基于TI的TDA4高速信号仿真条件的理解 4.5

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Application Note
《Jacinto7 AM6x, TDA4x, and DRA8x High-Speed Interface Design Guidelines》

4.5 Simulation Integrity Analysis 信号完整性分析

The general methodology for evaluating signal integrity for high-speed SERDES interfaces is illustrated in Figure 4-2.


This involves running a channel simulation for the serial link.


The methodology uses IBIS-AMI (Algorithmic Modeling Interface) models for the Tx/Rx blocks.


The basic setup and settings documented here can be used to validate all SerDes links and also across a variety of EDA Signal Integrity simulators.


This channel simulation should be performed as a signoff check for all high-speed Serial Link interfaces.

Figure 4-2. Signal Integrity Analysis Setup - Channel Simulation

4.5.1 Simulator Settings and Model Usage仿真设置和模型使用

The following things need to be kept in mind while performing channel simulation:


• Odd mode crosstalk is used to define aggressor and victim switching in opposite directions. This is required if multiple lanes are simulated.


• An important note to keep in mind is that the jitter and noise of Tx/Rx blocks should not be double counted.


As the IBIS-AMI models already have the various jitter sources incorporated, the option to include additional jitter in these blocks must be turned off in the EDA simulation engine of choice.


4.5.2 Simulation Parameters仿真参数

The serial link simulations involve a parametric sweep:


• Corners: The IBIS-AMI models for Tx/Rx are characterized as Fast/Typ/Slow corners. The different Deterministic and Random Jitter budgets are built in to the models using these corners.


• Transmitter Presets: These are specific to each standard and control the coefficients in the transmitter DFE (Decision Feedback Equalizer).


These presets also model the level of de-emphasis in the transmit amplifier which are required to equalize the overall system-level response across different frequencies and counteract the impact of ISI (Inter-symbol interference).


It is recommended using a parametric sweep and simulate for all different transmitter presets for a given Serial Link protocol.


This is due to the fact that the best eye observed can be highly dependent on the system impulse response and therefore different presets could yield the best results on different systems.


• Data Patterns: It is recommended to use PRBS23 or PRBS31 patterns to validate the system, in order to excite larger levels of ISI.


4.5.3 Simulation Methodology仿真的方法

For interfaces where the eye mask is specified in terms of a BER target it is recommended to run the initial channel simulations for around 100K bits and observe the extrapolated bathtub curves for the corresponding target BER, as reported by the simulator.

对于眼罩以误码率目标指定的接口,建议运行大约100K bits的初始信道仿真,并观察由仿真器报告的相应目标误码率的外推浴盆曲线。

Another simulation for around 500K and 1M bits can be rerun and the bathtub curves can be overlaid to observe the impact of running for larger bit sequences.

可以重新运行约500K和1M bits的另一个仿真,并且可以覆盖浴盆曲线,以观察运行更大位序列的影响。

An example of voltage bathtub curves overlaid is shown in Figure 4-3. Similar overlay can be made for the jitter bathtub curves.


Typically, all the ISI should be accounted for within the first 100K bits of the simulation and beyond this point, all bathtub curves should converge if the Random Jitter (Rj) in the models is sufficiently small.

通常情况下,所有ISI都应该在仿真的前100K bits内考虑,超过这一点,如果模型中的随机抖动(

It is recommended to confirm this convergence up front by running at least one set of system-level channel simulations each for 100K, 500K and 1M bit sequences.

建议通过对100K、500K和1M bits顺序分别运行至少一组系统级通道仿真来确认这种收敛性。

If the voltage and jitter bathtub curves from each of these simulations are almost identical, the remainder of the simulations can be run at 100K bits to optimize run times.

如果这些仿真的电压和抖动浴盆曲线几乎相同,则可以在100K bits上运行其余的仿真以优化运行时间。

For interfaces where the eye mask is not specified for any particular BER target, a 100K bit simulation should suffice.
对于没有为任何特定误码率目标指定眼罩的接口,100K bits的仿真应该足够了。


