// 企业微信服务入口
package work
import (
wxbizmsgcrypt "gofly/app/wx/work/lib"
type Index struct {
NoNeedLogin []string //忽略登录接口配置-忽略全部传[*]
// 初始化路由
func init() {
fpath := Index{NoNeedLogin: []string{"*"}}
gf.Register(&fpath, fpath)
// 读取wxwork插件配置文件
var (
confobj, _ = gf.GetConfByFile("wxwork")
confData = gconv.Map(gconv.Map(confobj)["data"])
* url接口配置
func (api *Index) GetPostApi(c *gf.GinCtx) {
CorpId := gf.String(confData["corpid"]) // 企业微信 ID (在企业微信的“我的企业->企业信息-企业ID”)
Token := gf.String(confData["token"]) // 添加回调时自动生成的 Token
EncodingAESKey := gf.String(confData["encodingaeskey"]) // 添加回调时自动生成的 EncodingAESKey
// 获取到请求参数
msgSignature := c.Query("msg_signature")
timestamp := c.Query("timestamp")
nonce := c.Query("nonce")
if c.Request.Method == "GET" {
echostr := c.Query("echostr")
wxcpt := wxbizmsgcrypt.NewWXBizMsgCrypt(Token, EncodingAESKey, CorpId, wxbizmsgcrypt.XmlType)
echoStr, cryptErr := wxcpt.VerifyURL(msgSignature, timestamp, nonce, echostr)
if nil != cryptErr {
fmt.Println("verifyUrl fail", cryptErr)
// 将解密出来的字符串返回出去
// c.String(200, string(echoStr))
_, _ = c.Writer.WriteString(string(echoStr))
} else { //post请求
wxcpt := wxbizmsgcrypt.NewWXBizMsgCrypt(Token, EncodingAESKey, CorpId, wxbizmsgcrypt.XmlType)
postdata, err := c.GetRawData()
if err != nil {
msgText, cryptErr := wxcpt.DecryptMsg(msgSignature, timestamp, nonce, []byte(postdata))
if nil != cryptErr {
fmt.Println("DecryptMsg fail", cryptErr)
msgContent, err := ReceiveCommonMsg(msgText)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ReceiveMsg fail", err)
fmt.Println("解析消息: ", msgContent)
fmt.Println("解析消息内容: ", msgContent.Content)
if msgContent.Content != "" { //有内容是在回复
respData := fmt.Sprintf("<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[%v]]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[%v]]></FromUserName><CreateTime>%v</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[text]]></MsgType><Content><![CDATA[AI正在为您解答,请稍等]]></Content></xml>", msgContent.FromUsername, msgContent.ToUsername, time.Now().Unix())
encryptMsg, cryptErr := wxcpt.EncryptMsg(respData, timestamp, nonce)
if nil != cryptErr {
fmt.Println("DecryptMsg fail", cryptErr)
sEncryptMsg := string(encryptMsg)
_, _ = c.Writer.WriteString(sEncryptMsg)
type MsgContent struct {
ToUsername string `xml:"ToUserName"`
FromUsername string `xml:"FromUserName"`
CreateTime uint32 `xml:"CreateTime"`
MsgType string `xml:"MsgType"`
Content string `xml:"Content"`
Msgid string `xml:"MsgId"`
Agentid uint32 `xml:"AgentId"`
type WxReceiveCommonMsg struct {
ToUserName string //接收者 开发者 微信号
FromUserName string //发送者 发送方帐号(一个OpenID)
Content string //文本内容
CreateTime int64 //创建时间
MsgType string //消息类型
MsgId int64 //消息id
AgentID int64 //接收的应用id,可在应用的设置页面获取
PicUrl string //图片url
MediaId string //媒体id
Event string //事件类型,VIEW
EventKey string //事件KEY值,设置的跳转URL
MenuId string
Format string
Recognition string
ThumbMediaId string //缩略图媒体ID
// MsgContentFunc (接收到消息之后,会将消息交于这个函数处理)
var MsgContentFunc func(msg MsgContent) error
// 处理接口事件
func ReceiveCommonMsg(msgData []byte) (MsgContent, error) {
fmt.Printf("received weixin msgData:\n%s\n", msgData)
rootmsg := MsgContent{}
err := xml.Unmarshal(msgData, &rootmsg)
if MsgContentFunc == nil {
return rootmsg, err
err = MsgContentFunc(rootmsg)
return rootmsg, err
package lib
import (
const letterBytes = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
const (
ValidateSignatureError int = -40001
ParseXmlError int = -40002
ComputeSignatureError int = -40003
IllegalAesKey int = -40004
ValidateCorpidError int = -40005
EncryptAESError int = -40006
DecryptAESError int = -40007
IllegalBuffer int = -40008
EncodeBase64Error int = -40009
DecodeBase64Error int = -40010
GenXmlError int = -40010
ParseJsonError int = -40012
GenJsonError int = -40013
IllegalProtocolType int = -40014
type ProtocolType int
const (
XmlType ProtocolType = 1
type CryptError struct {
ErrCode int
ErrMsg string
func NewCryptError(err_code int, err_msg string) *CryptError {
