<select id="getGriderList" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.vo.AppGriderListVo"> SELECT gr.grider_id, gr.grider_name, gr.grider_birth, gr.native_province_name, gr.native_city_name, gr.nation, gr.grider_age, gr.grider_sex, gr.political_outlook, gr.domicile_city_name, gr.domicile_province_name, gr.grider_types, gr.grider_position_type, (select STRING_AGG( t.tag_name , ', ') from ( SELECT gwt.tag_type, gwt.tag_name from grider_work_tag gwt where gwt.grider_id = gr.grider_id and gwt.deleted=0 and gwt.history_del = 0 order by gwt.tag_type asc) t) as collectTags, gr.grider_position_code, ( case when gr.grider_hiredate is not null and gr.status = 1 then ROUND(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM age(now(), gr.grider_hiredate)) + EXTRACT(MONTH FROM age(now(), gr.grider_hiredate)) / 12.0 , 1)::VARCHAR when gr.status = 2 and gr.grider_hiredate is not null and gr.depart_date is not null then ROUND(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM age(gr.depart_date::date, gr.grider_hiredate::date)) + EXTRACT(MONTH FROM age(gr.depart_date::date, gr.grider_hiredate::date)) / 12.0 , 1)::VARCHAR else gr.grider_workyear end) as grider_workyear, gr.grider_tel_enc, gr.pda_account, <!-- gr.grider_work_status,--> gr.grider_hiredate, gr.grider_certcode_enc, gr.height, gr.buy_service_org, (case when gr.grider_certtype = '00' then '身份证' when gr.grider_certtype = '01' then '港澳台居住证' when gr.grider_certtype = '02' then '港澳通行证' when gr.grider_certtype = '03' then '护照' else '' end) as griderCerttype, (case when gr.marriage = 0 then '未婚' when gr.marriage = 1 then '已婚' when gr.marriage = 3 then '离异' when gr.marriage = 4 then '丧偶' when gr.marriage = 2 then '其他' else '' end) as marriage, (case when gr.veterans = 0 then '否' when gr.veterans = 1 then '是' else '' end) as veterans, (case when gr.militia = 0 then '否' when gr.militia = 1 then '是' else '' end) as militia, (case when gr.status = 1 then '在职' when gr.status = 2 then '离职' else '' end) as griderWorkStatus, gr.grider_work_status as griderWorkStatusInt, gr.house_code as houseCode, gr.enter_party_time as enterPartyTime, gr.domicile_type AS domicileProvinceName, gr.domicile_type AS domicileType, gr.detail_address AS griderAddr, gr.completion_degree completionDegree, gr.depart_date departDate, gr.birth_address birthAddress, gr.detail_address detailAddress, gr.domicile_address AS domicileAddress, t4.gride_school_graduation_time grideSchoolGraduationTime, t4.gride_school_enrol_time grideSchoolEnrolTime FROM app_grider gr LEFT JOIN app_grider_tag t2 ON gr.grider_id = t2.persontag_owner_id left join ( SELECT * from ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY grider_id ORDER BY gride_school_graduation_time DESC) AS rn from app_grider_school) t3 where t3.rn = 1 ) t4 on gr.grider_id = t4.grider_id where gr.status in (1,2) and gr.inc_day = (select inc_day from app_table_inc_day where table_name = 'app_grider') <if test="query.collectTags !=null and query.collectTags.size>0"> and EXISTS( SELECT wt.grider_id FROM grider_work_tag wt WHERE wt.grider_id=gr.grider_id and wt.deleted = 0 and wt.history_del = 0 and wt.tag_name in <foreach collection="query.collectTags" item="tag" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{tag} </foreach> ) </if> and EXISTS( SELECT gg.grider_id FROM app_gerider_grid gg WHERE gg.grider_id=gr.grider_id <include refid="dataPer"/> ) <include refid="dynamicQueryCondition"/> <choose> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 1"> order by gr.grider_birth asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 2"> order by gr.grider_birth desc NULLS LAST </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 3"> order by gr.height asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 4"> order by gr.height desc NULLS LAST </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 5"> order by gr.enter_party_time asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 6"> order by gr.enter_party_time desc NULLS LAST </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 7"> order by gr.grider_age asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 8"> order by gr.grider_age desc NULLS LAST </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 9"> order by gr.grider_hiredate asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 10"> order by gr.grider_hiredate desc NULLS LAST </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 11"> order by t4.gride_school_enrol_time asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 12"> order by t4.gride_school_enrol_time desc NULLS LAST </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 13"> order by t4.gride_school_graduation_time asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 14"> order by t4.gride_school_graduation_time desc NULLS LAST </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 15"> order by gr.depart_date asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 16"> order by gr.depart_date desc </when> <!-- 没有激活排序条件时 --> <when test="query.sortFlag == null"> ORDER BY gr.status asc, gr.create_datetime DESC NULLS LAST </when> <!-- 出生日期 griderBirth、身高、入党时间、年龄、入职通过时间、最高学历入学时间、最高学历毕业时间--> </choose> </select>
