Vue3.5 企业级管理系统实战(九):菜单组件

发布于:2025-03-18 ⋅ 阅读:(20) ⋅ 点赞:(0)

1 菜单递归组件

1.1 安装插件 path-browserify 

path-browserify是一款专门用于在浏览器环境中模拟 Node.js path模块功能的 JavaScript 库。在 Node.js 中,path模块为处理文件和目录路径提供了诸多实用方法,但浏览器本身并不具备这样的功能。path-browserify填补了这一空白,使得开发者在前端项目中也能便捷地处理路径相关操作。​


通过 npm 安装后,在项目中以 ES Module 或 CommonJS 方式引入即可使用。在 Webpack 等构建工具中,需配置别名来确保正确引用。常用于前端构建工具配置、浏览器端涉及路径处理的场景以及跨平台开发,助力代码在不同环境下实现路径操作的一致性 。

@types/path-browserify专门为path-browserify库提供 TypeScript 类型定义。在 TypeScript 项目里,它能让代码拥有更可靠的类型保障。借助@types/path-browserify,开发人员使用path-browserify时,像path.join这类方法,编译器会自动检查传入参数类型是否匹配,返回值类型是否正确。若类型有误,能及时报错,避免运行时错误。安装十分简单,通过npm install @types/path-browserify即可。安装后,它无缝对接 TypeScript 项目,为路径操作代码带来智能提示与类型检查,显著提升代码质量与开发效率 。 

通过 pnpm 安装插件

pnpm i path-browserify @types/path-browserify

1.2 SidebarItemLink 组件

  <component :is="componentType" v-bind="componentProps">

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { isExternal } from "@/utils/validate";

const { to } = defineProps<{
  to: string;

const isExt = computed(() => isExternal(to));
const componentType = computed(() => {
  return isExt.value ? "a" : "router-link";

const componentProps = computed(() => {
  if (isExt.value) {
    return {
      href: to,
      target: "_blank"
  } else {
    return {

1.3 SidebarItem 组件

  <!-- 我们需要将路由表中的路径进行添加 index -->
  <template v-if="!item.meta?.hidden">
      v-if="filteredChildren.length <= 1 && !item.meta?.alwaysShow"
      <el-menu-item :index="resolvePath(singleChildRoute.path)">
        <el-icon v-if="iconName">
          <svg-icon :icon-name="iconName" />
        <template #title>{{ singleChildRoute.meta.title }}</template>
    <el-sub-menu v-else :index="item.path">
      <template #title>
        <el-icon v-if="iconName"> <svg-icon :icon-name="iconName" /> </el-icon>
        <span>{{ item.meta?.title }}</span>

        v-for="child of filteredChildren"

<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { RouteRecordRaw } from "vue-router";
import path from "path-browserify";

const { item, basePath } = defineProps<{
  item: RouteRecordRaw;
  basePath: string;

// 如果只有一个儿子,说明我们直接渲染这里的一个儿子即可

// 如果菜单对应的children有多个 ,使用el-submenu去渲染

const filteredChildren = computed(() =>
  (item.children || []).filter((child) => !child.meta?.hidden)

// 要渲染的路由  system => children[]
const singleChildRoute = computed(
  () =>
    filteredChildren.value.length === 1
      ? filteredChildren.value[0]
      : { ...item, path: "" }
  // 此处我们将自己的path置为“” 防止重复拼接
// 要渲染的图标
const iconName = computed(() => singleChildRoute.value.meta?.icon);

// 解析父路径 + 子路径  (resolve 可以解析绝对路径
//   /system  /sytem/memu -> /sytem/memu)
//   /  dashboard => /dashboard

const resolvePath = (childPath: string) => path.join(basePath, childPath);

2 组件引用

在 src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue 中引用菜单递归组件,代码如下:

        v-for="route in routes"
      <!-- 增加父路径,用于el-menu-item渲染的时候拼接 -->

  <!-- :collapse="true" -->

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useAppStore } from "@/stores/app";
import varaibles from "@/style/variables.module.scss";
import { routes } from "@/router";

const route = useRoute();

const { sidebar } = useAppStore();

const defaultActive = computed(() => {
  // .....
  return route.path;

<style scoped></style>

3 页面及路由配置

在 views 文件夹下新建页面,如:

在 src/router 下新建类型文件 typings.d.ts,如下:

import "vue-router";

