
发布于:2025-03-21 ⋅ 阅读:(33) ⋅ 点赞:(0)



WebRTC专题开嗨鸭 !!!

一、 WebRTC 线程模型



二、 WebRTC媒体协商





三、 WebRTC 音频数据采集



四、 WebRTC 音频引擎(编解码和3A算法)

五、 WebRTC 视频数据采集

六、 WebRTC 视频引擎( 编解码)

七、 WebRTC 网络传输



八、 WebRTC服务质量(Qos)



3、WebRTC之NACK、RTX 在什么时机判断丢包发送NACK请求和RTX丢包重传




九、 NetEQ

十、 Simulcast与SVC


一、 RTT 网络往返时延的原理‌

WebRTC 提供 ‌两种 RTT 计算模式‌,适应不同传输场景

1、基于发送端(SR/RR 模式)

*** 触发条件‌: 发送端周期性发送 ‌Sender Report (SR)‌,接收端回应 ‌Receiver Report (RR)‌‌ ***

①. ‌基本定义‌

	‌DLSR‌ 表示自接收端最后一次收到发送端 Sender Report (SR) 到生成当前 Receiver Report (RR) 的时间间隔,单位为 ‌1/65536 秒‌‌1。
	若接收端未收到过 SR 报文,则 DLSR 值为零‌1。

②. ‌计算 RTT 网络往返时延的原理‌

	在端到端通信中(以端点 A 和 B 为例):

	‌A 发送 SR‌:记录发送时间 t1(即 LSR,Last SR Timestamp)‌2。
	‌B 接收 SR‌:记录接收时间 last_recv_time‌2。
	‌B 发送 RR‌:计算从 last_recv_time 到当前时间的延迟(即 DLSR),并附加到 RR 报文‌2。
	‌A 接收 RR‌:根据公式 RTT = 当前时间 - LSR - DLSR 计算往返时间。

公式: R T T = T c u r r e n t − T L S R − T D L S R 65536 {RTT=T_{current} − T_ {LSR} − \frac{T_{DLSR}}{65536}} RTT=TcurrentTLSR65536TDLSR (单位:秒)


T L S R T_ {LSR} TLSR :发送端最后一次 SR 的 NTP 时间戳(中间 32 位)‌3。
T D L S R ‌ T_{DLSR‌} TDLSR:接收端处理 SR 到生成 RR 的延迟(单位:1/65536 秒)‌

③ 发送 Sender Report (SR) 协议

SenderReport 协议的格式

//    Sender report (SR) (RFC 3550).
//     0                   1                   2                   3
//     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
//    |V=2|P|    RC   |   PT=SR=200   |             length            |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
//  0 |                         SSRC of sender                        |
//    +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
//  4 |              NTP timestamp, most significant word             |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
//  8 |             NTP timestamp, least significant word             |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// 12 |                         RTP timestamp                         |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// 16 |                     sender's packet count                     |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// 20 |                      sender's octet count                     |
// 24 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

std::unique_ptr<rtcp::RtcpPacket> RTCPSender::BuildSR(const RtcpContext& ctx) {
  // Timestamp shouldn't be estimated before first media frame.
  RTC_DCHECK_GE(last_frame_capture_time_ms_, 0);
  // The timestamp of this RTCP packet should be estimated as the timestamp of
  // the frame being captured at this moment. We are calculating that
  // timestamp as the last frame's timestamp + the time since the last frame
  // was captured.
  int rtp_rate = rtp_clock_rates_khz_[last_payload_type_];
  if (rtp_rate <= 0) {
    rtp_rate =
        (audio_ ? kBogusRtpRateForAudioRtcp : kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency) /
  // Round now_us_ to the closest millisecond, because Ntp time is rounded
  // when converted to milliseconds,
  uint32_t rtp_timestamp =
      timestamp_offset_ + last_rtp_timestamp_ +
      ((ctx.now_us_ + 500) / 1000 - last_frame_capture_time_ms_) * rtp_rate;

  rtcp::SenderReport* report = new rtcp::SenderReport();
  // TODO@chensong  2025-03-15  获取当前发送 

  return std::unique_ptr<rtcp::RtcpPacket>(report);

SR和RR中都有ReportBlock数据块保存 LSR和DLSR的信息

// From RFC 3550, RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications.
// RTCP report block (RFC 3550).
//     0                   1                   2                   3
//     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
//    +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
//  0 |                 SSRC_1 (SSRC of first source)                 |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
//  4 | fraction lost |       cumulative number of packets lost       |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
//  8 |           extended highest sequence number received           |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// 12 |                      interarrival jitter                      |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// 16 |                         last SR (LSR)                         |
//    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// 20 |                   delay since last SR (DLSR)                  |
// 24 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

last_sr_ :发送端发送时间

delay_since_last_sr_ : 是远端最后接受SR或者RR包的时间

bool ReportBlock::Parse(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t length) 
  RTC_DCHECK(buffer != nullptr);
  if (length < ReportBlock::kLength)
    RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Report Block should be 24 bytes long";
    return false;
  // 接收到的媒体源ssrc
  source_ssrc_ = ByteReader<uint32_t>::ReadBigEndian(&buffer[0]);
  // TODO@chensong 2022-10-19  丢包率 fraction_lost
		TODO@chensong 2023-03-07  
		某时刻收到的有序包的数量Count = transmitted-retransmitte,当前时刻为Count2,上一时刻为Count1;




        一个是cumulative number of packets lost,是总的累积丢包。 
  fraction_lost_ = buffer[4];
  // 接收开始丢包总数, 迟到包不算丢包,重传有可以导致负数
  cumulative_lost_ = ByteReader<int32_t, 3>::ReadBigEndian(&buffer[5]);
  // 低16位表示收到的最大seq,高16位表示seq循环次数
  extended_high_seq_num_ = ByteReader<uint32_t>::ReadBigEndian(&buffer[8]);
  // rtp包到达时间间隔的统计方差
  jitter_ = ByteReader<uint32_t>::ReadBigEndian(&buffer[12]);
  // ntp时间戳的中间32位
  last_sr_ = ByteReader<uint32_t>::ReadBigEndian(&buffer[16]);
  // 记录上一个接收SR的时间与上一个发送SR的时间差
  delay_since_last_sr_ = ByteReader<uint32_t>::ReadBigEndian(&buffer[20]);

  return true;

④ 发送ReceiverReport(RR)协议


// RTCP receiver report (RFC 3550).
//   0                   1                   2                   3
//   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
//  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
//  |V=2|P|    RC   |   PT=RR=201   |             length            |
//  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
//  |                     SSRC of packet sender                     |
//  +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
//  |                         report block(s)                       |
//  |                            ....                               |