<select id="taskPacketProcessList" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.vo.TaskPacketProcessVo"> <!-- select * from (--> select tp.execount, tp.finishedCount, te.task_exe_id taskExeId, tp.unSignCount, tp.handlingCount, <!-- tp.packet_process_id packetProcessId, --> te.exe_begin_time exeBeginTime, te.exe_done_time exeDoneTime, te.task_exe_name taskExeName, tc.task_name taskConfigName, tc.dept_name uploadDept, te.task_exe_status taskExeStatus, te.create_time createTime, te.dis_stu disStu, te.create_by createBy, tt.item_name itemName, tc.priority from task_exe te left join task_config tc on te.task_config_id = tc.task_config_id left join task_template tt on tc.task_template_id = tt.task_template_id left join task_item ti on tt.item_id = ti.item_id <!-- left join task_item ti on tc.task_item_id=ti.item_id--> inner join <if test="query.isPc !=null and query.isPc!=''"> <!--pc--> ( select task_exe_id,sum((case when exe_count is null then 0 else exe_count end)) execount,sum((case when finished_count is null then 0 else finished_count end)) finishedCount,sum((case when un_sign_count is null then 0 else un_sign_count end)) unSignCount,sum((case when handling_count is null then 0 else handling_count end)) handlingCount from task_packet_process where task_plan_data_id is null <include refid="dataPer"/> group by task_exe_id ) tp </if> <if test="query.isPc ==null"><!-- h5--> ( select ts.task_exe_id,sum((case when ts.exe_count is null then 0 else ts.exe_count end)) execount, sum((case when ts.finished_count is null then 0 else ts.finished_count end)) finishedCount, sum((case when un_sign_count is null then 0 else un_sign_count end)) unSignCount,sum((case when handling_count is null then 0 else handling_count end)) handlingCount from task_packet_process ts left join task_exe_dis ted on ts.task_exe_id = ted.task_exe_id and ts.level2 = ted.area_code and ted.deleted = 0 where ts.task_plan_data_id is null and (ted.task_dis_status = 2 or ted.task_dis_status is null) <include refid="dataPer"/> group by ts.task_exe_id ) tp </if> on te.task_exe_id=tp.task_exe_id <where> <!-- and ti.task_type=3--> and te.task_gn_status=2 and te.deleted=0 and tp.execount > 0 <if test="query.keyword !=null and query.keyword!=''"> and (te.task_exe_id like CONCAT('%',#{query.keyword},'%') or tc.task_name like CONCAT('%',#{query.keyword},'%')) </if> <if test="query.exeType !=null"> and tt.exe_type = #{query.exeType} </if> <if test="query.taskDoneTimeBegin !=null"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.taskDoneTimeBegin} </if> <if test="query.taskDoneTimeEnd !=null"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.taskDoneTimeEnd} </if> <if test="query.taskExeStatus !=null"> and te.task_exe_status = #{query.taskExeStatus} </if> <if test="query.hasDoneTask !=null and query.hasDoneTask == 1"> and tp.finishedCount > 0 </if> <if test="query.itemId !=null and query.itemId!=''"> and ti.serial = #{query.itemId} </if> <if test="query.taskExeName !=null and query.taskExeName!=''"> and te.task_exe_name like concat('%', #{query.taskExeName},'%') </if> <if test="query.taskExeId !=null and query.taskExeId!=''"> and te.task_exe_id like CONCAT('%',#{query.taskExeId},'%') </if> <if test="query.taskConfigName !=null and query.taskConfigName!=''"> and tc.task_name like concat('%', #{query.taskConfigName},'%') </if> <if test="query.overdueTime !=null and query.flag"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.overdueTime} <!-- and (select sum(exe_count) from task_packet_process where task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and task_plan_data_id is null <include refid="dataPer"/>)> (select sum(finished_count) from task_packet_process where task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and task_plan_data_id is null <include refid="dataPer"/> )--> </if> <if test="query.adventStartTime !=null and query.flag"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[>]]> #{query.adventStartTime} </if> <if test="query.adventEndTime !=null and query.flag"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.adventEndTime} <!-- and (select sum(exe_count) from task_packet_process where task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and task_plan_data_id is null <include refid="dataPer"/>)> (select sum(finished_count) from task_packet_process where task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and task_plan_data_id is null <include refid="dataPer"/> )--> </if> <if test="!query.flag and query.overdueTime !=null and query.adventStartTime !=null and query.adventEndTime !=null"> and (te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.overdueTime} or ( te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[>]]> #{query.adventStartTime} and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.adventEndTime} )) <!-- and (select sum(exe_count) from task_packet_process where task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and task_plan_data_id is null <include refid="dataPer"/>)> (select sum(finished_count) from task_packet_process where task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and task_plan_data_id is null <include refid="dataPer"/> )--> </if> <if test="query.deptIdlist !=null and query.deptIdlist.size()>0"> and tc.dept_id in <foreach collection="query.deptIdlist" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="query.doneStartTime !=null "> and te.exe_begin_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.doneStartTime} </if> <if test="query.doneEndTime !=null"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.doneEndTime} </if> <if test="query.disStu !=null"> and te.dis_stu = #{query.disStu} </if> <if test="query.createStartTime !=null "> and te.create_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.createStartTime} </if> <if test="query.createEndTime !