// 给模块添加额外类型 , ts中的接口合并
declare module "vue-router" {
  interface RouteMeta {
    icon?: string;
    title?: string;
    hidden?: boolean;
    alwaysShow?: boolean;
    breadcrumb?: boolean;
    affix?: boolean;
    noCache?: boolean;

在 src/router/index.ts 中进行页面路由配置,代码如下:

import {
  type RouteRecordRaw
} from "vue-router";
import Layout from "@/layout/index.vue";
export const constantRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
    path: "/",
    component: Layout,
    redirect: "/dashboard",
    children: [
        path: "dashboard",
        name: "dashboard",
        component: () => import("@/views/dashboard/index.vue"),
        meta: {
          icon: "ant-design:bank-outlined",
          title: "dashboard",
          affix: true, // 固定在tagsViews中
          noCache: true //   不需要缓存
export const asyncRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
    path: "/documentation",
    component: Layout,
    redirect: "/documentation/index",
    children: [
        path: "index",
        name: "documentation",
        component: () => import("@/views/documentation/index.vue"),
        meta: {
          icon: "ant-design:database-filled",
          title: "documentation"

    path: "/guide",
    component: Layout,
    redirect: "/guide/index",
    children: [
        path: "index",
        name: "guide",
        component: () => import("@/views/guide/index.vue"),
        meta: {
          icon: "ant-design:car-twotone",
          title: "guide"
    path: "/system",
    component: Layout,
    redirect: "/system/menu",
    meta: {
      icon: "ant-design:unlock-filled",
      title: "system",
      alwaysShow: true
      // breadcrumb: false
      // 作为父文件夹一直显示
    children: [
        path: "menu",
        name: "menu",
        component: () => import("@/views/system/menu/index.vue"),
        meta: {
          icon: "ant-design:unlock-filled",
          title: "menu"

        path: "role",
        name: "role",
        component: () => import("@/views/system/role/index.vue"),
        meta: {
          icon: "ant-design:unlock-filled",
          title: "role"
        path: "user",
        name: "user",
        component: () => import("@/views/system/user/index.vue"),
        meta: {
          icon: "ant-design:unlock-filled",
          title: "user"

    path: "/external-link",
    component: Layout,
    children: [
        path: "",
        redirect: "/",
        meta: {
          icon: "ant-design:link-outlined",
          title: "link Baidu"
// 需要根据用户赋予的权限来动态添加异步路由
export const routes = [...constantRoutes, ...asyncRoutes];
export default createRouter({
  routes, // 路由表
  history: createWebHistory() //  路由模式

4 菜单样式问题解决


修改 src/style/index.scss

//@import "./variables.module.scss"; 弃用
@import "./variables.module.scss";

:root {
  --sidebar-width: #{$sideBarWidth};
  --navbar-height: #{$navBarHeight};
  --tagsview-height: #{$tagsViewHeight};
  --menu-bg: #{$menuBg};

a {
  @apply decoration-none active:(decoration-none) hover:(decoration-none);


5 菜单组件缓存

在 dashboard.index 中加个输入框,输入值后,切换到其他菜单,再切换回来,发现输入的值已经置空,想要缓存已经输入的值,需要做组件的缓存。

5.1 AppMain 组件

在 layout/components 下新建 AppMain.vue

  <router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
    <transition name="fade">
        <component :is="Component" :key="$route.path"></component>

<script lang="ts" setup></script>

<style lang="scss">
.fade-leave-active {
  @apply transition-all duration-500 pos-absolute;
.fade-enter-from {
  @apply opacity-0 translate-x-[50px];
.fade-leave-to {
  @apply opacity-0 translate-x-[-50px];

5.2  修改 layout/index.vue

修改 layout/index.vue,引入 AppMain.vue,代码如下:

  <div class="app-wrapper">
    <div class="sidebar-container">
    <div class="main-container">
      <div class="header">
        <!--  上边包含收缩的导航条 -->
      <div class="app-main">
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.app-wrapper {
  @apply flex w-full h-full;
  .sidebar-container {
    // 跨组件设置样式
    @apply bg-[var(--menu-bg)];
    :deep(.sidebar-container-menu:not(.el-menu--collapse)) {
      @apply w-[var(--sidebar-width)];
  .main-container {
    @apply flex flex-col flex-1;
  .header {
    @apply h-84px;
    .navbar {
      @apply h-[var(--navbar-height)] bg-yellow;
    .tags-view {
      @apply h-[var(--tagsview-height)] bg-blue;
  .app-main {
    @apply bg-cyan;
    min-height: calc(100vh - var(--tagsview-height) - var(--navbar-height));





