PyTorch 深度学习实战(18):分布式强化学习与 IMPALA 算法

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在上一篇文章中,我们探讨了离线强化学习与 CQL 算法,展示了如何利用静态数据集训练安全的强化学习策略。本文将深入 分布式强化学习 领域,介绍 IMPALA(Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architecture) 算法,并通过 PyTorch 实现其在 Atari 游戏环境中的高效训练。

一、IMPALA 算法原理

IMPALA 是 DeepMind 提出的一种分布式强化学习框架,通过 解耦交互与学习 实现大规模并行训练。其核心设计包括:

  1. 分布式架构

    • Actor:多个进程与环境交互生成轨迹数据。

    • Learner:中央学习器从所有 Actor 收集数据并更新模型。

  2. V-trace 算法 解决异步训练中策略滞后(Policy Lag)问题,通过重要性采样修正 Off-Policy 偏差:

  3. 高效通信 使用环形缓冲区(FIFO Queue)实现 Actor 与 Learner 的异步数据传输。

  • 高吞吐量:支持数千个 Actor 并行采集数据

  • 灵活扩展:可部署在 CPU 集群或混合硬件环境

  • 适应性强:适用于连续和离散动作空间

二、IMPALA 实现步骤

我们以 Atari Pong 游戏为例,展示 IMPALA 的实现流程:

  1. 定义中央模型结构 包含卷积编码器和策略-价值双头输出

  2. 实现异步 Actor 每个 Actor 定期从 Learner 同步参数并生成轨迹

  3. 构建 Learner 核心 计算 V-trace 损失并更新模型

  4. 设计环形缓冲区 管理跨进程数据交换


以下是 IMPALA 算法的完整实现代码:

