
发布于:2025-03-15 ⋅ 阅读:(10) ⋅ 点赞:(0)






参数 说明 类型 默认值
theme 主题对象 Theme {}
abstract boolean 是否不存在 DOM 包裹元素 true
tag string ConfigProvider 被渲染成的元素,abstracttrue 时有效 ‘div’

Theme Type

名称 说明 类型 默认值
common? 全局通用配置,优先级低于组件配置 Config undefined
ComponentName? 组件自定义配置 Config undefined

Config Type

名称 说明 类型 默认值
primaryColor? 主题色 string undefined

ComponentName Type

ComponentName ‘Alert’ | ‘BackTop’ | ‘Button’ | ‘Calendar’ | ‘Carousel’ | ‘Checkbox’ | ‘ColorPicker’ | ‘DatePicker’ | ‘FloatButton’ | ‘Image’ | ‘Input’ | ‘InputNumber’ | ‘InputSearch’ | ‘LoadingBar’ | ‘Message’ | ‘Modal’ | ‘Notification’ | ‘Pagination’ | ‘Popconfirm’ | ‘Progress’ | ‘Radio’ | ‘Select’ | ‘Slider’ | ‘Spin’ | ‘Steps’ | ‘Swiper’ | ‘Switch’ | ‘Tabs’ | ‘Textarea’ | ‘TextScroll’ | ‘Upload’


名称 说明 类型
default 内容 v-slot:default

创建全局化配置组件 ConfigProvider.vue

<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive, computed, watch, provide } from 'vue'
import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'
import { generate } from '@ant-design/colors'
export interface Theme {
  common?: {
    // 优先级低于组件配置
    primaryColor?: string
  Alert?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  BackTop?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Button?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Calendar?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Carousel?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Checkbox?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  ColorPicker?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  DatePicker?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  FloatButton?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Image?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Input?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  InputNumber?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  InputSearch?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  LoadingBar?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Message?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Modal?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Notification?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Pagination?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Popconfirm?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Progress?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Radio?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Select?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Slider?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Spin?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Steps?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Swiper?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Switch?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Tabs?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Textarea?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  TextScroll?: {
    primaryColor?: string
  Upload?: {
    primaryColor?: string
export interface Props {
  theme?: Theme // 主题对象
  abstract?: boolean // 是否不存在 DOM 包裹元素
  tag?: string // ConfigProvider 被渲染成的元素,abstract 为 true 时有效
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
  theme: () => ({}),
  abstract: true,
  tag: 'div'
interface ThemeColor {
  colorPalettes: string[]
  shadowColor: string
// 通用主题颜色
const commonThemeColor = reactive<ThemeColor>({
  colorPalettes: [],
  shadowColor: ''
// 各个组件的主题颜色
const componentsThemeColor = reactive<Record<string, ThemeColor>>({
  Alert: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  BackTop: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Button: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Calendar: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Carousel: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Checkbox: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  ColorPicker: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  DatePicker: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  FloatButton: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Image: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Input: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  InputNumber: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  InputSearch: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  LoadingBar: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Message: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Modal: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Notification: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Pagination: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Popconfirm: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Progress: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Radio: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Select: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Slider: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Spin: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Steps: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Swiper: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Switch: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Tabs: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Textarea: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  TextScroll: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
  Upload: {
    colorPalettes: [],
    shadowColor: ''
provide('common', commonThemeColor)
provide('components', componentsThemeColor)
const commonTheme = computed(() => {
  if ('common' in props.theme) {
    return props.theme.common
  return null
const componentsTheme = computed(() => {
  const themes = { ...props.theme }
  if ('common' in themes) {
    delete themes.common
  return themes
// 监听 common 主题变化
  (to) => {
    const colorPalettes = getColorPalettes(to?.primaryColor || '#1677ff')
    commonThemeColor.colorPalettes = colorPalettes
    commonThemeColor.shadowColor = getAlphaColor(colorPalettes[0])
    immediate: true
// 监听各个组件主题变化
  (to) => {
    Object.keys(to).forEach((key: string) => {
      const primaryColor = to[key as keyof Theme]?.primaryColor || commonTheme.value?.primaryColor || '#1677ff'
      const colorPalettes = getColorPalettes(primaryColor)
      componentsThemeColor[key].colorPalettes = colorPalettes
      componentsThemeColor[key].shadowColor = getAlphaColor(colorPalettes[0])
    immediate: true
function getColorPalettes(primaryColor: string): string[] {
  return generate(primaryColor)
function isStableColor(color: number): boolean {
  return color >= 0 && color <= 255
function getAlphaColor(frontColor: string, backgroundColor: string = '#ffffff'): string {
  const { r: fR, g: fG, b: fB, a: originAlpha } = new TinyColor(frontColor).toRgb()
  if (originAlpha < 1) return frontColor
  const { r: bR, g: bG, b: bB } = new TinyColor(backgroundColor).toRgb()
  for (let fA = 0.01; fA <= 1; fA += 0.01) {
    const r = Math.round((fR - bR * (1 - fA)) / fA)
    const g = Math.round((fG - bG * (1 - fA)) / fA)
    const b = Math.round((fB - bB * (1 - fA)) / fA)
    if (isStableColor(r) && isStableColor(g) && isStableColor(b)) {
      return new TinyColor({ r, g, b, a: Math.round(fA * 100) / 100 }).toRgbString()
  return new TinyColor({ r: fR, g: fG, b: fB, a: 1 }).toRgbString()
  <slot v-if="abstract"></slot>
  <component v-else :is="tag" class="m-config-provider">