return &CryptError{ErrCode: err_code, ErrMsg: err_msg}
type WXBizMsg4Recv struct {
Tousername string `xml:"ToUserName"`
Encrypt string `xml:"Encrypt"`
Agentid string `xml:"AgentID"`
type CDATA struct {
Value string `xml:",cdata"`
type WXBizMsg4Send struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"xml"`
Encrypt CDATA `xml:"Encrypt"`
Signature CDATA `xml:"MsgSignature"`
Timestamp string `xml:"TimeStamp"`
Nonce CDATA `xml:"Nonce"`
func NewWXBizMsg4Send(encrypt, signature, timestamp, nonce string) *WXBizMsg4Send {
return &WXBizMsg4Send{Encrypt: CDATA{Value: encrypt}, Signature: CDATA{Value: signature}, Timestamp: timestamp, Nonce: CDATA{Value: nonce}}
type ProtocolProcessor interface {
parse(src_data []byte) (*WXBizMsg4Recv, *CryptError)
serialize(msg_send *WXBizMsg4Send) ([]byte, *CryptError)
type WXBizMsgCrypt struct {
token string
encoding_aeskey string
receiver_id string
protocol_processor ProtocolProcessor
type XmlProcessor struct {
func (self *XmlProcessor) parse(src_data []byte) (*WXBizMsg4Recv, *CryptError) {
var msg4_recv WXBizMsg4Recv
err := xml.Unmarshal(src_data, &msg4_recv)
if nil != err {
return nil, NewCryptError(ParseXmlError, "xml to msg fail")
return &msg4_recv, nil
func (self *XmlProcessor) serialize(msg4_send *WXBizMsg4Send) ([]byte, *CryptError) {
xml_msg, err := xml.Marshal(msg4_send)
if nil != err {
return nil, NewCryptError(GenXmlError, err.Error())
return xml_msg, nil
func NewWXBizMsgCrypt(token, encoding_aeskey, receiver_id string, protocol_type ProtocolType) *WXBizMsgCrypt {
var protocol_processor ProtocolProcessor
if protocol_type != XmlType {
panic("unsupport protocal")
} else {
protocol_processor = new(XmlProcessor)
return &WXBizMsgCrypt{token: token, encoding_aeskey: (encoding_aeskey + "="), receiver_id: receiver_id, protocol_processor: protocol_processor}
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) randString(n int) string {
b := make([]byte, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letterBytes[rand.Int63()%int64(len(letterBytes))]
return string(b)
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) pKCS7Padding(plaintext string, block_size int) []byte {
padding := block_size - (len(plaintext) % block_size)
padtext := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padding)}, padding)
var buffer bytes.Buffer
return buffer.Bytes()
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) pKCS7Unpadding(plaintext []byte, block_size int) ([]byte, *CryptError) {
plaintext_len := len(plaintext)
if nil == plaintext || plaintext_len == 0 {
return nil, NewCryptError(DecryptAESError, "pKCS7Unpadding error nil or zero")
if plaintext_len%block_size != 0 {
return nil, NewCryptError(DecryptAESError, "pKCS7Unpadding text not a multiple of the block size")
padding_len := int(plaintext[plaintext_len-1])
return plaintext[:plaintext_len-padding_len], nil
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) cbcEncrypter(plaintext string) ([]byte, *CryptError) {
aeskey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(self.encoding_aeskey)
if nil != err {
return nil, NewCryptError(DecodeBase64Error, err.Error())
const block_size = 32
pad_msg := self.pKCS7Padding(plaintext, block_size)
block, err := aes.NewCipher(aeskey)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewCryptError(EncryptAESError, err.Error())
ciphertext := make([]byte, len(pad_msg))
iv := aeskey[:aes.BlockSize]
mode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, iv)
mode.CryptBlocks(ciphertext, pad_msg)
base64_msg := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(ciphertext)))
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(base64_msg, ciphertext)
return base64_msg, nil
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) cbcDecrypter(base64_encrypt_msg string) ([]byte, *CryptError) {
aeskey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(self.encoding_aeskey)
if nil != err {
return nil, NewCryptError(DecodeBase64Error, err.Error())