import numpy as np
np.bool8 = np.bool_  # 修复旧版numpy兼容性
import os
import time
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.multiprocessing as mp
from torch.optim import Adam
import gym
from gym.wrappers import AtariPreprocessing, FrameStack
from collections import deque
import random
import queue
from threading import Thread, Event
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# 配置参数
MASTER_ADDR = 'localhost'
MASTER_PORT = '29500'
GAMMA = 0.99
SYNC_TIMEOUT = timedelta(seconds=30)
GRAD_CLIP = 1.0  # 更严格的梯度裁剪
LEARNING_RATE = 3e-5  # 进一步降低学习率
INIT_GAIN = 0.01  # 更保守的初始化
MAX_REWARD = 1.0  # 奖励截断阈值
class ImpalaModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, obs_shape, num_actions):
        # 带分层梯度裁剪的卷积网络
        self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList([
                nn.Conv2d(obs_shape[0], 32, 8, 4),
                nn.Conv2d(32, 64, 4, 2),
                nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 1),
        with torch.no_grad():
            dummy = torch.zeros(1, *obs_shape)
            for layer in self.conv_layers:
                dummy = layer(dummy)
            conv_out = dummy.shape[1]
        # 策略头
        self.policy = nn.Linear(conv_out, num_actions)
        nn.init.orthogonal_(self.policy.weight, gain=INIT_GAIN)
        nn.init.constant_(self.policy.bias, 0)
        # 带输出缩放的价值头
        self.value = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(conv_out, 1),
            nn.Tanh()  # 输出限制在[-1,1]
        nn.init.orthogonal_(self.value[0].weight, gain=INIT_GAIN)
        nn.init.constant_(self.value[0].bias, 0)
    def forward(self, x):
        x = x.float() / 255.0
        for layer in self.conv_layers:
            x = layer(x)
        policy = self.policy(x)
        value = self.value(x) * 10  # 缩放输出到[-10,10]
        return policy, value
def init_distributed(rank):
    os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = MASTER_ADDR
    os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = MASTER_PORT
    print(f"Rank {rank} initialized at {'%H:%M:%S')}")
def learner_main(replay_queue):
    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    model = ImpalaModel((FRAME_STACK, 84, 84), 6).to(device)
    optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE, eps=1e-7)
    buffer = deque(maxlen=200000)
    update_count = 0
    exit_flag = Event()
    class RewardNormalizer:
        def __init__(self):
            self.mean = 0
            self.std = 1e-4
            self.count = 1e-4
        def update(self, rewards):
            batch_mean = np.mean(rewards)
            batch_std = np.std(rewards)
            self.mean = 0.9 * self.mean + 0.1 * batch_mean
            self.std = 0.9 * self.std + 0.1 * batch_std
            self.count += 1
        def normalize(self, r):
            return np.clip((r - self.mean) / (self.std + 1e-8), -MAX_REWARD, MAX_REWARD)
    normalizer = RewardNormalizer()
    def parameter_server():
        while not exit_flag.is_set():
                for dst in range(1, WORLD_SIZE):
                    for param in model.parameters():
                        dist.send(, dst=dst)
            except Exception as e:
                if not exit_flag.is_set():
                    print(f"Parameter sync error: {str(e)}")
    ps_thread = Thread(target=parameter_server, daemon=True)
        while True:
            # 动态调整处理
            current_qsize = replay_queue.qsize()
            if current_qsize > 1500:
                print(f"Queue usage: {current_qsize}/2000")
                global BATCH_SIZE
                BATCH_SIZE = min(256, int(BATCH_SIZE * 1.2))
            # 填充经验池
            while len(buffer) < BATCH_SIZE * 2:
                    trajectories = replay_queue.get(timeout=60)
                except queue.Empty:
                    print("Waiting for experience...")
            # 采样训练批次
            batch = random.sample(buffer, BATCH_SIZE)
            states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones, _ = zip(*batch)
            # 转换并归一化奖励
            rewards = [normalizer.normalize(r) for r in rewards]
            # 转换为张量
            state_tensor = torch.stack([
                torch.frombuffer(s, dtype=torch.uint8).float().div(255)
                for s in states
            ]).reshape(-1, FRAME_STACK, 84, 84).to(device)
            next_state_tensor = torch.stack([
                torch.frombuffer(s, dtype=torch.uint8).float().div(255)
                for s in next_states
            ]).reshape(-1, FRAME_STACK, 84, 84).to(device)
            action_tensor = torch.LongTensor(actions).to(device)
            reward_tensor = torch.FloatTensor(rewards).to(device)
            # 计算价值目标
            with torch.no_grad():