组织 ReceiverReport(RR)数据

在RTCPSender类中BuildRR方法中调用 GetFeedbackState方法获取 ReportBlock数据


RTCPSender类BuildRR —> ModuleRtpRtcpImpl::GetFeedbackState获取 remote_sender_rtp_time_(远端发送时间)和 last_received_sr_ntp_ (最后一次接受时间)
—>LastReceivedNTP 方法调用NTP方法
–>RTCPReceiver类NTP 获取 remote_sender_rtp_time_(远端发送时间)和 last_received_sr_ntp_ (最后一次接受时间)

std::unique_ptr<rtcp::RtcpPacket> RTCPSender::BuildRR(const RtcpContext& ctx) {
  rtcp::ReceiverReport* report = new rtcp::ReceiverReport();
   // TODO@chensong 2025-03-15  rtp_rtcp_impl.cc ->  ModuleRtpRtcpImpl::GetFeedbackState

  return std::unique_ptr<rtcp::RtcpPacket>(report);

// TODO(pbos): Handle media and RTX streams separately (separate RTCP
// feedbacks).
RTCPSender::FeedbackState ModuleRtpRtcpImpl::GetFeedbackState() {
  RTCPSender::FeedbackState state;
  // This is called also when receiver_only is true. Hence below
  // checks that rtp_sender_ exists.
  if (rtp_sender_) {
    StreamDataCounters rtp_stats;
    StreamDataCounters rtx_stats;
    rtp_sender_->GetDataCounters(&rtp_stats, &rtx_stats);
    state.packets_sent =
        rtp_stats.transmitted.packets + rtx_stats.transmitted.packets;
    state.media_bytes_sent = rtp_stats.transmitted.payload_bytes +
    state.send_bitrate = rtp_sender_->BitrateSent();
  state.module = this;
  // TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 获取远端发送信息包时间 和当前最后接收一包记录时间
  LastReceivedNTP(&state.last_rr_ntp_secs, &state.last_rr_ntp_frac,

  state.last_xr_rtis = rtcp_receiver_.ConsumeReceivedXrReferenceTimeInfo();

  return state;

bool RTCPReceiver::NTP(uint32_t* received_ntp_secs,
                       uint32_t* received_ntp_frac,
                       uint32_t* rtcp_arrival_time_secs,
                       uint32_t* rtcp_arrival_time_frac,
                       uint32_t* rtcp_timestamp) const {
  rtc::CritScope lock(&rtcp_receiver_lock_);
  if (!last_received_sr_ntp_.Valid()) {
    return false;
  //   TODO@chensong 2025-03-15  last_rr_ntp_frac 发送时间戳
  // NTP from incoming SenderReport.
  if (received_ntp_secs) {
    *received_ntp_secs = remote_sender_ntp_time_.seconds();
  if (received_ntp_frac) {
    *received_ntp_frac = remote_sender_ntp_time_.fractions();

  // Rtp time from incoming SenderReport.
  // TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 远端接受最后一个rtp包的时间
  if (rtcp_timestamp) 
    *rtcp_timestamp = remote_sender_rtp_time_;

  // Local NTP time when we received a RTCP packet with a send block.
  // TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 本地接受最后一个rtcp包的时间
  if (rtcp_arrival_time_secs) {
    *rtcp_arrival_time_secs = last_received_sr_ntp_.seconds();
  if (rtcp_arrival_time_frac) {
    *rtcp_arrival_time_frac = last_received_sr_ntp_.fractions();

  return true;
// 接收SenderReport包信息
void RTCPReceiver::HandleSenderReport(const CommonHeader& rtcp_block,
                                      PacketInformation* packet_information) {
  rtcp::SenderReport sender_report;
  if (!sender_report.Parse(rtcp_block)) {

  const uint32_t remote_ssrc = sender_report.sender_ssrc();

  packet_information->remote_ssrc = remote_ssrc;


  // Have I received RTP packets from this party?
  if (remote_ssrc_ == remote_ssrc) {
    // Only signal that we have received a SR when we accept one.
    packet_information->packet_type_flags |= kRtcpSr;
	// TODO@chensong 2025-03-15   SR => RR 
    remote_sender_ntp_time_ = sender_report.ntp();
    remote_sender_rtp_time_ = sender_report.rtp_timestamp();
    last_received_sr_ntp_ = TimeMicrosToNtp(clock_->TimeInMicroseconds());
  } else {
    // We will only store the send report from one source, but
    // we will store all the receive blocks.
    packet_information->packet_type_flags |= kRtcpRr;

  for (const rtcp::ReportBlock& report_block : sender_report.report_blocks()) {
    HandleReportBlock(report_block, packet_information, remote_ssrc);
终止计算rtt往返时延 加权平均RTT计算机制‌
定时计算 WebRTC中默认1秒

在ModuleRtpRtcpImpl类中Process方法中统计 加权平均RTT计算机制‌

// Process any pending tasks such as timeouts (non time critical events).
void ModuleRtpRtcpImpl::Process() {
  const int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
  next_process_time_ = now + kRtpRtcpMaxIdleTimeProcessMs;

  if (rtp_sender_) {
    if (now >= last_bitrate_process_time_ + kRtpRtcpBitrateProcessTimeMs) {
      last_bitrate_process_time_ = now;
      next_process_time_ =
          std::min(next_process_time_, now + kRtpRtcpBitrateProcessTimeMs);

  bool process_rtt = now >= last_rtt_process_time_ + kRtpRtcpRttProcessTimeMs;
  if (rtcp_sender_.Sending()) {
    // Process RTT if we have received a report block and we haven't
    // processed RTT for at least |kRtpRtcpRttProcessTimeMs| milliseconds.
    if (rtcp_receiver_.LastReceivedReportBlockMs() > last_rtt_process_time_ &&
        process_rtt) {
      std::vector<RTCPReportBlock> receive_blocks;
      int64_t max_rtt = 0;
      for (std::vector<RTCPReportBlock>::iterator it = receive_blocks.begin();
           it != receive_blocks.end(); ++it) {
        int64_t rtt = 0;
        rtcp_receiver_.RTT(it->sender_ssrc, &rtt, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        max_rtt = (rtt > max_rtt) ? rtt : max_rtt;
      // Report the rtt.
      if (rtt_stats_ && max_rtt != 0)

    // Verify receiver reports are delivered and the reported sequence number
    // is increasing.
    if (rtcp_receiver_.RtcpRrTimeout()) {
      RTC_LOG_F(LS_WARNING) << "Timeout: No RTCP RR received.";
    } else if (rtcp_receiver_.RtcpRrSequenceNumberTimeout()) {
      RTC_LOG_F(LS_WARNING) << "Timeout: No increase in RTCP RR extended "
                               "highest sequence number.";

    if (remote_bitrate_ && rtcp_sender_.TMMBR()) {
      unsigned int target_bitrate = 0;
      std::vector<unsigned int> ssrcs;
      if (remote_bitrate_->LatestEstimate(&ssrcs, &target_bitrate)) {
        if (!ssrcs.empty()) {
          target_bitrate = target_bitrate / ssrcs.size();
  } else {
    // Report rtt from receiver.
    if (process_rtt) {
      int64_t rtt_ms;
      if (rtt_stats_ && rtcp_receiver_.GetAndResetXrRrRtt(&rtt_ms)) {