其中所有组件均源自 Vue Amazing UI 组件库,也包括本组件

<script setup lang="ts">
import Calendar from './Calendar.vue'
import { ref, h } from 'vue'
import { format } from 'date-fns'
import { MessageOutlined, CommentOutlined, MinusOutlined, PlusOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue'
import type {
} from 'vue-amazing-ui'
const primaryColor = ref<string>('#ff6900')
const commonPrimaryColor = ref<string>('#1677ff')
const buttonPrimaryColor = ref<string>('#18a058')
const theme = ref<ConfigProviderTheme>({
  common: {
    primaryColor: commonPrimaryColor.value
  Button: {
    primaryColor: buttonPrimaryColor.value
const checkboxChecked = ref<boolean>(false)
const cardDate = ref<number>(
const dateValue = ref<string>(format(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
const inputValue = ref<string>('')
const inputNumberValue = ref<number>(3)
const inputSearchValue = ref<string>('')
const cardRef = ref()
const loadingBarRef = ref()
const messageRef = ref()
const modalRef = ref()
const notificationRef = ref()
const page = ref<number>(1)
const radioChecked = ref<boolean>(false)
const images = ref<CarouselImage[]>([
    name: 'image-1',
    src: '',
    link: ''
    name: 'image-2',
    src: '',
    link: ''
    name: 'image-3',
    src: '',
    link: ''
    name: 'image-4',
    src: ''
    name: 'image-5',
    src: ''
const options = ref<SelectOption[]>([
    label: '北京市',
    value: 1
    label: '上海市',
    value: 2
    label: '纽约市',
    value: 3
    label: '旧金山',
    value: 4
    label: '布宜诺斯艾利斯',
    value: 5
    label: '伊斯坦布尔',
    value: 6
    label: '拜占庭',
    value: 7
    label: '君士坦丁堡',
    value: 8
const selectedValue = ref<number>(5)
const percent = ref<number>(80)
const sliderValue = ref<number>(50)
const stepsItems = ref<StepsItem[]>([
    title: 'Step 1',
    description: 'description 1'
    title: 'Step 2',
    description: 'description 2'
    title: 'Step 3',
    description: 'description 3'
const current = ref<number>(2)
const switchChecked = ref<boolean>(false)
const tabItems = ref<TabsItem[]>([
    key: '1',
    tab: 'Tab 1',
    content: 'Content of Tab Pane 1'
    key: '2',
    tab: 'Tab 2',
    content: 'Content of Tab Pane 2'
    key: '3',
    tab: 'Tab 3',
    content: 'Content of Tab Pane 3'
    key: '4',
    tab: 'Tab 4',
    content: 'Content of Tab Pane 4'
    key: '5',
    tab: 'Tab 5',
    content: 'Content of Tab Pane 5'
    key: '6',
    tab: 'Tab 6',
    content: 'Content of Tab Pane 6'
const activeKey = ref<string>('1')
const textareaValue = ref<string>('')
const scrollItems = ref<TextScrollItem[]>([
    title: '美国作家杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格创作的唯一一部长篇小说',
    href: '',
    target: '_blank'
    title: '《麦田里的守望者》首次出版于1951年',
    href: '',
    target: '_blank'
    title: '塞林格将故事的起止局限于16岁的中学生霍尔顿·考尔菲德从离开学校到纽约游荡的三天时间内'
    title: '并借鉴了意识流天马行空的写作方法,充分探索了一个十几岁少年的内心世界',
    href: '',
    target: '_blank'
    title: '愤怒与焦虑是此书的两大主题,主人公的经历和思想在青少年中引起强烈共鸣',
    href: '',
    target: '_blank'
const fileList = ref<UploadFileType[]>([
    name: '1.jpg',
    url: ''
    name: 'Markdown.pdf',
    url: ''
function onIncrease(scale: number) {
  const res = percent.value + scale
  if (res > 100) {
    percent.value = 100
  } else {
    percent.value = res
function onDecline(scale: number) {
  const res = percent.value - scale
  if (res < 0) {
    percent.value = 0
  } else {
    percent.value = res
    <h1>{{ $ }} {{ $route.meta.title }}</h1>
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">基本使用</h2>
    <Card width="50%" title="以下示例已包含所有使用主题色的组件">
      <Space align="center"> primaryColor:<ColorPicker style="width: 200px" v-model:value="primaryColor" /> </Space>
    <br />
    <br />
    <ConfigProvider :theme="{ common: { primaryColor } }">
      <Flex vertical>
        <Space align="center">
          <Alert style="width: 200px" message="Info Text" type="info" show-icon />
          <BackTop />
          <Button type="primary">Primary Button</Button>
          <Checkbox v-model:checked="checkboxChecked">Checkbox</Checkbox>
          <ColorPicker :width="200" />
          <DatePicker v-model="dateValue" format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="请选择日期" />