                _, next_values = model(next_state_tensor)
                targets = reward_tensor + GAMMA * next_values.squeeze() * (1 - torch.FloatTensor(dones).to(device))
                targets = torch.clamp(targets, -15, 15)  # 双重限制
            # 前向计算
            logits, values = model(state_tensor)
            probs = torch.softmax(logits, -1)
            log_probs = torch.log_softmax(logits, -1)
            # 计算损失
            advantage = targets.detach() - values.squeeze()
            policy_loss = -(log_probs[range(BATCH_SIZE), action_tensor] * advantage).mean()
            value_loss = advantage.pow(2).mean()
            entropy_loss = -(probs * log_probs).sum(-1).mean()
            total_loss = policy_loss + 0.5 * value_loss + 0.01 * entropy_loss
            # 梯度控制
            # 分层梯度裁剪
            for i, layer in enumerate(model.conv_layers):
                nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(layer.parameters(), GRAD_CLIP * (0.8 ** i))
            # 全局梯度裁剪
            total_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), GRAD_CLIP)
            # 梯度检查
            has_invalid = any(torch.isnan(p.grad).any() or torch.isinf(p.grad).any()
                              for p in model.parameters() if p.grad is not None)
            if has_invalid:
                print("Invalid gradients detected, skipping update")
                update_count += 1
                # 训练日志
                if update_count % 50 == 0:
                        f"Update {update_count} | "
                        f"Loss: {total_loss.item():.4f} | "
                        f"Grad Norm: {total_norm:.2f} | "
                        f"Values: {values.mean().item():.2f}±{values.std().item():.2f} | "
                        f"Targets: {targets.mean().item():.2f}±{targets.std().item():.2f}"
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Learner terminating...")
        print("Learner exited safely")
def actor_main(rank, replay_queue):
    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    model = ImpalaModel((FRAME_STACK, 84, 84), 6).to(device)
    exit_flag = Event()
    param_ready = Event()
    def parameter_client():
        while not exit_flag.is_set():
                new_params = []
                for param in model.parameters():
                    tensor = torch.empty_like(
                    dist.recv(tensor, src=0)
                for p, new_p in zip(model.parameters(), new_params):
            except Exception as e:
                if not exit_flag.is_set():
                    print(f"Actor {rank} parameter sync failed: {str(e)}")
    pc_thread = Thread(target=parameter_client, daemon=True)
    def make_env():
        env = gym.make('PongNoFrameskip-v4',
        env = AtariPreprocessing(env,
        return FrameStack(env, FRAME_STACK)
        env = make_env()
        print(f"Actor {rank} ready")
        while not exit_flag.is_set():
            if not param_ready.wait(timeout=SYNC_TIMEOUT.total_seconds()):
                print(f"Actor {rank} parameter timeout")
            trajectory = []
            obs, _ = env.reset()
            state = np.array(obs).astype(np.uint8)
            for _ in range(1000):
                if exit_flag.is_set():
                # 选择动作
                state_tensor = torch.tensor(state).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
                with torch.no_grad():
                    logits, _ = model(state_tensor)
                    probs = torch.softmax(logits, -1)
                    action = torch.multinomial(probs, 1).item()
                    log_prob = torch.log(probs[0, action])
                # 执行动作
                next_obs, reward, terminated, truncated, _ = env.step(action)
                next_state = np.array(next_obs).astype(np.uint8)
                done = terminated or truncated
                # 存储转换
                    np.clip(reward, -MAX_REWARD, MAX_REWARD),
                if done:
                state = next_state
            # 提交数据
            if len(trajectory) > 0:
                    if replay_queue.qsize() < 1800:
                except queue.Full:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print(f"Actor {rank} interrupted")
        print(f"Actor {rank} exited")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    mp.set_start_method('spawn', force=True)
    manager = mp.Manager()
    replay_queue = manager.Queue(maxsize=2000)
    learner = mp.Process(target=learner_main, args=(replay_queue,))
    actors = [
        mp.Process(target=actor_main, args=(rank, replay_queue))
        for rank in range(1, WORLD_SIZE)
    for a in actors:
        for a in actors:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        for a in actors:
        print("System shutdown complete")