  // Get processed rtt.
  if (process_rtt) {
    last_rtt_process_time_ = now;
    next_process_time_ = std::min(
        next_process_time_, last_rtt_process_time_ + kRtpRtcpRttProcessTimeMs);
    if (rtt_stats_) 
		// TODO@chensong 2025-03-15  1秒更新一次 rtt    公式
  TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 
	在实时通信场景(如WebRTC)中,RTT(往返时延)的平滑计算对网络状态感知和拥塞控制至关重要。通过 ‌加权移动平均(Weighted Moving Average)‌ 

	‌1. 公式定义‌
	新平均RTT由 ‌历史平均值(old_avg)‌ 与 ‌最新测量值(new_sample)‌ 按权重合成,公式为:

	Copy Code
	avg_rtt = 0.7 * old_avg + 0.3 * new_sample  


      // Make sure we have a valid RTT before setting.
      int64_t last_rtt = rtt_stats_->LastProcessedRtt();
      if (last_rtt >= 0)

  if (rtcp_sender_.TimeToSendRTCPReport())
    rtcp_sender_.SendRTCP(GetFeedbackState(), kRtcpReport);

  if (TMMBR() && rtcp_receiver_.UpdateTmmbrTimers()) {

2、基于接收端(RTCP XR 模式)

*** 触发条件‌:接收端仅拉流(不发送媒体数据),通过 ‌RTCP Extended Reports (XR)‌ 扩展协议实现 RTT 探测‌


  1. 网关发送 ‌RRTR 报文‌(含 NTP 时间戳 T R R T R T_{RRTR} TRRTR)

  2. 接收端回复 ‌DLRR 报文‌,包含

    • T R R T R T_{RRTR} TRRTR (即为LRR)
    • 处理延迟 T D L S R T_{DLSR} TDLSR(接收 RRTR 到发送 DLRR 的时间)
  3. 网关计算公式

    R T T = T c u r r e n t RTT = {T_{current}} RTT=Tcurrent - T T R R {T_{TRR}} TTRR - T D L S R {T_{DLSR}} TDLSR


时延加权平均RTT计算机制‌在实时通信场景(如WebRTC)中,RTT(往返时延)的平滑计算对网络状态感知和拥塞控制至关重要。通过 ‌加权移动平均(Weighted Moving Average)对RTT值进行动态调整,可有效平衡历史数据与实时测量值的影响,抑制短期波动带来的干扰。以下是核心实现逻辑:

1. 时延加权平均RTT计算公式

计算方式‌: 新平均RTT由 ‌历史平均值(old_avg)‌ 与 ‌最新测量值(new_sample)‌ 按权重合成,公式为:

a v g r t t = 0.7 ∗ o l d a v g + 0.3 ∗ n e w s a m p l e {avgrtt} = 0.7 * {oldavg}+ 0.3 * {newsample} avgrtt=0.7oldavg+0.3newsample





2、 WebRTC中时延加权平均RTT的代码实现

① ModuleRtpRtcpImpl 类中定时任务每各1秒钟从所有通道根据RR中rtt值 取最大值 调用统计类(rtt_stats)中OnRttUpdate方法 把rtt保存到reports_成员中这样定义保存网络rtt值

ModuleRtpRtcpImpl 类的定时任务的实现

// Process any pending tasks such as timeouts (non time critical events).
void ModuleRtpRtcpImpl::Process() {
  const int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
  next_process_time_ = now + kRtpRtcpMaxIdleTimeProcessMs;

  if (rtp_sender_) {
    if (now >= last_bitrate_process_time_ + kRtpRtcpBitrateProcessTimeMs) {
      last_bitrate_process_time_ = now;
      next_process_time_ =
          std::min(next_process_time_, now + kRtpRtcpBitrateProcessTimeMs);

  bool process_rtt = now >= last_rtt_process_time_ + kRtpRtcpRttProcessTimeMs;
  if (rtcp_sender_.Sending()) {
    // Process RTT if we have received a report block and we haven't
    // processed RTT for at least |kRtpRtcpRttProcessTimeMs| milliseconds.
    if (rtcp_receiver_.LastReceivedReportBlockMs() > last_rtt_process_time_ &&
      std::vector<RTCPReportBlock> receive_blocks;
	  // TODO@chensong 20250317 取所有ssrc通道的根据 RR 中rtt值最大max_rtt信息
      int64_t max_rtt = 0;
      for (std::vector<RTCPReportBlock>::iterator it = receive_blocks.begin();
           it != receive_blocks.end(); ++it) 
        int64_t rtt = 0;
        rtcp_receiver_.RTT(it->sender_ssrc, &rtt, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        max_rtt = (rtt > max_rtt) ? rtt : max_rtt;
      // Report the rtt.
      if (rtt_stats_ && max_rtt != 0)

    // Verify receiver reports are delivered and the reported sequence number
    // is increasing.
    if (rtcp_receiver_.RtcpRrTimeout()) {
      RTC_LOG_F(LS_WARNING) << "Timeout: No RTCP RR received.";
    } else if (rtcp_receiver_.RtcpRrSequenceNumberTimeout()) {
      RTC_LOG_F(LS_WARNING) << "Timeout: No increase in RTCP RR extended "
                               "highest sequence number.";

    if (remote_bitrate_ && rtcp_sender_.TMMBR()) {
      unsigned int target_bitrate = 0;
      std::vector<unsigned int> ssrcs;
      if (remote_bitrate_->LatestEstimate(&ssrcs, &target_bitrate)) {
        if (!ssrcs.empty()) {
          target_bitrate = target_bitrate / ssrcs.size();
  } else {
    // Report rtt from receiver.
    if (process_rtt) {
      int64_t rtt_ms;
      if (rtt_stats_ && rtcp_receiver_.GetAndResetXrRrRtt(&rtt_ms)) {

  // Get processed rtt.
  if (process_rtt) {
    last_rtt_process_time_ = now;
    next_process_time_ = std::min(
        next_process_time_, last_rtt_process_time_ + kRtpRtcpRttProcessTimeMs);
    if (rtt_stats_) 
		// TODO@chensong 2025-03-15  1秒更新一次 rtt    公式
  TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 
	在实时通信场景(如WebRTC)中,RTT(往返时延)的平滑计算对网络状态感知和拥塞控制至关重要。通过 ‌加权移动平均(Weighted Moving Average)‌ 

