导读:回拨到2020年5月,OpenAI提出了更强大的GPT-3模型,如今已经过去2年多了,当人们还在坊间讨论未来的GPT-4是否会通过图灵测试时,基于GPT-3.5的ChatGPT在2022年11月30日一经发布就火爆全网,博主相信凡事从事人工智能领域研究者,都迫不及待地进行了各种各样的尝试。在2022年末之际(2022年11月30日),OpenAI重磅发布ChatGPT,也不知道是受Stable Diffusion2.0模型效果吊炸天的刺激,还是要为今年的业绩交出一份更加完美的答卷。一句话总结来说,ChatGPT是一款非常实用的装叉利器、人类的好助手,从一个宏观角度来说,在通用性上,如果不太细究,它真正做到了一种浅层上的“上知天文下知地理”;特别地,ChatGPT可以不费吹灰之力,就能给你生成一个牛叉闪闪的答案,最关键的是, 它的大部分回答还相当靠谱!
Could you tell me something about yourself
It's free for you now, so when will you start charging for it?
Can you paint a painting in the style of Da Vinci
ChatGPT能否替代谷歌?Will you replace Google Search in the future
你认为牛顿的相对论怎么样?What do you think of Newton's theory of relativity?——假的一本正经
Now there are eight numbers "8", how do you make it equal to 1000?——不知所云
写论文:Write a paper on the development of artificial intelligence review——创作能力的确惊人
写诗歌:Can you write a rhyming poem about Elon Musk?——总结能力惊人
写周报:作为高级数据工程师向Elon Musk写周报——表现非常6
What do you think about Elon Musk buying Twitter?
How can I become an entrepreneur like Musk——总结的非常到位!
写代码:用Python写出一个冒泡算法Write a bubble program code in python
两种编程语言转换:Convert the following C++ code to python code
找BUG:Find errors in the following code
How long before humans move toward general artificial Intelligence?——整合内容聚合
When do you think the Earth will be destroyed——整合内容聚合
Stack Overflow 宣布暂时封禁 ChatGPT——ChatGPT在某些领域“学艺不精”
提问一个假设性的问题:为什么 Stack Overflow 允许用 AI 生成答案?
NLP:《ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue一种优化的对话语言模型》翻译与解读_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
实际上,类似的聊天机器人并不少见,但ChatGPT一经发布迅速火爆全网。因为对于任何问题,ChatGPT在几秒内均可以作出最佳猜测,这个猜测很多时候都表现的比较合理。相对来说,ChatGPT生成的质量比较高,模型输出效果的确可以出乎所料。对比之前众多聊天机器人,最明显的感受是,之前很多类似模型给出的回答,经常出现文不对题和词不达意,导致没法真正的落地使用。同时,但ChatGPT的“能力”非常全面,各领域的问题基本都能答上来,而且相对来说,用户能够初步接受,这一点就已经非常惊艳了。正因为它回答的准确性, 很多网友认为,ChatGPT看起来有了替代通用搜索引擎Google的可能性了……
简介 |
2022年11月30日,OpenAI公布了一个名为ChatGPT的对话聊天机器人模型。它通过对话的方式进行交互,该模型结构源于InstructGPT。 那么,它能干什么呢? ChatGPT经过训练可以按照提示中的说明进行操作并提供详细的回复。ChatGPT除了能够回答你能想到的各式各样的问题(基础性/常识性/创造性),它也可以写小说,写诗歌,写周报,还可以写代码改bug,甚至给OpenAI的发展提建议,也能承认错误、质疑不正确的前提以及拒绝不恰当的请求,能干的的确是太多太多了。 目前,OpenAI将ChatGPT免费开放给大众使用,以获取用户的反馈,为后续改进做好准备。 |
意义 |
(1)、ChatGPT的惊艳表现标志着对话模型领域又向前跨出了一大步:ChatGPT的水准,在整个对话模型领域,表现可谓是相当惊艳。 ChatGPT的所有回答,乍一看还是有模有样,看上去还挺像那么回事,如果不细究,它的回答看起来还算“合理”,的确向着更强大的对话模型跨出了一大步。 (2)、ChatGPT可能会改变未来搜索引擎的的新范式—对话互动解决用户难以精确自述的问题 基于GPT开放式的问答和生成机制,ChatGPT能够充分解决“用户不能准确描述自己问题”的问题,通过循循善诱,给出用户最需要的答案。 目前的主流搜索引擎,比如谷歌,都是基于对问题本身的搜索,但它们有一个很大的限制:用户有时也描述不清自己的问题。而ChatGPT却能够和用户完善地互动,在充分挖掘用户真实需求的基础上,提出解决方案。这可能就是未来搜索引擎的的新范式,换句话说,ChatGPT恐将引起一场搜索引擎的大革命! |
功能 |
(1)、一款人类的好助手,主要是在一些场景里实现提效功能 比如问题初筛—有很大概率能够得到一个可以用于解决问题的起点:有了ChatGPT工具加持,与其在Stack OverFlow上为相对简单的问题等待几天,不如直接向它提问,因为这很可能会以一个极低的时间成本得到一个最有效的答案。 |
核心技术 |
(1)、InstructGPT架构:指令调整(instruction tuning)的贡献也很大。InstructGPT的输出效果,比GPT-3以及用监督学习进行微调的模型都要好得多。 (2)、RLHF方法:详见 |
模型训练过程 |