=null "> and te.create_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.createEndTime} </if> <if test="query.priorityList !=null and query.priorityList.size()>0"> and tc.priority in <foreach collection="query.priorityList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="query.newDoneEndTimeFlag !=null "> and te.exe_done_time::timestamp + '30 day' <![CDATA[>]]> #{query.newDoneEndTimeFlag} and te.task_exe_status=1 </if> <!-- <if test="query.exeCountFlag !=null "> and (select sum(exe_count) from task_packet_process where task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and task_plan_data_id is null <include refid="dataPer"/>)>0 </if>--> <if test="query.tagList !=null and query.tagList.size()>0"> and tp.finishedCount <![CDATA[<]]> tp.execount </if> <if test="query.isPcFlag !=null and query.isPcFlag!='' and query.isPcFlag=='1'.toString()"> <!--街道待下发逻辑: --> and (EXISTS ( select 1 from task_exe_dis ed where ed.task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and ed.deleted = 0 and ed.task_dis_status =1 <if test="query.jdCodes !=null and query.jdCodes.size()>0"> and ed.area_code in <foreach collection="query.jdCodes" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> ) or te.dis_stu = 0 ) </if> <if test="query.isPcFlag !=null and query.isPcFlag!='' and query.isPcFlag=='2'.toString()"> <!--街道待下发逻辑: --> and ( ( EXISTS ( select 1 from task_exe_dis ed where ed.task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and ed.deleted = 0 <if test="query.jdCodes !=null and query.jdCodes.size()>0"> and ed.area_code in <foreach collection="query.jdCodes" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> ) and NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from task_exe_dis ed where ed.task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and ed.deleted = 0 and ed.task_dis_status =1 <if test="query.jdCodes !=null and query.jdCodes.size()>0"> and ed.area_code in <foreach collection="query.jdCodes" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> ) ) or ( NOT EXISTS ( select 1 from task_exe_dis ed where ed.task_exe_id = te.task_exe_id and ed.deleted = 0 <if test="query.jdCodes !=null and query.jdCodes.size()>0"> and ed.area_code in <foreach collection="query.jdCodes" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> ) and te.dis_stu = 1 ) ) </if> <if test="query.pageFlag ==null and query.pageFlag1==null"> and te.task_exe_status!=7 </if> <if test="query.itemName !=null and query.itemName!=''"> and ti.item_name like concat('%', #{query.itemName},'%') </if> <!-- <include refid="queryPer"/>--> </where> <choose> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 1"> order by te.exe_begin_time asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 2"> order by te.exe_begin_time desc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 3"> order by te.exe_done_time asc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 4"> order by te.exe_done_time desc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 5"> order by tc.priority desc,te.exe_done_time desc </when> <when test="query.sortFlag != null and query.sortFlag== 6"> order by tc.priority asc,te.exe_done_time desc </when> <!-- 没有激活排序条件时 --> </choose> <if test="query.createFlag !=null "> order by te.create_time desc </if> <if test="query.pageFlag !=null "> LIMIT #{query.pageSize} OFFSET #{query.startIndex} </if> </select>
<select id="selectnewListview" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.vo.TaskSubVo" parameterType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.dto.TaskSubDto"> SELECT handleTimeStart handle_time ts.task_sub_id taskSubId, ts.task_config_id taskConfigId, ts.task_sub_name taskSubName, ts.task_sub_status taskSubStatus, ts.address houseAddress, ts.snapshot_table snapshotTable, ts.snapshot_id snapshotId, ts.task_exe_id taskExeId, ts.update_time updateTime, ts.create_time createTime, ts.exe_done_time exeDoneTime, te.task_exe_name taskExeName, ti.item_type itemType, ti.task_type taskType, ts.snapshot_type snapshotType, ts.layer_id layerId, ts.snapshot_table snapshotTable, ts.transfer transfer, ts.task_source taskSource, ts.theme_id themeId, ts.grid_code gridCode, ts.grid_name gridName, ts.sq_code sqCode, ts.sq_name sqName, ts.lng lng, ts.lat lat, tc.is_clockIn isClockIn, tc.operation_manual operationManual, ts.zfpa_business_type zfpaBusinessType, ts.extent_one extentOne FROM task_sub_view ts left join task_exe_dis ted on ts.task_exe_id = ted.task_exe_id and ts.jd_code = ted.area_code and ted.deleted = 0 <if test="query.relationTheme ==1"> inner join analysis_snapshot_person_view asp on ts.snapshot_id = asp.snapshot_person_id and ts.snapshot_type = 1 and asp.person_code = #{query.relationId} </if> <if test="query.relationTheme ==2"> inner join analysis_snapshot_house_view asp on ts.snapshot_id = asp.snapshot_house_id and ts.snapshot_type = 2 and asp.house_code = #{query.relationId} </if> <if test="query.relationTheme ==3"> inner join analysis_snapshot_legal_view asp on ts.snapshot_id = asp.snapshot_legal_id and ts.snapshot_type = 3 and asp.legal_code = #{query.relationId} </if> <if test="query.relationTheme ==6"> inner join analysis_snapshot_building_view asp on ts.snapshot_id = asp.snapshot_building_id and ts.snapshot_type = 3 and asp.bd_code = #{query.relationId} </if> left join task_exe te on ts.task_exe_id=te.task_exe_id left join task_config tc on ts.task_config_id=tc.task_config_id left join task_template tt on tc.task_template_id = tt.task_template_id left join task_item ti on tt.item_id = ti.item_id <!