	‌1. 公式定义‌
	新平均RTT由 ‌历史平均值(old_avg)‌ 与 ‌最新测量值(new_sample)‌ 按权重合成,公式为:

	Copy Code
	avg_rtt = 0.7 * old_avg + 0.3 * new_sample  


      // Make sure we have a valid RTT before setting.
      int64_t last_rtt = rtt_stats_->LastProcessedRtt();
      if (last_rtt >= 0)

  if (rtcp_sender_.TimeToSendRTCPReport())
    rtcp_sender_.SendRTCP(GetFeedbackState(), kRtcpReport);

  if (TMMBR() && rtcp_receiver_.UpdateTmmbrTimers()) {

② CallStats类中RTT实现

CallStats类是在Call类中创建的然后注册到定时任务中的 该类会注册音频发送流(AudioSendStream)、视频发送流(VideoReceiveStream)、视频接收流(VideoReceiveStream)和 前向纠错接收流(FlexfecReceiveStreamImpl)


  1. 取出最近1500毫秒中rtt统计的数据
  2. 取出第一步获取rtt数据中最大rtt值即max_rtt
  3. 调用GetNewAvgRttMs方法计算加权平均RTT值
  4. 计算的加权平均RTT值(avg_rtt)和最大rtt(max_rtt)反馈到接受网络带宽控制类中OnRttUpdate方法 进行网络拥塞控制

void CallStats::Process() 
  int64_t now = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
  last_process_time_ = now;

  int64_t avg_rtt_ms = avg_rtt_ms_;
  // TODO@chensong 2025-03-17 1. 清除大约kRttTimeoutMs (1500ms)的数据
  RemoveOldReports(now, &reports_);
  // TODO@chensong 2025-03-17 2. kRttTimeoutMs 最大  rtt
  max_rtt_ms_ = GetMaxRttMs(reports_);
  // TODO@chensong 20250317  3. 得到加权平均RTT值
  avg_rtt_ms = GetNewAvgRttMs(reports_, avg_rtt_ms);
    rtc::CritScope lock(&avg_rtt_ms_lock_);
    avg_rtt_ms_ = avg_rtt_ms;

  // If there is a valid rtt, update all observers with the max rtt.
  if (max_rtt_ms_ >= 0) 
    RTC_DCHECK_GE(avg_rtt_ms, 0);
	// TODO@chensong 2022-12-20 observers_是什么时候的创建的 需要跟一下  track
	// TODO@chensong 20250317  4.  call类中ReceiveSideCongestionController 成员类中方法OnRttUpdate方法 进行网络拥塞控制
	for (CallStatsObserver* observer : observers_)
      observer->OnRttUpdate(avg_rtt_ms, max_rtt_ms_);
    // Sum for Histogram of average RTT reported over the entire call.
    sum_avg_rtt_ms_ += avg_rtt_ms;

int64_t GetNewAvgRttMs(const std::list<CallStats::RttTime>& reports,
                       int64_t prev_avg_rtt) {
  if (reports.empty())
    return -1;  // Reset (invalid average).

  int64_t cur_rtt_ms = GetAvgRttMs(reports);
  if (prev_avg_rtt == -1)
    return cur_rtt_ms;  // New initial average value.

  // Weight factor to apply to the average rtt.
  // We weigh the old average at 70% against the new average (30%).
  TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 
	在实时通信场景(如WebRTC)中,RTT(往返时延)的平滑计算对网络状态感知和拥塞控制至关重要。通过 ‌加权移动平均(Weighted Moving Average)‌ 

	‌1. 公式定义‌
	新平均RTT由 ‌历史平均值(old_avg)‌ 与 ‌最新测量值(new_sample)‌ 按权重合成,公式为:

	Copy Code
	avg_rtt = 0.7 * old_avg + 0.3 * new_sample  


  constexpr const float kWeightFactor = 0.3f;
  return prev_avg_rtt * (1.0f - kWeightFactor) + cur_rtt_ms * kWeightFactor;



  1. NACK(否定确认)或ARQ(自动重传请求)中的缓冲区管理策略有关
  2. RTP 协议中的 ‌Playout Delay‌ 通过头部扩展字段实现 网络状态动态调整缓冲区,降低卡顿率‌
  3. 网络评估模型参数输入(gcc、BBR)

1、 NACK(否定确认)或ARQ(自动重传请求)中的缓冲区管理策略有关

① 发送端缓冲区管理‌


  1. 时间窗口限制‌:仅保留最近一段时间(如 1 秒)内发送的数据包‌。
    • 超出窗口的旧包自动淘汰,避免内存无限增长。
  2. 容量限制‌:队列最大包数通常设为 1000(如 kMaxNackPackets=1000),防止缓冲区溢出‌
  3. 淘汰机制‌:
    • 按时间顺序淘汰最旧数据包‌。
    • 对已确认接收或达到最大重传次数的包主动移除‌

根据 rtt 放弃 rtp包

 公式 : 淘汰时间 = 3 × max(基准时间, 3 × 当前RTT)

基准时间通常为 1000ms(兜底值,防止 RTT 过小导致缓存不足)


void RtpPacketHistory::CullOldPackets(int64_t now_ms) 
    //TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 比如NACK(否定确认)或ARQ(自动重传请求)中的缓冲区管理策略有关。
	//  根据 rtt 放弃 rtp包 
	// 公式 : 淘汰时间 = 3 × max(基准时间, 3 × 当前RTT)
    // 基准时间通常为 1000ms(兜底值,防止 RTT 过小导致缓存不足)
  int64_t packet_duration_ms = std::max(kMinPacketDurationRtt * rtt_ms_, kMinPacketDurationMs);
  while (!packet_history_.empty())
    auto stored_packet_it = packet_history_.find(*start_seqno_);
    RTC_DCHECK(stored_packet_it != packet_history_.end());

    if (packet_history_.size() >= kMaxCapacity /* 9600*/) 
      // We have reached the absolute max capacity, remove one packet
      // unconditionally.

    const StoredPacket& stored_packet = stored_packet_it->second;
    if (!stored_packet.send_time_ms) 
      // Don't remove packets that have not been sent.

    if (*stored_packet.send_time_ms + packet_duration_ms > now_ms) 
      // Don't cull packets too early to avoid failed retransmission requests.

    if (packet_history_.size() >= number_to_store_ ||
        (mode_ == StorageMode::kStoreAndCull && *stored_packet.send_time_ms + (packet_duration_ms * kPacketCullingDelayFactor) <= now_ms)) 
      // Too many packets in history, or this packet has timed out. Remove it
      // and continue.
      // No more packets can be removed right now.

void RemoveOldReports(int64_t now, std::list<CallStats::RttTime>* reports) 
  static constexpr const int64_t kRttTimeoutMs = 1500;
  reports->remove_if([&now](CallStats::RttTime& r) { return now - r.time > kRttTimeoutMs; });

int64_t GetMaxRttMs(const std::list<CallStats::RttTime>& reports) 
  int64_t max_rtt_ms = -1;
  for (const CallStats::RttTime& rtt_time : reports)
    max_rtt_ms = std::max(rtt_time.rtt, max_rtt_ms);
  return max_rtt_ms;