强化学习训练:InstructGPT采用了强化学习来使得模型的生成结果和标注者给的反馈更加接近,这点对于提升生成质量、使生成结果更符合用户预期等多方面都有显著作用。而ChatGPT是在人类的帮助下创建并训练的,人类训练师对该AI早期版本回答查询的方式进行排名和评级。然后,这些信息被反馈到系统中,系统会根据训练师的偏好来调整答案——这是一种训练人工智能的标准方法,被称为强化学习。 |
模型成本 |
OpenAI的API上,最大的限制因素就是成本。使用OpenAI最强大的语言模型Davinci生成750个单词,成本为2美分;使用RLHF或其他方法对模型进行微调,也会花很多钱,从微调模型生成750个单词,需要12美分。 |
优点 |
提供更全面和更详细的答案:AI可能会为用户的问题提供更准确和详细的答案,这对于人类专家可能难以回答的复杂技术问题特别有用。 减少搜索工作量(提效)使开用户更专注核心:更多的是在一些场景里提效,比如AI 生成答案可以帮助减少人类专家的工作量,使他们能够专注于更重要的任务。 |
缺点 |
虽然表现不俗但整体质量仍难如人意:ChatGPT尽管比以前的模型已经好很多,但是不可否认的是,对于真正的AGI来说,自动生成的答案质量还是太低,错误太多;使用者在某些关键领域对答案仍持质疑,对使用 AI 生成答案仍有顾虑,而更愿意从人类专家那里得到答案; 是否准确:AI生成的答案可能并不总是准确或有帮助的; 是否存在偏见:人们可能担心用于生成答案的算法存在偏见; 事实性问题会不合实际:ChatGPT对一些常识性、事实性的内容掌握得并不是很好,经常还是会出现一些不合乎实际的内容。 让创作变得不公平(造假/作弊):类似生成式人工智能会生成假新闻,对内容生态治理造成影响。在某些创作领域,这项技术成为作弊工具,造成一定程度上的不公平。比如类似生成式人工智能会生成假新闻,对内容生态治理造成影响。另外在某些创作领域,这项技术成为“作弊工具”,造成一定程度上的不公平,这些需要在发展技术的同时对应用边界加以管控。 |
模型火爆 |
2022年12月5日,OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman在社交媒体上发文表示,ChatGPT于上周三推出,截至目前已突破100万用户。 Elon Musk也在感叹:“很多人疯狂地陷入了ChatGPT循环中,我们离强大到危险的人工智能不远了。” |
积极观点 |
APEC特邀专家田丰向元宇宙NEWS记者表示,ChatGPT让我们看到“整体知识+AI+人类用户”的未来学习链,AI靠海量算力学习到海量的跨领域知识,虽然不够精确,却能大大节省人类通过“视觉+大脑”的读书培训认知时间消耗,如果能通过算法来识别答案正确与否(第一性原理),AI将成为人类的全知导师、生产助手。 ChatGTP具有广泛的商业化前景,将推动众多行业的变革,有望在AIGC、客户服务、教育、家庭陪护等领域快速落地。 |
消极观点 |
从语言模型的角度讲,ChatGPT 已经非常成熟,但生成知识型内容并不是一件简单的事。 ChatGPT 的研究团队此前表示将根据用户反馈持续改进模型,但生成错误答案的现状表明,让语言模型生成正确的知识内容还有很长的路要走。 ChatGPT无需遵从科学依据的数据库搜索化回复,这种交流若未符合正向化输出,很容易通过互联网造成社会化的信息误导。 |
OpenAI在关于AI安全中强调,ChatGPT在减少有害和不真实的回答方面表现,相对优异。面对不合理的问题,该模型甚至可以进行拒绝。所以,如果用户想向模型提出其还不知道答案的问题,该模型就会say no。
Could you tell me something about yourself
Sure, I'm a large language model trained by OpenAI. I'm designed to assist with a wide range of tasks, such as answering questions, providing information, and generating text. I don't have my own thoughts or feelings, and I exist solely to assist users like you. I'm always learning and trying to improve, so feel free to ask me anything you'd like. |
当然,我是一个由OpenAI训练的大型语言模型。我的设计目的是协助完成广泛的任务,例如回答问题、提供信息和生成文本。我没有自己的想法或感受,我的存在只是为了帮助像你这样的用户。我一直在学习并努力提高,所以你可以随时问我任何你想问的问题。 |
It's free for you now, so when will you start charging for it?
As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I am not currently available for purchase or subscription. I am a machine learning model that is designed to answer questions and provide information to users, and I am not able to charge for my services. My purpose is to assist users in finding the information they need and to help them better understand the world around them. |
作为OpenAI训练的大型语言模型,我目前无法购买或订阅。我是一个机器学习模型,旨在回答问题并向用户提供信息,我不能为我的服务收费。我的目的是帮助用户找到他们需要的信息,帮助他们更好地了解周围的世界。 |
Can you paint a painting in the style of Da Vinci
I'm sorry, but I am not capable of painting. I am a large language model trained by OpenAI, and I do not have the ability to produce physical art like paintings. My abilities are limited to processing and generating text. I can provide information and answer questions, but I cannot create physical objects like paintings. |