--left join workflow_record wr on ts.task_sub_id=wr.bus_serialno--> <!--INNER JOIN ( SELECT WR.bus_serialno,WR.wf_record_id from workflow_record AS WR INNER JOIN ( SELECT MAX(create_time) AS create_time,bus_serialno FROM workflow_record GROUP BY bus_serialno ) AS B ON WR.bus_serialno=B.bus_serialno WHERE WR."create_time"=B.create_time ) AS qq ON qq.bus_serialno = ts.task_sub_id--> <where> te.dis_stu=1 and (ted.task_dis_status = 2 or ted.task_dis_status is null) and (ts.deleted=0 or ts.deleted is null) <include refid="buildQuerySelect"/> <!-- and wr.wf_record_id IS NOT NULL--> <if test="query.channelType==null or query.channelType==''"> <if test="query.taskSubStatus !=null"> and ts.task_sub_status = #{query.taskSubStatus} </if> </if> <if test="query.channelType!=null and query.channelType!='' and query.channelType=='building'"> and (ts.task_sub_status = 0 or ts.task_sub_status=1) and ts.theme_id=#{query.bdCode} </if> <if test="query.startSexeDoneTime !=null" > and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.startSexeDoneTime} </if> <if test="query.endSexeDoneTime !=null"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.endSexeDoneTime} </if> <!--<if test="query.crStartTime !=null"> and ts.create_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.crStartTime} </if> <if test="query.crEndTime !=null"> and ts.create_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.crEndTime} </if>--> <if test="query.crStartTimeNew !=null"> and ts.create_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.crStartTimeNew} </if> <if test="query.crEndTimeNew !=null"> and ts.create_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.crEndTimeNew} </if> <if test="query.handleTimeStart !=null"> and ts.handle_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.handleTimeStart} </if> <if test="query.handleTimeEnd !=null"> and ts.handle_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.handleTimeEnd} </if> <if test="query.tagEnumValue !=null and query.tagEnumValue == 1"> and now() > te.exe_done_time </if> <!--<if test="query.tagEnumValue !=null and query.tagEnumValue == 2"> and DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL '5' DAY) > te.exe_done_time and now() < te.exe_done_time </if> <if test="query.tagEnumValue !=null and query.tagEnumValue == 3"> and DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL '5' DAY) < te.exe_done_time and now() < te.exe_done_time </if>--> <if test="query.tagEnumValue !=null and query.tagEnumValue == 2"> and now()::timestamp + '5 day' > te.exe_done_time and now() < te.exe_done_time </if> <!-- <if test="query.tagEnumValue !=null and query.tagEnumValue == 3"> and DATE_ADD(now(), INTERVAL '5' DAY) < te.exe_done_time and now() < te.exe_done_time </if>--> <if test="query.tagEnumValue !=null and query.tagEnumValue == 3"> and now()::timestamp + '5 day' < te.exe_done_time and now() < te.exe_done_time </if> <if test="query.overdueTime !=null and query.flag"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.overdueTime} </if> <if test="query.adventStartTime !=null and query.flag"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[>]]> #{query.adventStartTime} </if> <if test="query.adventEndTime !=null and query.flag"> and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.adventEndTime} </if> <if test="!query.flag and query.overdueTime !=null and query.adventStartTime !=null and query.adventEndTime !=null"> and (te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.overdueTime} or ( te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[>]]> #{query.adventStartTime} and te.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.adventEndTime} )) </if> <if test=" query.houseAddress != null and query.houseAddress != '' "> and ts.address like concat('%', #{query.houseAddress},'%') </if> <if test=" query.taskExeName != null and query.taskExeName != '' "> and te.task_exe_name like concat('%', #{query.taskExeName},'%') </if> <if test=" query.taskSubName != null and query.taskSubName != '' "> and ts.task_sub_name like concat('%', #{query.taskSubName},'%') </if> <if test="query.itemTypes !=null and query.itemTypes.size()>0"> and ti.item_type in <foreach collection="query.itemTypes" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="query.taskTypes !=null and query.taskTypes.size()>0"> and ti.task_type in <foreach collection="query.taskTypes" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="query.streetCodeList !=null and query.streetCodeList.size()>0"> and ts.exe_jd_code in <foreach collection="query.streetCodeList" index = "index" item = "item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="query.communityCodeList !=null and query.communityCodeList.size()>0"> and ts.exe_sq_code in <foreach collection="query.communityCodeList" index = "index" item = "item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="query.gridcodeList !=null and query.gridcodeList.size()>0"> and (ts.exe_grid_code in <foreach collection="query.gridcodeList" index = "index" item = "item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> or (ts.exe_sq_code=#{query.sqCodeFlag} and (ts.exe_grid_code is null or ts.exe_grid_code='') )) </if> <if test="query.griderId != null and query.griderId != '' "> and ts.grider_id = #{query.griderId} </if> <if test="query.exeType !=null"> and ts.exe_type = #{query.exeType} </if> <if test="query.taskExeId !