② 接收端缓冲区管理‌

接收端通过缓冲区检测丢包并触发 NACK 请求:

‌1. 丢包检测‌:基于 RTP 序列号连续性判断丢包,维护 nack_list 记录待重传包‌
2‌. 乱序容忍‌:允许一定程度的乱序(如 kMaxPacketAge=10000 序列号跨度),避免误判‌
3‌. 动态触发‌:

  • 立即触发:首次检测到丢包时立即发送 NACK 请求‌
  • 周期性处理:每隔 20ms(kProcessIntervalMs=20)批量处理 nack_list,合并多次请求‌ 、 重传超时时间设为 1.5×RTT,避免过早或过晚重传

void NackModule::Process() {
  if (nack_sender_) 
    std::vector<uint16_t> nack_batch;
      rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
	  // TODO@chensong2023-03-29 以时间判断是否nack重新发送包
      nack_batch = GetNackBatch(kTimeOnly);

    if (!nack_batch.empty())

  // Update the next_process_time_ms_ in intervals to achieve
  // the targeted frequency over time. Also add multiple intervals
  // in case of a skip in time as to not make uneccessary
  // calls to Process in order to catch up.
  int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
  if (next_process_time_ms_ == -1) 
    next_process_time_ms_ = now_ms + kProcessIntervalMs /*20*/;
    /* RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "start[ nack module -->next_process_time_ms_ = "
                      << next_process_time_ms_ << "][now_ms = " << now_ms <<
    next_process_time_ms_ = next_process_time_ms_ + kProcessIntervalMs/*20*/ +
                            (now_ms - next_process_time_ms_) /
                                kProcessIntervalMs /*20*/ * kProcessIntervalMs /*20*/;
   /* RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "end [ nack module -->next_process_time_ms_ = "
                     << next_process_time_ms_ << "]";*/


// TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
// 遍历所有可疑包 如果包符合条件 就插入nack_batch中
std::vector<uint16_t> NackModule::GetNackBatch(NackFilterOptions options) 
  // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
	// 1. 标识以seq_num为判断条件
  bool consider_seq_num = options != kTimeOnly;
  // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
  // 2. 标识以timestamp为判断条件 
  bool consider_timestamp = options != kSeqNumOnly;
  int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
  std::vector<uint16_t> nack_batch;
  auto it = nack_list_.begin();
  while (it != nack_list_.end()) 
    // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
	  // 1. send_nack_delay_ms_ 默认为0 , 可修改
	  // TODO@chensong 2025-03-15   发送  nack 包 延迟发送   是否延迟nack包的修改
    bool delay_timed_out = now_ms - it->second.created_at_time >= send_nack_delay_ms_;
    // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
	// 2. 从一次发送开始到现在, 是否超过了一个RTT的回路的时长 时间  
	// 需要得到一个RTT防止重复传送的情况 
    bool nack_on_rtt_passed = now_ms - it->second.sent_at_time >= rtt_ms_;
    // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
	// 3、 第一次发送和最后处理包之前的
    bool nack_on_seq_num_passed = it->second.sent_at_time /*TODO@chensong 2022-05-30 如果是第一次发送*/== -1 &&
        AheadOrAt(newest_seq_num_, it->second.send_at_seq_num)/*TODO@chensong 2022-05-30 该包在最后处理的包之前*/;
    // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
	// 符合条件
	//   1. seq 为判断条件
	//   2. rtt即时间为判断条件
    if (delay_timed_out && ((consider_seq_num && nack_on_seq_num_passed) || (consider_timestamp && nack_on_rtt_passed))) 
      it->second.sent_at_time = now_ms;
      // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
	  // 尝试10次 在nack_list列表中没有发现 就要删除了
      if (it->second.retries >= kMaxNackRetries/*kMaxNackRetries= 10*/) 
        RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Sequence number " << it->second.seq_num << " removed from NACK list due to max retries.";
        it = nack_list_.erase(it);
  return nack_batch;

void NackModule::AddPacketsToNack(uint16_t seq_num_start, uint16_t seq_num_end) 
  // Remove old packets.
  auto it = nack_list_.lower_bound(seq_num_end - kMaxPacketAge);
  nack_list_.erase(nack_list_.begin(), it);

  // If the nack list is too large, remove packets from the nack list until
  // the latest first packet of a keyframe. If the list is still too large,
  // clear it and request a keyframe.
  // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
  // 1. 开始到结束之间有多大距离 
  uint16_t num_new_nacks = ForwardDiff(seq_num_start, seq_num_end);
  if (nack_list_.size() + num_new_nacks > kMaxNackPackets) 
    while (RemovePacketsUntilKeyFrame() && nack_list_.size() + num_new_nacks > kMaxNackPackets)
	{ }
    // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
	// 1.1、 极端情况  没有删除, 就要清除nack, 然后发送请求关键帧给对方  让解码器从新工作哈  
	// TODO@chensong 2022-12-20  mediasoup 在业务层做了请求关键帧  ??? ====> 需要清除缓存的 和下面一样的步骤 这样的设计挺好的哈 ^_^ 
    if (nack_list_.size() + num_new_nacks > kMaxNackPackets) 
      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "NACK list full, clearing NACK"
                             " list and requesting keyframe.";
  // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
  // 2、 遍历seq_num_start 到seq_num_end 之间 是否有丢包 有的话 就放到nack_list_中哈
  for (uint16_t seq_num = seq_num_start; seq_num != seq_num_end; ++seq_num) 
    // Do not send nack for packets that are already recovered by FEC or RTX
    // TODO@chensong 2022-05-30
	// 2.1 是否已经通过FEC或者RTX恢复了 该包 恢复了 就不需要放到nack_list_列表中去哈
	if (recovered_list_.find(seq_num) != recovered_list_.end())
    NackInfo nack_info(seq_num, seq_num + WaitNumberOfPackets(0.5), clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());
    RTC_DCHECK(nack_list_.find(seq_num) == nack_list_.end());
    nack_list_[seq_num] = nack_info;

// Send a Negative acknowledgment packet.
int32_t ModuleRtpRtcpImpl::SendNACK(const uint16_t* nack_list,
                                    const uint16_t size) {
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
  uint16_t nack_length = size;
  uint16_t start_id = 0;
  int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
  // TODO@chensong  20250318 
  //   ‌RTT 敏感重传‌:
  //    1. 重传超时时间设为 1.5×RTT,避免过早或过晚重传‌  
  //    2. 高RTT 时延长缓冲区窗口(如 2 秒),提高弱网下的恢复概率‌
  if (TimeToSendFullNackList(now_ms)) {
    nack_last_time_sent_full_ms_ = now_ms;
  } else {
    // Only send extended list.
    if (nack_last_seq_number_sent_ == nack_list[size - 1]) {
      // Last sequence number is the same, do not send list.
      return 0;
    // Send new sequence numbers.
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
      if (nack_last_seq_number_sent_ == nack_list[i]) {
        start_id = i + 1;
    nack_length = size - start_id;