          <Input :width="200" v-model:value="inputValue" placeholder="custom theme input" />
          <InputNumber :width="120" v-model:value="inputNumberValue" placeholder="please input" />
            :search-props="{ type: 'primary' }"
            placeholder="input search"
          <Button type="primary" @click="'This is an info message')">Show Message</Button>
          <Message ref="messageRef" />
            @click="{ title: 'This is an info modal', content: 'Some descriptions ...' })"
            >Show Modal</Button
          <Modal ref="modalRef" />
            @click="{ title: 'Notification Title', description: 'This is a normal notification' })"
            >Show Notification</Button
          <Notification ref="notificationRef" />
          <Popconfirm title="Custom Theme" description="There will have some descriptions ..." icon="info">
            <Button type="primary">Show Confirm</Button>
          <Radio v-model:checked="radioChecked">Radio</Radio>
          <Select :options="options" v-model="selectedValue" />
          <Switch v-model="switchChecked" />
          <Textarea :width="360" v-model:value="textareaValue" placeholder="custom theme textarea" />
          <Image src="" />
        <Calendar v-model:value="cardDate" display="card" />
        <Carousel style="margin-left: 0" :images="images" :width="800" :height="450" />
        <Card width="50%" style="height: 300px; transform: translate(0)">
          <FloatButton type="primary" :right="96">
            <template #icon>
              <MessageOutlined />
          <FloatButton type="primary" shape="square">
            <template #icon>
              <CommentOutlined />
        <LoadingBar ref="loadingBarRef" :container-style="{ position: 'absolute' }" :to="cardRef" />
          style="position: relative; width: 50%; padding: 48px 36px; border-radius: 8px; border: 1px solid #f0f0f0"
            <Button type="primary" @click="loadingBarRef.start()">Start</Button>
            <Button @click="loadingBarRef.finish()">Finish</Button>
            <Button type="danger" @click="loadingBarRef.error()">Error</Button>
        <Pagination v-model:page="page" :total="500" show-quick-jumper />
        <Card width="50%">
          <Flex vertical>
            <Progress :percent="percent" />
            <Space align="center">
              <Progress type="circle" :percent="percent" />
              <Button @click="onDecline(5)" size="large" :icon="() => h(MinusOutlined)">Decline</Button>
              <Button @click="onIncrease(5)" size="large" :icon="() => h(PlusOutlined)">Increase</Button>
        <Card width="50%">
          <Slider v-model:value="sliderValue" />
        <Card width="50%">
          <Flex style="height: 60px">
            <Spin spinning />
            <Spin spinning indicator="spin-dot" />
            <Spin spinning indicator="spin-line" />
            <Spin spinning :spin-circle-percent="50" indicator="ring-circle" />
            <Spin spinning :spin-circle-percent="50" indicator="ring-rail" />
            <Spin spinning indicator="dynamic-circle" />
            <Spin spinning indicator="magic-ring" />
        <Card width="50%">
          <Steps :items="stepsItems" v-model:current="current" />
          style="margin-left: 0"
            dynamicBullets: true,
            clickable: true
        <Card width="50%">
          <Tabs :items="tabItems" v-model:active-key="activeKey" />
        <TextScroll :items="scrollItems" />
        <Upload v-model:fileList="fileList" />
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">自定义组件主题</h2>
    <Flex vertical>
      <Space align="center">
        commonPrimaryColor:<ColorPicker style="width: 200px" v-model:value="commonPrimaryColor" />
      <Space align="center">
        buttonPrimaryColor:<ColorPicker style="width: 200px" v-model:value="buttonPrimaryColor" />
      <ConfigProvider :theme="theme">
        <Space align="center">
          <Alert style="width: 200px" message="Info Text" type="info" show-icon />
          <Button type="primary">Primary Button</Button>
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">自定义包裹元素</h2>
    <ConfigProvider :abstract="false" tag="span" :theme="{ common: { primaryColor: '#ff6900' } }">
      <Button type="primary">Primary Button</Button>