=null and query.taskExeId != ''" > and ts.task_exe_id = #{query.taskExeId} </if> <if test="query.parentItem !=null "> and ti.parent_item = #{query.parentItem} </if> <if test="query.gridCode !=null and query.gridCode != ''" > and ts.grid_code = #{query.gridCode} </if> <if test="query.sysidList !=null and query.sysidList.size()>0"> and ts.task_sub_id in <foreach collection="query.sysidList" index = "index" item = "sysiditem" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{sysiditem} </foreach> </if> </where> <if test="query.sortField=='address'"> <!-- order by ts.address asc,task_sub_id desc--> order by convert_to(ts.address, 'UTF-8' ) asc,task_sub_id desc </if> <if test="query.sortField=='exeDoneTime'"> order by te.exe_done_time asc,task_sub_id desc </if> <if test="query.statusFlag != null and query.statusFlag==2"> ORDER BY ts.update_time DESC NULLS LAST </if> <if test="query.statusFlag != null and query.statusFlag==1"> ORDER BY ts.update_time asc </if> <if test="query.statusFlag != null and query.statusFlag==3"> ORDER BY ts.create_time asc </if> <if test="query.statusFlag != null and query.statusFlag==4"> ORDER BY ts.create_time DESC NULLS LAST </if> <if test="query.statusFlag != null and query.statusFlag==5"> ORDER BY ts.exe_done_time asc </if> <if test="query.statusFlag != null and query.statusFlag==6"> ORDER BY ts.exe_done_time DESC NULLS LAST </if> OFFSET #{query.startIndex} limit #{query.pageSize} </select>
<select id="getWorkReportPopulationGriderList" resultMap="getWorkReportPopulationListMap"> select split_part(t.griderInfo, '@', 2) as griderInfo,SUM(t.adds) as adds ,SUM(t.sign_out) as sign_out,SUM(t.temporarily_leave) as temporarily_leave,SUM(t.back) as back,SUM(t.edit) as edit,SUM(t.interview) as interview,SUM(t.interviewed) as interviewed,SUM(t.total_person) as total_person from ( select grider_id || '@' || grider_name as griderInfo,count(1) as adds,0 as sign_out,0 as temporarily_leave,0 as back,0 as edit,0 as interview,0 as interviewed,0 as total_person from bz_person_collect_h5_union_view where opt_type = 12 <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/><include refid="queryOptTime"/> and grider_id is not null and grider_name is not null group by grider_id || '@' || grider_name union all select grider_id || '@' || grider_name as griderInfo,0 as adds,count(1) as sign_out,0 as temporarily_leave,0 as back,0 as edit,0 as interview,0 as interviewed,0 as total_person from bz_person_collect_h5_union_view where opt_type = 14 <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/><include refid="queryOptTime"/> and grider_id is not null and grider_name is not null group by grider_id || '@' || grider_name union all select grider_id || '@' || grider_name as griderInfo,0 as adds,0 as sign_out,count(1) as temporarily_leave,0 as back,0 as edit,0 as interview,0 as interviewed,0 as total_person from bz_person_collect_h5_union_view where opt_type = 15 <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/><include refid="queryOptTime"/> and grider_id is not null and grider_name is not null group by grider_id || '@' || grider_name union all select grider_id || '@' || grider_name as griderInfo,0 as adds,0 as sign_out,0 as temporarily_leave,count(1) as back,0 as edit,0 as interview,0 as interviewed,0 as total_person from bz_person_collect_h5_union_view where opt_type = 16 <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/><include refid="queryOptTime"/> and grider_id is not null and grider_name is not null group by grider_id || '@' || grider_name union all select grider_id || '@' || grider_name as griderInfo,0 as adds,0 as sign_out,0 as temporarily_leave,0 as back,count(1) as edit,0 as interview,0 as interviewed,0 as total_person from bz_person_collect_h5_union_view where opt_type = 13 <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/><include refid="queryOptTime"/> and grider_id is not null and grider_name is not null group by grider_id || '@' || grider_name union all select grider_id || '@' || grider_name as griderInfo,0 as adds,0 as sign_out,0 as temporarily_leave,0 as back,0 as edit,count(1) as interview,0 as interviewed,0 as total_person from bz_person_collect_h5_union_view where opt_type = 11 <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/><include refid="queryOptTime"/> and grider_id is not null and grider_name is not null group by grider_id || '@' || grider_name ) t group by t.griderInfo </select> <select id="getWorkReportPopulationListNew" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.entity.collect.WorkReportPopulationVo"> select code,SUM(t.adds) as adds,SUM(t.adddtc) as adddtc ,SUM(t.signOut) as signOut,SUM(t.temporarilyLeave) as temporarilyLeave,SUM(t.back) as back,SUM(t.edit) as edit,SUM(t.interview) as interview,SUM(t.interviewed) as interviewed,(SUM(t.total_person) +SUM(t.interviewed)) as total_person from ( select ${dto.areaField} as code, count(case when opt_type = 12 then 1 end) as adds, 0 as adddtc, count(case when opt_type = 14 then 1 end) as signOut, count(case when opt_type = 15 then 1 end) as temporarilyLeave, count(case when opt_type = 16 then 1 end) as back, count(case when opt_type = 13 then 1 end) as edit, count(case when opt_type = 11 then 1 end) as interview, 0 as interviewed, 0 as total_person from bz_person_collect_h5_union_view where 1=1 <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryOptTime"/> and ${dto.areaField} is not null group by ${dto.areaField} union all select t.code, 