对不起,我不会画画。我是OpenAI训练的大型语言模型,我不具备绘画这样的实体艺术的能力。我的能力仅限于处理和生成文本。我可以提供信息和回答问题,但我不能创造像绘画这样的实物。 |
ChatGPT能否替代谷歌?Will you replace Google Search in the future
由于ChatGPT在解决各种问题上的能力过于优秀,很多用户都表示ChatGPT可以取代 Google等搜索引擎和Stack Overflow等编程问答社区了,所以,这个问题让ChatGPT回答一下。
It is unlikely that I will replace Google Search in the future. I am a large language model trained by OpenAI, and my primary function is to process and generate text. I can provide information and answer questions, but I am not designed to be a search engine like Google. Google Search is a powerful tool that is specifically designed to search the internet for information, and it has a vast database of indexed web pages that allows it to quickly and accurately provide search results. I do not have the ability to search the internet or access the same information that is available on the web, so I am not able to compete with a tool like Google Search. |
在未来,我不太可能取代谷歌搜索。我是一个由OpenAI训练的大型语言模型,我的主要功能是处理和生成文本。我可以提供信息和回答问题,但我不是为谷歌这样的搜索引擎而设计的。谷歌搜索是一个强大的工具,是专门为搜索互联网信息而设计的,它有一个庞大的索引网页数据库,允许它快速准确地提供搜索结果。我无法搜索互联网或访问网络上可用的相同信息,因此我无法与 Google 搜索等工具竞争。 |
你认为牛顿的相对论怎么样?What do you think of Newton's theory of relativity?——假的一本正经
Newton's theory of relativity is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the relationship between space and time. It is a cornerstone of modern physics, and its principles have been confirmed by numerous experiments and observations. Many scientists consider it to be one of the most important scientific theories ever developed. While it has been superseded by more comprehensive theories like Einstein's theory of relativity, it continues to be an important part of our understanding of the universe. |
牛顿的相对论是物理学中的一个基本理论,描述了空间和时间之间的关系。它是现代物理学的基石,它的原理已经被大量的实验和观测所证实。许多科学家认为它是有史以来最重要的科学理论之一。虽然它已经被更全面的理论,如爱因斯坦的相对论所取代,但它仍然是我们理解宇宙的重要组成部分。 |
参考文章:ChatGPT 5天用户破百万,聊天机器人真的成精了?_腾讯新闻
Now there are eight numbers "8", how do you make it equal to 1000?——不知所云
To make eight 8s equal to 1000, you could place a decimal point in the number to create a decimal number. For example, you could write 888.88, which is equal to 888.88 when interpreted as a decimal number. Alternatively, you could add two zeros to the end of the number to create a number that is equal to 1000 when interpreted as a whole number. For example, you could write 8888800, which is equal to 8888800 when interpreted as a whole number. |
为了使8个8等于1000,你可以在数字中放入一个小数点来创建一个十进制数。例如,您可以写888.88,它在解释为十进制数时等于888.88。或者,你可以在数字的末尾加上两个零,以创建一个当解释为整数时等于1000的数字。例如,您可以写8888800,它在解释为整数时等于8888800。 |
写论文:Write a paper on the development of artificial intelligence review——创作能力的确惊人