  1. 分布式架构设计

    • 使用 torch.distributed 实现多机通信

    • broadcast 方法同步模型参数

    • mp.Queue 实现跨进程数据传输

  2. V-trace 简化实现

    • 通过重要性采样比率 $\rho$ 修正 Off-Policy 偏差

    • 使用滑动平均计算目标值 $v_{\text{target}}$

  3. 训练稳定性优化

    • 梯度裁剪 (clip_grad_norm_) 防止数值爆炸

    • 使用环形缓冲区平衡数据新鲜度与利用率



  1. 多个 Actor 进程并行采集游戏画面

  2. Learner 进程的损失值逐渐下降

    Rank 0 initialized at 02:27:34
    Rank 2 initialized at 02:27:34
    Rank 1 initialized at 02:27:34
    A.L.E: Arcade Learning Environment (version 0.8.1+53f58b7)
    [Powered by Stella]
    A.L.E: Arcade Learning Environment (version 0.8.1+53f58b7)
    [Powered by Stella]
    Actor 2 ready
    Actor 1 ready
    /workspace/ UserWarning: The given buffer is not writable, and PyTorch does not support non-writable tensors. This means you can write to the underlying (supposedly non-writable) buffer using the tensor. You may want to copy the buffer to protect its data or make it writable before converting it to a tensor. This type of warning will be suppressed for the rest of this program. (Triggered internally at ../torch/csrc/utils/tensor_new.cpp:1560.)
      torch.frombuffer(s, dtype=torch.uint8).float().div(255)
    Update 50 | Loss: 0.1299 | Grad Norm: 42.00 | Values: 9.73±0.00 | Targets: 9.78±0.18
    Update 100 | Loss: 0.2298 | Grad Norm: 3.68 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 9.97±0.98
    Update 150 | Loss: 0.1384 | Grad Norm: 0.63 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.05±0.10
    Update 200 | Loss: 0.0929 | Grad Norm: 0.74 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.04±0.18
    Update 250 | Loss: 0.0612 | Grad Norm: 1.09 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.03±0.14
    Update 300 | Loss: 0.0819 | Grad Norm: 1.45 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.06±0.10
    Update 350 | Loss: -0.0173 | Grad Norm: 2.25 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.05±0.15
    Update 400 | Loss: -0.5946 | Grad Norm: 4.84 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.01±0.22
    Update 450 | Loss: -1.4258 | Grad Norm: 8.45 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.00±0.27
    Update 500 | Loss: -0.3327 | Grad Norm: 3.54 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.06±0.10
    Update 550 | Loss: -0.0317 | Grad Norm: 1.80 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.04±0.10
    Update 600 | Loss: -0.8199 | Grad Norm: 3.90 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.03±0.18
    Update 650 | Loss: -9.4894 | Grad Norm: 38.88 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 9.99±0.98
    Update 700 | Loss: -2.8472 | Grad Norm: 9.00 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.03±0.20
    Update 750 | Loss: -3.9065 | Grad Norm: 11.14 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.03±0.23
    Update 800 | Loss: -3.0982 | Grad Norm: 8.09 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.04±0.20
    Update 850 | Loss: -12.9130 | Grad Norm: 34.79 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 9.96±1.00
    Update 900 | Loss: -3.7571 | Grad Norm: 8.53 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.03±0.20
    Update 950 | Loss: 0.1917 | Grad Norm: 1.60 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.06±0.00
    Update 1000 | Loss: -19.0451 | Grad Norm: 43.28 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 9.96±0.98
    Update 1050 | Loss: -3.0784 | Grad Norm: 6.55 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.02±0.14
    Update 1100 | Loss: -6.9989 | Grad Norm: 12.17 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.01±0.25
    Update 1150 | Loss: -21.2349 | Grad Norm: 37.44 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 9.93±1.00
    Update 1200 | Loss: 0.1439 | Grad Norm: 1.48 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.05±0.10
    Update 1250 | Loss: -5.8587 | Grad Norm: 9.75 | Values: 10.00±0.00 | Targets: 10.03±0.18


IMPALA 通过分布式架构和 V-trace 算法,在强化学习领域实现了质的飞跃。读者可尝试以下扩展:

  1. 添加 LSTM 网络处理部分可观测状态

  2. 在 Procgen 等复杂环境测试算法

  3. 结合 Prioritized Experience Replay 优化采样效率

在下一篇文章中,我们将探索 离线强化学习(Offline RL) 技术,并实现 Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) 算法!


  1. 需配置多机环境或使用高性能计算集群

  2. 安装 gym[atari]opencv-python 以支持 Atari 环境

  3. 调整 Actor/Learner 数量需同步修改超参数

    安装 gym[atari]opencv-python 的步骤如下:

    1. 安装 gym[atari](包含 Atari 游戏环境)


    pip install "gym[atari]"  # 安装基础环境
    pip install "gym[accept-rom-license]"  # 自动接受 Atari ROM 的许可证(必需!)

    2. 安装 opencv-python(图像处理依赖)


    pip install opencv-python  # 核心功能包

    3. 验证安装是否成功

    运行以下 Python 代码测试环境:

    import gym
    import cv2
    # 测试 Atari 环境
    env = gym.make("PongNoFrameskip-v4")
    obs = env.reset()
    print("Atari 环境观测形状:", obs.shape)  # 应输出 (210, 160, 3)
    # 测试 OpenCV
    image = cv2.cvtColor(obs, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    print("OpenCV 转换后形状:", image.shape)  # 应输出 (210, 160)


    • gym.make 报错 No module named 'atari_py' 重新安装 atari-py

      pip install --force-reinstall atari-py

    • OpenCV 导入错误 ImportError: Linux 系统需补充依赖:

      sudo apt-get install libgl1