0 as adds, 0 as adddtc, 0 as signOut, 0 as temporarilyLeave, 0 as back, 0 as edit, 0 as interview, count(1) as interviewed, 0 as total_person from (select distinct person_code,batch_number,${dto.areaField} as code from bz_person_collect_h5_union_view where 1=1 <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryOptTime1"/> and ${dto.areaField} is not null) t group by t.code union all select ${dto.areaField} as code, 0 as adds, 0 as adddtc, 0 as signOut, 0 as temporarilyLeave, 0 as back, 0 as edit, 0 as interview, 0 as interviewed, count(1) as total_person from bz_person_collect_latest where inc_day = (select inc_day from app_table_inc_day where table_name = 'bz_person_collect_latest') and living_status in ('1','2') <include refid="buildPopulationAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryOptTime2"/> and ${dto.areaField} is not null group by ${dto.areaField} ) t group by t.code </select>
<select id="getReportEventList" resultMap="getReportEventListMap"> select grid_code ,sum(normal_finish) as normal_finish, sum(normal) as normal,sum(immediately) as immediately from ( select left(grid_code,9) as grid_code,count(1) as normal_finish,0 as normal,0 as immediately from event_bus_info where grid_code is not null and event_class=2 and event_status='finish' <include refid="buildReportEventAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryEventReportTime"/> <!-- select left(grid_code,9) as grid_code,count(1) as normal_finish,0 as normal,count(1) as immediately from event_bus_info where grid_code is not null and event_class=2 and event_status='finish' <include refid="buildReportEventAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryEventReportTime"/>--> group by left(grid_code,9) union all select left(grid_code,9) as grid_code,0 as normal_finish,count(1) as normal,0 as immediately from event_bus_info where grid_code is not null and event_class=2 and event_status!='draft' and event_status!='delete' and event_status!='close' <include refid="buildReportEventAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryEventReportTime"/> group by left(grid_code,9) union all select left(grid_code,9) as grid_code,0 as normal_finish,0 as normal,count(1) as immediately from event_bus_info where grid_code is not null and event_class=1 and event_status!='draft' and event_status!='delete' and event_status!='close' <include refid="buildReportEventAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryEventReportTime"/> group by left(grid_code,9) ) t group by t.grid_code </select>
<select id="getVerifyTaskList" resultMap="getVerifyTaskListMap"> name select jd_code as code,sum(exe_count) as exe_count,sum(un_sign_count) as un_sign_count,sum(handling_count) as handling_count,sum(finished_count) as finished_count from ( select jd_code,count(1) as exe_count,0 as un_sign_count,0 as handling_count,0 as finished_count from task_sub_view ts left join task_exe te on ts.task_exe_id=te.task_exe_id where task_sub_status in (0,1,2) and te.deleted = 0 and te.task_gn_status = 2 <include refid="buildVerifyTaskAreaCode"/><include refid="queryTime1"/> group by jd_code union all select jd_code,0 as exe_count,count(1) as un_sign_count,0 as handling_count,0 as finished_count from task_sub_view ts left join task_exe te on ts.task_exe_id=te.task_exe_id where task_sub_status=0 and te.deleted = 0 and te.task_gn_status = 2 <include refid="buildVerifyTaskAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryTime1"/> group by jd_code union all select jd_code,0 as exe_count,0 as un_sign_count,count(1) as handling_count,0 as finished_count from task_sub_view ts left join task_exe te on ts.task_exe_id=te.task_exe_id where task_sub_status=1 and te.deleted = 0 and te.task_gn_status = 2 <include refid="buildVerifyTaskAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryTime1"/> group by jd_code union all select jd_code,0 as exe_count,0 as un_sign_count,0 as handling_count,count(1) as finished_count from task_sub_view ts left join task_exe te on ts.task_exe_id=te.task_exe_id where task_sub_status=2 and te.deleted = 0 and te.task_gn_status = 2 <include refid="buildVerifyTaskAreaCode"/> <include refid="queryTime1"/> group by jd_code ) t group by t.jd_code </select>
select * from ( SELECT ag.grider_profile , ag.grider_id , ag.grider_name , ag.grider_tel_enc , ROUND((ST_Distance(ST_PointFromText(concat('POINT(', t.griderloc_x, ' ', t.griderloc_y, ')'), 0), ST_PointFromText (concat( 'POINT(', #{param.lng} , ' ', #{param.lat}, ')') , 0) ) * 6378.137 * 2 * PI() * 1000 / 360)::numeric, 0) AS distance FROM app_grider_loc t LEFT JOIN app_grider ag ON t.grider_code = ag.grider_id and ag.inc_day = (SELECT inc_day FROM app_table_inc_day WHERE table_name = 'app_grider') where t.inc_day = (SELECT inc_day FROM app_table_inc_day WHERE table_name = 'app_grider_loc') <if test='param.griderId != null and param.griderId != ""'> and t.grider_code != #{param.griderId} </if> ORDER BY distance) zzz where zzz.distance <![CDATA[ <= ]]> 500 ;