  // Our RTCP NACK implementation is limited to kRtcpMaxNackFields sequence
  // numbers per RTCP packet.
  if (nack_length > kRtcpMaxNackFields) {
    nack_length = kRtcpMaxNackFields;
  nack_last_seq_number_sent_ = nack_list[start_id + nack_length - 1];

  return rtcp_sender_.SendRTCP(GetFeedbackState(), kRtcpNack, nack_length,

2、 RTP 协议中的 ‌Playout Delay‌ 通过头部扩展字段实现 网络状态动态调整JitterBuffer缓冲区,降低卡顿率‌

RTP 协议中的 ‌Playout Delay‌ 通过头部扩展字段实现,用于控制接收端播放缓冲区的延迟范围,优化实时流媒体的平滑性与交互性

  1. 功能与作用
    • 动态缓冲控制‌:发送端通过 playout-delay 扩展字段向接收端传递 ‌最小(min)‌ 和 ‌最大(max)‌ 延迟值,指导接收端调整抖动缓冲区(Jitter Buffer)的延迟窗口‌

    • min 延迟‌:保证基本抗抖动能力,避免因网络波动导致频繁卡顿(如设为 100-200ms)‌

    • max 延迟‌:限制最大容忍延迟,防止缓冲区过长影响实时性(如交互式通信场景设为 400ms)‌

2‌. 场景适配‌:

  • 交互式通信‌(如视频会议):设置较小的延迟窗口(min=50ms, max=200ms),优先降低端到端延迟‌
  • 流媒体播放‌(如直播):增大 max 延迟(如 500ms),增强抗连续丢包能力‌

渲染延迟公式 = Render time = Capture time in receiver time + playout delay

接受端 TriggerCallbacksFromRtcpPacket 获取SR和RR获取rtt延迟设置 在SendVideo发送视频数据rtp头上增加播放延迟设置 jitterbuffer设置

// Holding no Critical section.
void RTCPReceiver::TriggerCallbacksFromRtcpPacket(
    const PacketInformation& packet_information) {
  // Process TMMBR and REMB first to avoid multiple callbacks
  // to OnNetworkChanged.
  if (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpTmmbr) {
    // Might trigger a OnReceivedBandwidthEstimateUpdate.
    // TODO@chensong 2022-12-20 根据接收端反馈网络带宽 更新带宽模块 bandwidth
    // ??? [现在抛弃?]
    RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << " RTCP RMMBR --> bitrate ";
  uint32_t local_ssrc;
  std::set<uint32_t> registered_ssrcs;
    // We don't want to hold this critsect when triggering the callbacks below.
    rtc::CritScope lock(&rtcp_receiver_lock_);
    local_ssrc = main_ssrc_;
    registered_ssrcs = registered_ssrcs_;
  // TODO@chensong 2022-12-20 receiver_only_ default false
  if (!receiver_only_ && (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpSrReq)) {
  // TODO@chensong 发送RTX丢包信息
  // TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 nack
  if (!receiver_only_ && (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpNack)) {
    if (!packet_information.nack_sequence_numbers.empty()) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Incoming NACK length: "
                          << packet_information.nack_sequence_numbers.size();
      // 请求重新发送seq的包   ModuleRtpRtcpImpl->OnReceivedNack

  // We need feedback that we have received a report block(s) so that we
  // can generate a new packet in a conference relay scenario, one received
  // report can generate several RTCP packets, based on number relayed/mixed
  // a send report block should go out to all receivers.
  // TODO@chensong 2022-12-20 接受端请求立即刷新帧 (sps、pps信息)
  if (rtcp_intra_frame_observer_) {
    if ((packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpPli) ||
        (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpFir)) {
      if (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpPli) {
            << "Incoming PLI from SSRC " << packet_information.remote_ssrc;
      } else {
            << "Incoming FIR from SSRC " << packet_information.remote_ssrc;
      // TODO@chensong 2022-12-20
      // EncoderRtcpFeedback::OnReceivedIntraFrameRequest
  if (rtcp_loss_notification_observer_ &&
      (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpLossNotification)) {
    rtcp::LossNotification* loss_notification =
    if (loss_notification->media_ssrc() == local_ssrc) {
          loss_notification->media_ssrc(), loss_notification->last_decoded(),
  if (rtcp_bandwidth_observer_) {
    RTC_DCHECK(!receiver_only_);  // goog-remb 宽带评估
    if (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpRemb) {
          << "Incoming REMB: "
          << packet_information.receiver_estimated_max_bitrate_bps;
    if ((packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpSr) ||
        (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpRr)) {
      int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
      // TODO@chensong 2023-04-29 网络带宽评估输入参数
      // 这边只是进行计算并没有计算出目标码流
          packet_information.report_blocks, packet_information.rtt_ms, now_ms);
  // TODO@chensong 2022-12-20 接受sr或者rr信息做ack确认 没有看懂啥意思???
  // 感觉啥好像都没有干是的    
  // TODO@chensong 2025-03-16  设置rtp 扩展 播放端延迟播放设置参数 PlayDelay ()
  // ‌渲染延迟公式 =   Render time = Capture time in receiver time + playout  delay
  if ((packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpSr) ||
      (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpRr)) {

  if (transport_feedback_observer_ &&
      (packet_information.packet_type_flags & kRtcpTransportFeedback)) {
    uint32_t media_source_ssrc =
    if (media_source_ssrc == local_ssrc ||
        registered_ssrcs.find(media_source_ssrc) != registered_ssrcs.end()) {
      // TODO@chensong 2022-12-05    接受端反馈过来的接受包seq和时间戳统计数据
      // remb
      // RtpTransportControllerSend::OnTransportFeedback
      // 这个代码带宽评估的非常重要一步是根据对端反馈网络带宽 带宽评估条件之一
  // TODO@chensong 2022-12-20  bitrate 对象没有
  // RtpRtcp::Configuration配置中默认是没有该bitrate_allocation_observer_对象的
  // 所以一般下面的逻辑不走了
  if (bitrate_allocation_observer_ &&
      packet_information.target_bitrate_allocation) {

