类似if else elif 又一个分支满足直接结束
默认值 _
var i = 6
val day = i match {
case 0 => "Sunday"
case 1 => "Monday"
case 2 => "Tuesday"
case 3 => "Wednesday"
case 4 => "Thursday"
case 5 => "Friday"
case 6 => "Saturday"
case _ => "invalid day" // the default, catch-all 默认值
//"invalid day"
i = 9
i match {
case 0 => println("1")
case 1 => println("2")
case what => println(s"You gave me: $what")
在模式中使用的名称必须以小写字母开头。 以大写字母开头的名称并不引入变量,而是匹配该范围内的一个值
val N = 42
i match {
case 0 => println("1")
case 1 => println("2")
case N => println("42") //引入的变量
case n => println(s"You gave me: $n" ) //接受匹配失败的i
val evenOrOdd = i match {
case 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 => println("odd")
case 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 => println("even")
case _ => println("some other number")
在 case
子句中使用 if
i= -1
i match {
case 1 => println("one, a lonely number")
case x if x % 2 == 0 || x == 3 => println("two’s company, three’s a crowd") //x接受i值 判断
case x if x > 3 => println("4+, that’s a party")
case _ => println("i’m guessing your number is zero or less")
与数字范围匹配,a,b,c效果一直都是接受i 2025资料分析理论实战讲义(第三周).pdf
i = 19
i match {
case a if 0 to 9 contains a => println(s"0-9 range: $a")
case b if 10 to 19 contains b => println(s"10-19 range: $b")
case c if 20 to 29 contains c => println(s"20-29 range: $c")
case _ => println("Hmmm...")
样例类和 match 表达式
您还可以从 case
类中提取字段 —— 以及正确编写了 apply
方法的类 —— 并在守卫条件下使用这些字段。 下面是一个使用简单 Person
case class Person(name: String)
def speak(p: Person) = p match {
case Person(name) if name == "Fred" => println(s"$name says, Yubba dubba doo")
case Person(name) if name == "Bam Bam" => println(s"$name says, Bam bam!")
case _ => println("Watch the Flintstones!")
speak(Person("Fred")) // "Fred says, Yubba dubba doo"
speak(Person("Bam Bam")) // "Bam Bam says, Bam bam!"
有许多不同形式的模式可用于编写 match
表达式。 示例包括:
- 常量模式(如
case 3 =>
) - 序列模式(如
case List(els : _*) =>
) - 元组模式(如
case (x, y) =>
) - 构造函数模式(如
case Person(first, last) =>
) - 类型测试模式(如
case p: Person =>
所有这些类型的模式匹配都展示在以下 pattern
方法中,该方法采用类型为 Matchable
的输入参数并返回 String
def pattern(x: Matchable): String = x match {
// constant patterns
case 0 => "zero"
case true => "true"
case "hello" => "you said 'hello'"
case Nil => "an empty List"
// sequence patterns
case List(0, _, _) => "a 3-element list with 0 as the first element"
case List(1, _*) => "list, starts with 1, has any number of elements"
case Vector(1, _*) => "vector, starts w/ 1, has any number of elements"
// tuple patterns
case (a, b) => s"got $a and $b"
case (a, b, c) => s"got $a, $b, and $c"
// constructor patterns
case Person(first, "Alexander") => s"Alexander, first name = $first"
case Dog("Zeus") => "found a dog named Zeus"
// type test patterns
case s: String => s"got a string: $s"
case i: Int => s"got an int: $i"
case f: Float => s"got a float: $f"
case a: Array[Int] => s"array of int: ${a.mkString(",")}"
case as: Array[String] => s"string array: ${as.mkString(",")}"
case d: Dog => s"dog: ${d.name}"
case list: List[?] => s"got a List: $list"
case m: Map[?, ?] => m.toString
// the default wildcard pattern
case _ => "Unknown"