<insert id="saveTaskItemAttach" parameterType="java.util.List"> INSERT INTO item_attach ("work_file_id","item_id","item_version","file_large","file_little","file_type","file_name","file_url","create_by","create_time","update_by","update_time") VALUES <foreach collection="itemAttachList" item="attach" separator="," index="index"> (#{attach.workFileId},#{attach.itemId},#{attach.itemVersion}, #{attach.fileLarge}, #{attach.fileLittle}, #{attach.fileType}, #{attach.fileName},#{attach.fileUrl}, #{attach.createBy}, now(), #{attach.updateBy}, now()) </foreach> </insert>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.sf.gis.taskmanage.event.mapper.PeopleLiveTaskMapper"> <!-- 通用查询映射结果 --> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.sf.gis.common.entity.PeopleLiveTask"> <id column="people_live_task_id" property="peopleLiveTaskId" /> <result column="pl_task_id" property="plTaskId" /> <result column="pl_event_id" property="plEventId" /> <result column="pl_content" property="plContent" /> <result column="pl_create_time" property="plCreateTime" /> <result column="pl_limit_time" property="plLimitTime" /> <result column="pl_attachmentinfos" property="plAttachmentinfos" /> <result column="pl_user_id" property="plUserId" /> <result column="pl_user_name" property="plUserName" /> <result column="handle_status" property="handleStatus" /> <result column="handle_time" property="handleTime" /> <result column="handle_user_id" property="handleUserId" /> <result column="handle_user_name" property="handleUserName" /> <result column="approve_content" property="approveContent" /> <result column="remark" property="remark" /> <result column="order_num" property="orderNum" /> <result column="title" property="title" /> <result column="type" property="type" /> <result column="report_time" property="reportTime" /> <result column="incident_address" property="incidentAddress" /> <result column="handle_attachmentinfos" property="handleAttachmentinfos" /> <result column="create_time" property="createTime" /> <result column="update_time" property="updateTime" /> </resultMap> <!-- 通用查询结果列 --> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> people_live_task_id, pl_task_id, pl_event_id, pl_content, pl_create_time, pl_limit_time, pl_attachmentinfos, pl_user_id, pl_user_name, handle_status, handle_time, handle_user_id, handle_user_name, approve_content, remark, order_num, title, type, report_time, incident_address, handle_attachmentinfos, create_time, update_time </sql> <select id="selectnewCountList" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(1) from ( SELECT distinct pt.title, pt.type, pt.report_time reportTime, pt.incident_address incidentAddress, pt.pl_event_id plEventId, pt.people_live_task_id peopleLiveTaskId, pt.order_num orderNum, pt.handle_status handleStatus FROM people_live_task pt where 1=1 <if test="query.eventAddr != null and query.eventAddr != ''"> and pt.incident_address like concat('%',#{query.eventAddr},'%') </if> <if test="query.title != null and query.title != ''"> and pt.title like concat('%',#{query.title},'%') </if> <if test="query.start != null and query.start != ''"> and pt.report_time >= CAST(#{query.start} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.end != null and query.end != ''"> and pt.report_time <![CDATA[<=]]> CAST(#{query.end} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.overdue !=null and query.overdue != '' and query.overdue==2 "> and pt.pl_limit_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.createStartTime} </if> <if test="query.overdue !=null and query.overdue != '' and query.overdue==1 "> and pt.pl_limit_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.createStartTime} </if> <if test="query.griderId != null and query.griderId != ''"> and pt.pl_user_id = #{query.griderId} </if> <if test="query.sysidList !=null and query.sysidList.size()>0"> and pt.people_live_task_id in <foreach collection="query.sysidList" index = "index" item = "sysiditem" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{sysiditem} </foreach> </if> and pt.handle_time is null ) tt </select> <select id="selectListPage" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.vo.PeopleLiveTaskVo"> select * from ( SELECT distinct pt.title, pt.type, pt.report_time reportTime, pt.incident_address incidentAddress, pt.pl_event_id plEventId, pt.people_live_task_id peopleLiveTaskId, pt.order_num orderNum, pt.handle_status handleStatus, pt.pl_limit_time limitTime FROM people_live_task pt where 1=1 <if test="query.eventAddr != null and query.eventAddr != ''"> and pt.incident_address like concat('%',#{query.eventAddr},'%') </if> <if test="query.title != null and query.title != ''"> and pt.title like concat('%',#{query.title},'%') </if> <if test="query.start != null and query.start != ''"> and pt.report_time >= CAST(#{query.start} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.end != null and query.end != ''"> and pt.report_time <![CDATA[<=]]> CAST(#{query.end} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.overdue !=null and query.overdue != '' and query.overdue==2 "> and pt.pl_limit_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.createStartTime} </if> <if test="query.overdue !=null and query.overdue != '' and query.overdue==1 "> and pt.pl_limit_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.createStartTime} </if> <if test="query.griderId != null and query.griderId != ''"> and pt.pl_user_id = #{query.griderId} </if> <if test="query.sysidList !