  // TODO@chensong 2022-12-20 数据统计模块
  if (!receiver_only_) {
    rtc::CritScope cs(&feedbacks_lock_);
    if (stats_callback_) {
      for (const auto& report_block : packet_information.report_blocks) {
        RtcpStatistics stats;
        stats.packets_lost = report_block.packets_lost;
        stats.extended_highest_sequence_number =
        stats.fraction_lost = report_block.fraction_lost;
        stats.jitter = report_block.jitter;

        stats_callback_->StatisticsUpdated(stats, report_block.source_ssrc);
bool RTPSenderVideo::SendVideo(VideoFrameType frame_type,
                               int8_t payload_type,
                               uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
                               int64_t capture_time_ms,
                               const uint8_t* payload_data,
                               size_t payload_size,
                               const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation,
                               const RTPVideoHeader* video_header,
                               int64_t expected_retransmission_time_ms) {
  TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP1("webrtc", "Video", capture_time_ms, "Send", "type",
  // TODO@chensong 2022-12-07 rtp拼接H264 数据包发送拼接
  if (frame_type == VideoFrameType::kEmptyFrame) {
    return true;

  if (payload_size == 0) {
    return false;

  size_t fec_packet_overhead;
  bool red_enabled;
  int32_t retransmission_settings;
  bool set_video_rotation;
  bool set_color_space = false;
  // TODO@chensong 为什么会对H264单独处理呢  ???
  bool set_frame_marking =
      video_header->codec == kVideoCodecH264 &&
      video_header->frame_marking.temporal_id != kNoTemporalIdx;

  // 根据video_header信息,更新播放延迟(current_playout_delay_)
   //  TODO@chensong 2025-03-15 播放端 播放延迟设置   rtp包中扩展中设置延迟播放毫秒数
   // ‌渲染延迟公式 =   Render time = Capture time in receiver time + playout delay
  const absl::optional<PlayoutDelay> playout_delay = playout_delay_oracle_->PlayoutDelayToSend(video_header->playout_delay);
    rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_);
    // According to
    // http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/126100_126199/126114/12.07.00_60/
    // ts_126114v120700p.pdf Section 7.4.5:
    // The MTSI client shall add the payload bytes as defined in this clause
    // onto the last RTP packet in each group of packets which make up a key
    // frame (I-frame or IDR frame in H.264 (AVC), or an IRAP picture in H.265
    // (HEVC)). The MTSI client may also add the payload bytes onto the last RTP
    // packet in each group of packets which make up another type of frame
    // (e.g. a P-Frame) only if the current value is different from the previous
    // value sent.
    // Set rotation when key frame or when changed (to follow standard).
    // Or when different from 0 (to follow current receiver implementation).
    set_video_rotation = frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey ||
                         video_header->rotation != last_rotation_ ||
                         video_header->rotation != kVideoRotation_0;
    last_rotation_ = video_header->rotation;

    // Send color space when changed or if the frame is a key frame. Keep
    // sending color space information until the first base layer frame to
    // guarantee that the information is retrieved by the receiver.
    if (video_header->color_space != last_color_space_) 
      last_color_space_ = video_header->color_space;
      set_color_space = true;
      transmit_color_space_next_frame_ = !IsBaseLayer(*video_header);
      set_color_space = frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey ||
      transmit_color_space_next_frame_ = transmit_color_space_next_frame_
                                             ? !IsBaseLayer(*video_header)
                                             : false;

    // FEC settings.
    const FecProtectionParams& fec_params = frame_type == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey ? key_fec_params_ : delta_fec_params_;
    if (flexfec_enabled()) 
    if (ulpfec_enabled()) 

    fec_packet_overhead = CalculateFecPacketOverhead();
    red_enabled = this->red_enabled();
    retransmission_settings = retransmission_settings_;

  // Maximum size of packet including rtp headers.
  // Extra space left in case packet will be resent using fec or rtx.
  // 其实封包的过程,就是计算一帧数据需要封多少个包、每个包放多少载荷,为此我们需要知道各种封包模式下,每个包的最大载荷(包大小减去头部大小)。

  //   首先计算一个包的最大容量,这个容量是指可以用来容纳 RTP
  //     头部和载荷的容量,FEC、重传的开销排除在外:
  int packet_capacity = rtp_sender_->MaxRtpPacketSize() - fec_packet_overhead -
                        (rtp_sender_->RtxStatus() ? kRtxHeaderSize : 0);

  std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketToSend> single_packet = rtp_sender_->AllocatePacket();
  RTC_DCHECK_LE(packet_capacity, single_packet->capacity());

  // 接着准备四种包的模板:
  // single_packet: 对应 NAL unit 和 STAP-A 的包;
  // first_packet: 对应 FU-A 的首个包;
  // middle_packet: 对应 FU-A 的中间包;
  // last_packet: 对应 FU-A 的最后一个包;
  auto first_packet = absl::make_unique<RtpPacketToSend>(*single_packet);
  auto middle_packet = absl::make_unique<RtpPacketToSend>(*single_packet);
  auto last_packet = absl::make_unique<RtpPacketToSend>(*single_packet);
  // Simplest way to estimate how much extensions would occupy is to set them.
  // 根据video_header 给packet添加extension
  AddRtpHeaderExtensions(*video_header, playout_delay, frame_type,
                         set_video_rotation, set_color_space, set_frame_marking,
                         /*first=*/true, /*last=*/true, single_packet.get());
  AddRtpHeaderExtensions(*video_header, playout_delay, frame_type,
                         set_video_rotation, set_color_space, set_frame_marking,
                         /*first=*/true, /*last=*/false, first_packet.get());
  AddRtpHeaderExtensions(*video_header, playout_delay, frame_type,
                         set_video_rotation, set_color_space, set_frame_marking,
                         /*first=*/false, /*last=*/false, middle_packet.get());
  AddRtpHeaderExtensions(*video_header, playout_delay, frame_type,
                         set_video_rotation, set_color_space, set_frame_marking,
                         /*first=*/false, /*last=*/true, last_packet.get());

  RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_capacity, single_packet->headers_size());
  RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_capacity, first_packet->headers_size());
  RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_capacity, middle_packet->headers_size());
  RTC_DCHECK_GT(packet_capacity, last_packet->headers_size());
  RtpPacketizer::PayloadSizeLimits limits;
  limits.max_payload_len = packet_capacity - middle_packet->headers_size();

  RTC_DCHECK_GE(single_packet->headers_size(), middle_packet->headers_size());
  limits.single_packet_reduction_len = single_packet->headers_size() - middle_packet->headers_size();

  RTC_DCHECK_GE(first_packet->headers_size(), middle_packet->headers_size());
  limits.first_packet_reduction_len = first_packet->headers_size() - middle_packet->headers_size();

  RTC_DCHECK_GE(last_packet->headers_size(), middle_packet->headers_size());
  limits.last_packet_reduction_len = last_packet->headers_size() - middle_packet->headers_size();

