上一篇文章介绍了关于OPENCV椭圆拟合的方法 (Python opencv 椭圆拟合)。
from sklearn.datasets import make_circles
import numpy as np
def get_unit_circle(shuffle=False, noise=0.02, factor=0.05):
data = make_circles(shuffle=shuffle, noise=noise, factor=factor)
idx = np.argwhere(data[1] == 0)
x = data[0][idx, 0]
y = data[0][idx, 1]
return x, y
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x, y = get_unit_circle()
plt.scatter(x, y)
- Cost Function
from scipy import optimize from math import pi def r(x, y, xc, yc): ''' 计算每一个点到圆心的距离 ''' return np.sqrt((x-xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2) def f(c, x, y): ''' Cost Function ''' Ri = r(x, y, *c) return np.square(Ri - Ri.mean())
- 最小二乘法拟合圆
def least_squares_circle(coords): """ Circle fit using least-squares solver. Inputs: - coords, list or numpy array with len>2 of the form: [ [x_coord, y_coord], ..., [x_coord, y_coord] ] or numpy array of shape (n, 2) Outputs: - xc : x-coordinate of solution center (float) - yc : y-coordinate of solution center (float) - R : Radius of solution (float) - residu : MSE of solution against training data (float) """ x, y = None, None if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray): x = coords[:, 0] y = coords[:, 1] elif isinstance(coords, list): x = np.array([point[0] for point in coords]) y = np.array([point[1] for point in coords]) else: raise Exception("Parameter 'coords' is an unsupported type: " + str(type(coords))) # coordinates of the barycenter x_m = np.mean(x) y_m = np.mean(y) center_estimate = x_m, y_m center, _ = optimize.leastsq(f, center_estimate, args=(x, y)) xc, yc = center Ri = r(x, y, *center) R = Ri.mean() residu = np.sum((Ri - R)**2) return xc, yc, R, residu
- 绘图
def plot_data_circle(x, y, xc, yc, R): """ Plot data and a fitted circle. Inputs: x : data, x values (array) y : data, y values (array) xc : fit circle center (x-value) (float) yc : fit circle center (y-value) (float) R : fir circle radius (float) Output: None (generates matplotlib plot). """ f = plt.figure(facecolor='white') plt.axis('equal') theta_fit = np.linspace(-pi, pi, 180) x_fit = xc + R*np.cos(theta_fit) y_fit = yc + R*np.sin(theta_fit) plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit, 'b-' , label="fitted circle", lw=2) plt.plot([xc], [yc], 'bD', mec='y', mew=1) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') # plot data plt.scatter(x, y, c='red', label='data') plt.legend(loc='best', labelspacing=0.1 ) plt.grid() plt.title('Fit Circle')
- 圆拟合实验
coords = np.array([[x[i][0], y[i][0]] for i in range(len(x))]) xc, yc, r, residual = least_squares_circle(coords) print("least_squares: \n" "xc: {xc}\n" "yc: {yc}\n" "r: {r}\n" "residual: {residual}\n".format(xc=xc, yc=yc, r=r, residual=residual)) plot_data_circle(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], xc, yc, r) plt.show()
least_squares: xc: -0.001448768226716725 yc: 0.001868231073519271 r: 1.0026485302748585 s: 0.01798191226855169
- 整圆数据拟合测试
output[[-0.20222279 0.97036383] [-0.70938247 0.6772127 ] [ 0.99928194 -0.13865634] [ 0.43164868 0.92726211] [-0.98573612 -0.26547395] [-0.0846844 1.03034261] [ 0.81541324 -0.62520304] [ 0.63680427 0.81349025] [ 0.5243403 0.82797391] [-1.03298498 -0.13068717] [ 0.05791061 -1.00685492] [ 0.53883561 -0.85298628] [-0.5236286 -0.84472701] [-0.79429015 0.60075032] [-0.51160761 0.83311102] [-0.80068973 -0.57344023] [-0.71966203 -0.67572335] [ 0.78423462 0.57306241] [-0.90375463 -0.3620828 ] [ 1.01525985 0.25229142]]
有整圆的数据情况下,椭圆拟合算法和圆拟合算法得到的结果基本相同,精度都还不错。least_squares: xc: 0.004072613875040401 yc: -0.0018972548200443362 r: 1.0049178131436773 residual: 0.010274593350489435 fitEllipse: xc: 0.010946060180664062 yc: -0.00024581146240234376 a: 1.998855224609375 b: 2.0251834716796875
- 半圆数据拟合测试
output[[ 1.00515793 -0.00581373] [ 0.97331632 0.14824388] [ 0.98822774 0.23520662] [ 0.95820935 0.36923693] [ 0.90629294 0.47303492] [ 0.81419798 0.56982752] [ 0.73716614 0.71245408] [ 0.61164932 0.76321955] [ 0.5263777 0.86008591] [ 0.37880738 0.90808892] [ 0.32055051 0.93700053] [ 0.20453417 0.99333937] [ 0.05113706 1.00244991] [-0.04754568 1.01810976] [-0.17381077 0.98401702] [-0.33780284 0.93704433] [-0.4102824 0.92013996] [-0.55344694 0.88235196] [-0.6336433 0.78243172] [-0.70035358 0.68997356]]
椭圆拟合则会有比较大的误差,中心位置估计还算准确,但是半径的误差显著增加。least_squares: xc: -0.005765623679872315 yc: -0.006110242659838036 r: 1.011230956382947 residual: 0.005535104556472458 fitEllipse: xc: 0.0839453125 yc: 0.19866604614257813 a: 1.5608851318359376 b: 1.8778536376953125
[1] https://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/index.html
[2] https://se.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/least-squares-fitting.html
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