Java 基础:Nacos 2.1.1 及 1.4.4 版本同时发布!

发布于:2023-01-17 ⋅ 阅读:(705) ⋅ 点赞:(0)


2.1.1 版本特性

该版本核心解决 Nacos 2.0 广泛使用暴露出的一些稳定性问题(包括默认实现鉴权插件、Grpc请求和distro一致性协议的性能等),另外Beta测试“批量注册服务”和“服务追踪事件”两个新功能。


## Features
[#5863] (BETA) Support batch register service.
[#7424] Add version data compare in the history list.
[#8305] (REMOVE) Remove leave nacos server nodes API temporarily.
[#8481] (BETA) Add TRACE Event to server.
[#8755] Add default fuzzy search feature.

## Enhancement
[#8099] Fast failure for distro sync task and verify task if cluster disconnect.
[#8150] Add the namespace description item to the namespace list page.
[#8345] Add validation for service cluster name.
[#8515] Optimize some code in InetUtils.
[#8561] Enhance default authentication plugin performance.
[#8574] Enhance filter service info for push callback.
[#8592] Ehhance GrpcUtil memory and cpu cost.
[#8622] Add NacosEnvironment and add some unit tests.

## Refactor&dependency
[#8369] Remove mina dependency.
[#8383] Upgrade jackson version to
[#8421] Remove commonOkHttp dependency.
[#8472] Remove useless dependency.
[#8479] Refactor singleton construction as private.
[#8540] Upgrade spring-boot version to 2.6.8.
[#8594] Makes distro data load timeout can be configured.
[#8596] Explicitly specify spring-boot-maven-plugin version same as spring-boot.
[#8623] Upgrade mysql-connector-java to 8.0.28.

## BugFix
[#7039] Fix config encryptedData md5 calculation problem.
[#8153] Fix NPE for AutoExpireCache.
[#8243][#8653] Fix health check plugin problem.
[#8275] Fix can't register service when use skywalking.
[#8295] Fix can't login when use embedded storage in cluster model.
[#8318] Fix findAllConfigInfoForDumpAll sql args error.
[#8372] Fix client can't use https connection.
[#8424] Fix cycle dependency problem.
[#8428] Fix naming subscribe bug when multiple NamingService.
[#8505] Fix log configuration conflict in spring-boot project.
[#8514][#8539] Fix prometheus api error in client.
[#8516] Fix the persistent instance becomes a temporary instance.
[#8602] Fix display error after delete current namespace.
[#8632] Fix subscribe disabled instance problem in the first time.
[#8635] Fix NPE when call the shutdown method.
[#8720] Fix the problem that config aspect invalid problem.
[#8742] Fix change instance metadata, the revision of service not change.
[#8784] Fix some bugs for Console UI.
[#8833] Fix import config failed when open auth.
[#8880] Fix constantly loading config when not read permission.

批量注册服务 -- batchRegister

批量注册服务的需求主要来自于Nacos社区的另一个组件 -- Nacos-Sync,Nacos-Sync作为一个支持多注册中心迁移的第三方工具,一直帮助社区用户平滑的从Eureka,Consul等其他注册中心迁移到Nacos中。


同时社区发现,有一些特殊的应用,如网关,proxy,dubbo3多协议支持等,也需要一些代理注册的能力,因此社区在进行数次方案讨论后,最终由社区同学 chenhao26-nineteen 完成批量注册服务的功能开发,并在2.1.1版本进行beta测试。


服务追踪事件 -- trace event


MSE团队得知社区的强烈需求后,由 scienceZ 同学完成对事件抽象剥离,并贡献到开源社区。


注意: 上述两个功能均属于Beta测试阶段,其API,功能可能与后续正式发布时的有一定区别。

1.4.4 版本特性

Nacos 1.X版本已经不再进行功能演进,只进行一些bugfix和优化,因此本次版本发布主要也是进行一些bug的修复和优化,并且将一些可能有问题的依赖进行升级;建议大家尽快升级到 Nacos 2.0,以便享受快速迭代红利!


# Enhancement
[#5344] Reset raft cluster ops for no leader by JRaft Api.
[#5884][#7810] Add the permission for history config.
[#7284] Enhance print exception details.
[#7799] Enhance console exception handler.
[#7802] Enhance thread pool manager.
[#7801] Enhance connection release timeout between server.
[#7803] Apply some Jraft Enhancement from 2.X.
[#7925] Client stops the UpdateTask after a service is unsubscribed.
[#8072] Reduce memory cost in DistroProtocol initialization to avoid OutOfMemoryError.
[#8144] Add volatile modifier to NamingProxy.serversFromEndpoint.
[#8203] Fix the concurrency problem about the iterator of ServerListManager.
[#8434] Enhance DistroConsistencyServiceImpl listen/unListen.

# BugFix
[#6198][#7809] Fix StringUtils.join throw NullPointerException.
[#6273] Fix loop leave server.
[#7141][#7804] Fix the problem of the operator column being empty while configuring adding and deleting records.
[#7750][#7869] Fix bug in permissions management module, such as redundant 'nacos,' when change password.
[#7757][#7761] Fix jraft request parse failed problem.
[#7807] Fix yaml parse concurrent problem.
[#7836] Fix nacos-client can't parse `localhost` problem.
[#8012] Fix NPE in DistroConsistencyServiceImpl.Notifier.
[#8283] Fix thread safety problem when concurrently registering with the same cluster.
[#8428] Fix naming subscribe bug when multiple NamingService .
[#8539] Fix prometheus api error.

# Dependency
[#7813] Upgrade log4j2 to 2.17.1.
[#7813] Upgrade logback to 1.2.9.
[#7813] Upgrade Jraft to 1.3.9.
[#8421] Remove commonOkHttp dependency.
[#8169] Upgrade spring-boot version to 2.6.6.

About Nacos

Nacos 致力于帮助您发现、配置和管理微服务。Nacos 提供了一组简单易用的特性集,帮助您快速实现动态服务发现、服务配置、服务元数据及流量管理。

Nacos 帮助您更敏捷和容易地构建、交付和管理微服务平台。 Nacos 是构建以“服务”为中心的现代应用架构 (例如微服务范式、云原生范式) 的服务基础设施。



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