_sayhello:
            return true;
        case TRANSACTION_sayhello_to:
            java.lang.String _arg0;
            _arg0 = data.readString();
            int _result = this.sayhello_to(_arg0);
            return true;
    return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);

public class HelloService extends IHelloService.Stub {
    private static final String TAG = "HelloService";
    private int cnt1 = 0;
    private int cnt2 = 0;

    public void sayhello() throws android.os.RemoteException {
        Slog.i(TAG, "sayhello : cnt = "+cnt1);
    public int sayhello_to(java.lang.String name) throws android.os.RemoteException {
        Slog.i(TAG, "sayhello_to "+name+" : cnt = "+cnt2);
        return cnt2;

2.4 cookie中的数据什么时候存储的?


  1. new HelloService()是java对象
  2. 处理数据时把.cookie转换成BBinder对象,它是C++对象
  3. 所以,addService中肯定会把JAVA对象转换成一个BBinder派生类对象,存在.cookie中


  1. addService会通过JNI调用C++函数,创建一个BBinder派生类JavaBBinder对象,其中的mObject指向JAVA对象new HelloService(),它含有onTransact函数,然后把这个JavaBBinder对象存入flat_binder_object对象的cookie中(最终存入binder驱动中该服务对应的binder_node.cookie中)
  2. server进程从驱动中读到cookie,转为BBinder对象,调用它的transact函数,然后transact函数最终调用到BBinder的派生类即JavaBBinder中定义的onTransact函数(C++实现)
  3. 调用IHelloService中定义的onTranscat函数(JAVA实现),分析数据,调用sayhello/sayhello_to


public class TestServer {
    private static final String TAG = "TestServer";

    public static void main(String args[])
        /* add Service */
        Slog.i(TAG, "add hello service");
        ServiceManager.addService("hello", new HelloService());
        while (true)
            try {
                  } catch (Exception e){}

// 之前分析过,ServiceManager.addService,最终会调用ServiceManagerProxy类中的addService
public void addService(String name, IBinder service, boolean allowIsolated)
        throws RemoteException {
    Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();
    Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();
    data.writeInt(allowIsolated ? 1 : 0);
    mRemote.transact(ADD_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);
 * Write an object into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),
 * growing dataCapacity() if needed.
public final void writeStrongBinder(IBinder val) {
    nativeWriteStrongBinder(mNativePtr, val); // val = service = new HelloService()

{"nativeWriteStrongBinder",   "(JLandroid/os/IBinder;)V", (void*)android_os_Parcel_writeStrongBinder},

该方法会构造一个JavaBBinder对象(C++对象),它的mObject=new HelloService()对象(java对象)
static void android_os_Parcel_writeStrongBinder(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong nativePtr, jobject object)
    Parcel* parcel = reinterpret_cast<Parcel*>(nativePtr);
    if (parcel != NULL) {
        const status_t err = parcel->writeStrongBinder(ibinderForJavaObject(env, object)); //object = new HelloService()
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            signalExceptionF orError(env, clazz, err);
status_t Parcel::writeStrongBinder(const sp<IBinder>& val)
    return flatten_binder(ProcessState::self(), val, this);

status_t flatten_binder(const sp<ProcessState>& /*proc*/,
    const sp<IBinder>& binder, Parcel* out)
    flat_binder_object obj;

    obj.flags = 0x7f | FLAT_BINDER_FLAG_ACCEPTS_FDS;
    if (binder != NULL) {
        IBinder *local = binder->localBinder();
        if (!local) {
            BpBinder *proxy = binder->remoteBinder();
            if (proxy == NULL) {
                ALOGE("null proxy");
            const int32_t handle = proxy ? proxy->handle() : 0;
            obj.type = BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE;
            obj.binder = 0; /* Don't pass uninitialized stack data to a remote process */
            obj.handle = handle;
            obj.cookie = 0;
        } else {
            obj.type = BINDER_TYPE_BINDER;
            obj.binder = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(local->getWeakRefs());
            obj.cookie = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(local);
    } else {
        obj.type = BINDER_TYPE_BINDER;
        obj.binder = 0;
        obj.cookie = 0;

    return finish_flatten_binder(binder, obj, out);

sp<IBinder> ibinderForJavaObject(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) //obj = new HelloService()
    if (obj == NULL) return NULL;

    if (env->IsInstanceOf(obj, gBinderOffsets.mClass)) {
        JavaBBinderHolder* jbh = (JavaBBinderHolder*)
            env->GetLongField(obj, gBinderOffsets.mObject);
        return jbh != NULL ? jbh->get(env, obj) : NULL;

    if (env->IsInstanceOf(obj, gBinderProxyOffsets.mClass)) {
        return (IBinder*)
            env->GetLongField(obj, gBinderProxyOffsets.mObject);

    ALOGW("ibinderForJavaObject: %p is not a Binder object", obj);
    return NULL;

class JavaBBinderHolder : public RefBase
    sp<JavaBBinder> get(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj)
        AutoMutex _l(mLock);
        sp<JavaBBinder> b = mBinder.promote();
        if (b == NULL) {
            b = new JavaBBinder(env, obj); //obj = new HelloService()
            mBinder = b;
            ALOGV("Creating JavaBinder %p (refs %p) for Object %p, weakCount=%" PRId32 "\n",
                 b.get(), b->getWeakRefs(), obj, b->getWeakRefs()->getWeakCount());

        return b;

    sp<JavaBBinder> getExisting()
        AutoMutex _l(mLock);
        return mBinder.promote();

    Mutex           mLock;
    wp<JavaBBinder> mBinder;

JavaBBinder(JNIEnv* env, jobject object)
    : mVM(jnienv_to_javavm(env)), mObject(env->NewGlobalRef(object)) //mObject指向了HelloService的java
    ALOGV("Creating JavaBBinder %p\n", this);


如前言所说,android binder是android中各个服务进程进行沟通的桥梁,如果想要阅读android源码,binder是不可或缺的一个技术点,掌握binder技术原理,对于我们android源码的阅读和理解至关重要。
历经大半年的时间终于把android binder啃下来了,加上之前的四篇文章,android binder系列一共5篇文章,如果能够认真阅读完,相信会对各位博友有一定的帮助。
深入内核讲明白Android Binder【一】
深入内核讲明白Android Binder【二】
深入内核讲明白Android Binder【三】
手写一个C++ Android Binder服务及源码分析