encrypt_msg, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base64_encrypt_msg)
if nil != err {
return nil, NewCryptError(DecodeBase64Error, err.Error())
block, err := aes.NewCipher(aeskey)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewCryptError(DecryptAESError, err.Error())
if len(encrypt_msg) < aes.BlockSize {
return nil, NewCryptError(DecryptAESError, "encrypt_msg size is not valid")
iv := aeskey[:aes.BlockSize]
if len(encrypt_msg)%aes.BlockSize != 0 {
return nil, NewCryptError(DecryptAESError, "encrypt_msg not a multiple of the block size")
mode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)
mode.CryptBlocks(encrypt_msg, encrypt_msg)
return encrypt_msg, nil
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) calSignature(timestamp, nonce, data string) string {
sort_arr := []string{self.token, timestamp, nonce, data}
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for _, value := range sort_arr {
sha := sha1.New()
signature := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha.Sum(nil))
return string(signature)
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) ParsePlainText(plaintext []byte) ([]byte, uint32, []byte, []byte, *CryptError) {
const block_size = 32
plaintext, err := self.pKCS7Unpadding(plaintext, block_size)
if nil != err {
return nil, 0, nil, nil, err
text_len := uint32(len(plaintext))
if text_len < 20 {
return nil, 0, nil, nil, NewCryptError(IllegalBuffer, "plain is to small 1")
random := plaintext[:16]
msg_len := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(plaintext[16:20])
if text_len < (20 + msg_len) {
return nil, 0, nil, nil, NewCryptError(IllegalBuffer, "plain is to small 2")
msg := plaintext[20 : 20+msg_len]
receiver_id := plaintext[20+msg_len:]
return random, msg_len, msg, receiver_id, nil
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) VerifyURL(msg_signature, timestamp, nonce, echostr string) ([]byte, *CryptError) {
signature := self.calSignature(timestamp, nonce, echostr)
if strings.Compare(signature, msg_signature) != 0 {
return nil, NewCryptError(ValidateSignatureError, "signature not equal")
plaintext, err := self.cbcDecrypter(echostr)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
_, _, msg, receiver_id, err := self.ParsePlainText(plaintext)
if nil != err {
return nil, err
if len(self.receiver_id) > 0 && strings.Compare(string(receiver_id), self.receiver_id) != 0 {
fmt.Println(string(receiver_id), self.receiver_id, len(receiver_id), len(self.receiver_id))
return nil, NewCryptError(ValidateCorpidError, "receiver_id is not equil")
return msg, nil
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) EncryptMsg(reply_msg, timestamp, nonce string) ([]byte, *CryptError) {
rand_str := self.randString(16)
var buffer bytes.Buffer
msg_len_buf := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(msg_len_buf, uint32(len(reply_msg)))
tmp_ciphertext, err := self.cbcEncrypter(buffer.String())
if nil != err {
return nil, err
ciphertext := string(tmp_ciphertext)
signature := self.calSignature(timestamp, nonce, ciphertext)
msg4_send := NewWXBizMsg4Send(ciphertext, signature, timestamp, nonce)
return self.protocol_processor.serialize(msg4_send)
func (self *WXBizMsgCrypt) DecryptMsg(msg_signature, timestamp, nonce string, post_data []byte) ([]byte, *CryptError) {
msg4_recv, crypt_err := self.protocol_processor.parse(post_data)
if nil != crypt_err {
return nil, crypt_err
signature := self.calSignature(timestamp, nonce, msg4_recv.Encrypt)
if strings.Compare(signature, msg_signature) != 0 {
return nil, NewCryptError(ValidateSignatureError, "signature not equal")
plaintext, crypt_err := self.cbcDecrypter(msg4_recv.Encrypt)
if nil != crypt_err {
return nil, crypt_err
_, _, msg, receiver_id, crypt_err := self.ParsePlainText(plaintext)
if nil != crypt_err {
return nil, crypt_err
if len(self.receiver_id) > 0 && strings.Compare(string(receiver_id), self.receiver_id) != 0 {
return nil, NewCryptError(ValidateCorpidError, "receiver_id is not equil")
return msg, nil