import numpy as np np.random.seed(0) data = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]) target = np.array([[0], [1], [0], [1]]) weights_0_1 = np.random.rand(2, 3) weights_1_2 = np.random.rand(3, 1) for i in range(10): # Predict layer_1 = data.dot(weights_0_1) layer_2 = layer_1.dot(weights_1_2) # Compare diff = (layer_2 - target) sqdiff = (diff * diff) loss = sqdiff.sum(0) # mean squared error loss # Learn: this is the backpropagation piece layer_1_grad = diff.dot(weights_1_2.transpose()) weight_1_2_update = layer_1.transpose().dot(diff) weight_0_1_update = data.transpose().dot(layer_1_grad) weights_1_2 -= weight_1_2_update * 0.1 weights_0_1 -= weight_0_1_update * 0.1 print(loss[0]) ''' 5.066439994622395 0.4959907791902342 0.4180671892167177 0.35298133007809646 0.2972549636567377 0.2492326038163328 0.20785392075862477 0.17231260916265176 0.14193744536652986 0.11613979792168384 '''
import numpy as np class Tensor(object): def __init__(self, data, autograd=False, creators=None, creation_op=None, id=None): self.data = np.array(data) self.autograd = autograd self.grad = None if (id is None): self.id = np.random.randint(0, 100000) else: self.id = id self.creators = creators self.creation_op = creation_op self.children = {} if (creators is not None): for c in creators: if (self.id not in c.children): c.children[self.id] = 1 else: c.children[self.id] += 1 def all_children_grads_accounted_for(self): for id, cnt in self.children.items(): if (cnt != 0): return False return True def backward(self, grad=None, grad_origin=None): if (self.autograd): if (grad is None): grad = Tensor(np.ones_like(self.data)) if (grad_origin is not None): if (self.children[grad_origin.id] == 0): raise Exception("cannot backprop more than once") else: self.children[grad_origin.id] -= 1 if (self.grad is None): self.grad = grad else: self.grad += grad # grads must not have grads of their own assert grad.autograd == False # only continue backpropping if there's something to # backprop into and if all gradients (from children) # are accounted for override waiting for children if # "backprop" was called on this variable directly if (self.creators is not None and (self.all_children_grads_accounted_for() or grad_origin is None)): if (self.creation_op == "add"): self.creators[0].backward(self.grad, self) self.creators[1].backward(self.grad, self) if (self.creation_op == "sub"): self.creators[0].backward(Tensor(self.grad.data), self) self.creators[1].backward(Tensor(self.grad.__neg__().data), self) if (self.creation_op == "mul"): new = self.grad * self.creators[1] self.creators[0].backward(new, self) new = self.grad * self.creators[0] self.creators[1].backward(new, self) if (self.creation_op == "mm"): c0 = self.creators[0] c1 = self.creators[1] new = self.grad.mm(c1.transpose()) c0.backward(new) new = self.grad.transpose().mm(c0).transpose() c1.backward(new) if (self.creation_op == "transpose"): self.creators[0].backward(self.grad.transpose()) if ("sum" in self.creation_op): dim = int(self.creation_op.split("_")[1]) self.creators[0].backward(self.grad.expand(dim, self.creators[0].data.shape[dim])) if ("expand" in self.creation_op): dim = int(self.creation_op.split("_")[1]) self.creators[0].backward(self.grad.sum(dim)) if (self.creation_op == "neg"): self.creators[0].backward(self.grad.__neg__()) #加法 def __add__(self, other): if (self.autograd and other.autograd): return Tensor(self.data + other.data, autograd=True, creators=[self, other], creation_op="add") return Tensor(self.data + other.data) #取负 def __neg__(self): if (self.autograd): return Tensor(self.data * -1, autograd=True, creators=[self], creation_op="neg") return Tensor(self.data * -1) #减法 def __sub__(self, other): if (self.autograd and other.autograd): return Tensor(self.data - other.data, autograd=True, creators=[self, other], creation_op="sub") return Tensor(self.data - other.data) #乘法 def __mul__(self, other): if (self.autograd and other.autograd): return Tensor(self.data * other.data, autograd=True, creators=[self, other], creation_op="mul") return Tensor(self.data * other.data) #求和 def sum(self, dim): if (self.autograd): return Tensor(self.data.sum(dim), #即 Tensor 对象所存储的 numpy 数组数据)在指定维度 dim 上进行求和操作 autograd=True, creators=[self], creation_op="sum_" + str(dim)) return Tensor(self.data.sum(dim)) #扩展 def expand(self, dim, copies): trans_cmd = list(range(0, len(self.data.shape))) trans_cmd.insert(dim, len(self.data.shape)) new_data = self.data.repeat(copies).reshape(list(self.data.shape) + [copies]).transpose(trans_cmd) if (self.autograd): return Tensor(new_data, autograd=True, creators=[self], creation_op="expand_" + str(dim)) return Tensor(new_data) #转置 def transpose(self): if (self.autograd): return Tensor(self.data.transpose(), autograd=True, creators=[self], creation_op="transpose") return Tensor(self.data.transpose()) #矩阵乘法 def mm(self, x): if (self.autograd): return Tensor(self.data.dot(x.data), autograd=True, creators=[self, x], creation_op="mm") return Tensor(self.data.dot(x.data)) def __repr__(self): return str(self.data.__repr__()) def __str__(self): return str(self.data.__str__()) np.random.seed(0) data = Tensor(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]), autograd=True) target = Tensor(np.array([[0], [1], [0], [1]]), autograd=True) w = list() w.append(Tensor(np.random.rand(2, 3), autograd=True)) w.append(Tensor(np.random.rand(3, 1), autograd=True)) for i in range(10): # Predict pred = data.mm(w[0]).mm(w[1]) # Compare loss = ((pred - target) * (pred - target)).sum(0) # Learn loss.backward(Tensor(np.ones_like(loss.data))) for w_ in w: w_.data -= w_.grad.data * 0.1 w_.grad.data *= 0 print(loss) ''' [0.58128304] [0.48988149] [0.41375111] [0.34489412] [0.28210124] [0.2254484] [0.17538853] [0.1324231] [0.09682769] [0.06849361] '''