  RTPVideoHeader minimized_video_header;
  const RTPVideoHeader* packetize_video_header = video_header;

  rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> generic_descriptor_raw_00 = first_packet->GetRawExtension<RtpGenericFrameDescriptorExtension00>();
  rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> generic_descriptor_raw_01 = first_packet->GetRawExtension<RtpGenericFrameDescriptorExtension01>();

  if (!generic_descriptor_raw_00.empty() && !generic_descriptor_raw_01.empty()) 
    RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Two versions of GFD extension used.";
    return false;

  rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> generic_descriptor_raw = !generic_descriptor_raw_01.empty() ? generic_descriptor_raw_01
                                         : generic_descriptor_raw_00;
  if (!generic_descriptor_raw.empty()) 
    if (MinimizeDescriptor(*video_header, &minimized_video_header)) 
      packetize_video_header = &minimized_video_header;

  // 如果帧加密了,对payload和header进行加密
  // TODO(benwright@webrtc.org) - Allocate enough to always encrypt inline.
  rtc::Buffer encrypted_video_payload;
  if (frame_encryptor_ != nullptr) {
    if (generic_descriptor_raw.empty()) {
      return false;
    // 获取帧加密后最大的长度
    const size_t max_ciphertext_size =

    size_t bytes_written = 0;

    // Only enable header authentication if the field trial is enabled.
    rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> additional_data;
    if (generic_descriptor_auth_experiment_) {
      additional_data = generic_descriptor_raw;
    // 媒体数据进行加密哈  -->>>
    if (frame_encryptor_->Encrypt(
            cricket::MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, first_packet->Ssrc(), additional_data,
            rtc::MakeArrayView(payload_data, payload_size),
            encrypted_video_payload, &bytes_written) != 0) {
      return false;

    payload_data = encrypted_video_payload.data();
    payload_size = encrypted_video_payload.size();
  } else if (require_frame_encryption_) {
        << "No FrameEncryptor is attached to this video sending stream but "
        << "one is required since require_frame_encryptor is set";

  VideoCodecType video_type;
    rtc::CritScope cs(&payload_type_crit_);
    // payload_type_map_中payload_type编码器id什么时候注册呢 ???
    // TODO@chensong 2022-04-04   在rtp_video_sender
    // 中构造函数中进行注册编码器哈
    const auto it = payload_type_map_.find(payload_type);
    if (it == payload_type_map_.end()) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Payload type " << static_cast<int>(payload_type)
                        << " not registered.";
      return false;
    video_type = it->second;
  // TODO@chensong 2022-04-04 h264 and NALU 组包
  std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketizer> packetizer = RtpPacketizer::Create(
      video_type, rtc::MakeArrayView(payload_data, payload_size), limits,
      *packetize_video_header, frame_type, fragmentation);

  const uint8_t temporal_id = GetTemporalId(*video_header);
  StorageType storage = GetStorageType(temporal_id, retransmission_settings,
  const size_t num_packets = packetizer->NumPackets();

  size_t unpacketized_payload_size;
  if (fragmentation && fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize > 0) {
    unpacketized_payload_size = 0;
    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < fragmentation->fragmentationVectorSize; ++i) {
      unpacketized_payload_size += fragmentation->fragmentationLength[i];
  } else {
    unpacketized_payload_size = payload_size;
  size_t packetized_payload_size = 0;

  if (num_packets == 0) {
    return false;

  uint16_t first_sequence_number;
  bool first_frame = first_frame_sent_();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_packets; ++i) {
    std::unique_ptr<RtpPacketToSend> packet;
    int expected_payload_capacity;
    // Choose right packet template:
    if (num_packets == 1) {
      // TODO@chensong 2022-12-19 nal rtp 不需要分包啦
      packet = std::move(single_packet);
      expected_payload_capacity =
          limits.max_payload_len - limits.single_packet_reduction_len;
    } else if (i == 0) {
      // TODO@chensong 2022-12-19 nal rtp 开始发送位置
      packet = std::move(first_packet);
      expected_payload_capacity =
          limits.max_payload_len - limits.first_packet_reduction_len;
    } else if (i == num_packets - 1) {
      // TODO@chensong 2022-12-19 nal 分包 rtp 结束标记 记录
      packet = std::move(last_packet);
      expected_payload_capacity =
          limits.max_payload_len - limits.last_packet_reduction_len;
    } else {
      packet = absl::make_unique<RtpPacketToSend>(*middle_packet);
      expected_payload_capacity = limits.max_payload_len;

    if (!packetizer->NextPacket(packet.get())) {
      return false;
    RTC_DCHECK_LE(packet->payload_size(), expected_payload_capacity);
    if (!rtp_sender_->AssignSequenceNumber(packet.get())) {
      return false;
    packetized_payload_size += packet->payload_size();

    if (rtp_sequence_number_map_ && i == 0) {
      first_sequence_number = packet->SequenceNumber();

    if (i == 0) {
    // No FEC protection for upper temporal layers, if used.
    bool protect_packet = temporal_id == 0 || temporal_id == kNoTemporalIdx;

    // Put packetization finish timestamp into extension.
    if (packet->HasExtension<VideoTimingExtension>()) {
      // TODO(ilnik): Due to webrtc:7859, packets with timing extensions are not
      // protected by FEC. It reduces FEC efficiency a bit. When FEC is moved
      // below the pacer, it can be re-enabled for these packets.
      // NOTE: Any RTP stream processor in the network, modifying 'network'
      // timestamps in the timing frames extension have to be an end-point for
      // FEC, otherwise recovered by FEC packets will be corrupted.
      protect_packet = false;
    //TODO@chensong ulpfec  2022-09-13  RED %%%
    if (flexfec_enabled()) {
      // TODO(brandtr): Remove the FlexFEC code path when FlexfecSender
      // is wired up to PacedSender instead.
      SendVideoPacketWithFlexfec(std::move(packet), storage, protect_packet);
    } else if (red_enabled) {
      SendVideoPacketAsRedMaybeWithUlpfec(std::move(packet), storage,
    } else {
      // TODO@chensong
      SendVideoPacket(std::move(packet), storage);

    if (first_frame) {
      if (i == 0) {
            << "Sent first RTP packet of the first video frame (pre-pacer)";
      if (i == num_packets - 1) {
            << "Sent last RTP packet of the first video frame (pre-pacer)";

  if (rtp_sequence_number_map_) {
    const uint32_t timestamp = rtp_timestamp - rtp_sender_->TimestampOffset();
    rtc::CritScope cs(&crit_);
    rtp_sequence_number_map_->InsertFrame(first_sequence_number, num_packets,

  rtc::CritScope cs(&stats_crit_);
  RTC_DCHECK_GE(packetized_payload_size, unpacketized_payload_size);
      packetized_payload_size - unpacketized_payload_size,

  TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END1("webrtc", "Video", capture_time_ms, "timestamp",
  return true;

3、 网络评估模型参数输入RTT(GCC、BBR)