=null and query.sysidList.size()>0"> and pt.people_live_task_id in <foreach collection="query.sysidList" index = "index" item = "sysiditem" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{sysiditem} </foreach> </if> and pt.handle_time is null ) tt order by tt.reportTime desc LIMIT #{query.pageSize} OFFSET #{query.startIndex} </select> <select id="selectqueryList" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.vo.SpvExeVo" parameterType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.dto.SpvExequeryDto"> select * from ( SELECT distinct se.exe_done_time exeDoneTime, se.spv_exe_name spvExeName, se.create_by createBy, ser.handle_time distributeTime, ser.spv_start_time spvStartTime, ser.task_num taskNum, stp.task_total_count houseTotalCount, stp.task_finished_count houseFinishedCount, stp.finish_time finishTime, se.spv_exe_id spvExeId, se.create_dept_name createDeptName, stp.error_count errorCount, stp.task_total_count taskTotalCount, ser.over_time overTime FROM spv_exe se left join spv_taskexe_process stp on se.spv_exe_id = stp.spv_exe_id left join spv_exe_area_rel ser on se.spv_exe_id = ser.spv_exe_id where 1=1 and EXISTS( select 1 from spv_auth_person t3 where se.spv_exe_id = t3.spv_exe_id AND t3.deleted = 0 AND t3.assign_person_id=#{query.userId}) <if test="query.spvTaskType !=null"> and se.spv_task_type = #{query.spvTaskType} </if> <if test="query.createByandSpvExeName != null and query.createByandSpvExeName != ''"> and ( se.create_by like concat('%',#{query.createByandSpvExeName},'%') or se.spv_exe_name like concat('%',#{query.createByandSpvExeName},'%') ) </if> <if test="query.exeDoneTime != null and query.distributeTime != null"> and ser.handle_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.distributeTime} and se.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{query.exeDoneTime} </if> <!-- <if test="query.exeDoneTime != null and query.distributeTime != null"> and ser.handle_time <![CDATA[>]]> #{query.distributeTime} </if>--> <!-- null的时候展示进行中和已完成数据--> <if test="query.exeStatusflag == null"> and se.exe_status = 2 </if> <!-- 1已完成--> <if test="query.exeStatusflag==1"> and se.exe_status = 2 and stp.finish_time is not null </if> <!--2 进行中--> <if test="query.exeStatusflag==2"> and se.exe_status = 2 and stp.finish_time is null </if> <!--已超期--> <if test="query.overdueTimeflag==1"> and se.exe_done_time <![CDATA[<]]> #{query.overdueTime} </if> <!-- 未超期--> <if test="query.overdueTimeflag==2"> and se.exe_done_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{query.overdueTime} </if> and se.deleted=0 ) tt order by tt.exeDoneTime asc LIMIT #{query.pageSize} OFFSET #{query.startIndex} </select> <select id="selectnewCountLists" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> select count(1) from ( SELECT distinct pt.title, pt.type, pt.report_time reportTime, pt.incident_address incidentAddress, pt.pl_event_id plEventId, pt.people_live_task_id peopleLiveTaskId, pt.order_num orderNum, pt.handle_status handleStatus FROM people_live_task pt where 1=1 <if test="query.eventAddr != null and query.eventAddr != ''"> and pt.incident_address like concat('%',#{query.eventAddr},'%') </if> <if test="query.title != null and query.title != ''"> and pt.title like concat('%',#{query.title},'%') </if> <if test="query.start != null and query.start != ''"> and pt.report_time >= CAST(#{query.start} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.end != null and query.end != ''"> and pt.report_time <![CDATA[<=]]> CAST(#{query.end} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.griderId != null and query.griderId != ''"> and pt.pl_user_id = #{query.griderId} </if> <if test="query.finish==1"> and pt.handle_time is not null </if> <!--2 进行中--> <if test="query.finish==2"> and pt.handle_time is null </if> ) tt </select> <select id="selectListPages" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.vo.PeopleLiveTaskVo"> select * from ( SELECT distinct pt.title, pt.type, pt.report_time reportTime, pt.incident_address incidentAddress, pt.pl_event_id plEventId, pt.people_live_task_id peopleLiveTaskId, pt.order_num orderNum, pt.handle_status handleStatus FROM people_live_task pt where 1=1 <if test="query.eventAddr != null and query.eventAddr != ''"> and pt.incident_address like concat('%',#{query.eventAddr},'%') </if> <if test="query.title != null and query.title != ''"> and pt.title like concat('%',#{query.title},'%') </if> <if test="query.start != null and query.start != ''"> and pt.report_time >= CAST(#{query.start} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.end != null and query.end != ''"> and pt.report_time <![CDATA[<=]]> CAST(#{query.end} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.griderId != null and query.griderId != ''"> and pt.pl_user_id = #{query.griderId} </if> <if test="query.finish==1"> and pt.handle_time is not null </if> <!--2 进行中--> <if test="query.finish==2"> and pt.handle_time is null </if> ) tt order by tt.reportTime desc LIMIT #{query.pageSize} OFFSET #{query.startIndex} </select> <select id="getEventStatistics" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.domain.vo.EventStaticVo"> SELECT count(1) as total_count, SUM(CASE WHEN t.pl_limit_time<![CDATA[<]]> NOW() THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS overdue_event_count FROM people_live_task t where t.pl_user_id = #{griderId} and t.handle_time is null </select> <select id="selectList1" resultType="com.sf.gis.common.entity.PeopleLiveTask"> select * from people_live_task where 1=1 <if test="query.gridCode != null and query.gridCode != ''"> and grid_code = #{query.gridCode} </if> <if test="query.reportStartTime != null and query.reportStartTime != ''"> and report_time >= CAST(#{query.reportStartTime} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> <if test="query.reportEndTime != null and query.reportEndTime != ''"> and report_time <![CDATA[<=]]> CAST(#{query.reportEndTime} AS TIMESTAMP) </if> </select> </mapper>