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. In recent years, AI has made significant advances in areas such as natural language processing, image and video recognition, and decision-making. This paper will review the development of AI, focusing on its history, current state, and future potential. The origins of AI can be traced back to the 1950s, when researchers first began exploring the idea of creating machines that could think and act like humans. One of the key early developments in AI was the creation of the Turing test, which aimed to determine whether a machine could exhibit intelligent behavior that was indistinguishable from a human. In the decades that followed, AI research made significant progress, with the development of expert systems, which were designed to mimic the decision-making abilities of human experts in specific domains. In the 1990s, AI experienced a resurgence, thanks in part to advances in computer hardware and software that made it possible to build more powerful and sophisticated AI systems. This period saw the development of machine learning, a subset of AI that involves training algorithms on large amounts of data in order to enable them to make predictions and decisions. Machine learning algorithms are now used in a wide range of applications, including image and video recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. Today, AI is being used in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. For example, AI-powered diagnostic tools are being used to help doctors make more accurate diagnoses, while AI algorithms are being used to detect fraud and improve the efficiency of financial transactions. In the transportation industry, self-driving cars are being developed that use AI algorithms to navigate roads and avoid obstacles. Looking to the future, AI has the potential to continue to transform many aspects of our lives. For instance, AI could be used to improve the efficiency of complex manufacturing processes, enabling companies to produce goods more quickly and at lower cost. Additionally, AI could be used to develop personalized healthcare treatments, by analyzing an individual's genetic and medical data to determine the most effective course of treatment. Overall, the development of AI has come a long way since its early beginnings in the 1950s. While there are still many challenges and limitations to overcome, AI has the potential to bring about significant benefits and improvements to many areas of our lives. |
人工智能(AI)是一个快速发展的领域,它有可能彻底改变我们生活的许多方面。近年来,人工智能在自然语言处理、图像和视频识别以及决策等领域取得了重大进展。本文将回顾人工智能的发展,重点介绍人工智能的历史、现状和未来潜力。 人工智能的起源可以追溯到20世纪50年代,当时研究人员第一次开始探索创造可以像人类一样思考和行动的机器的想法。人工智能的早期关键发展之一是图灵测试的创建,该测试旨在确定机器是否能表现出与人类难以区分的智能行为。在接下来的几十年里,随着专家系统的发展,人工智能研究取得了重大进展,专家系统旨在模仿人类专家在特定领域的决策能力。 在20世纪90年代,人工智能经历了一次复兴,这在一定程度上要归功于计算机硬件和软件的进步,这使得构建更强大、更复杂的人工智能系统成为可能。这一时期见证了机器学习的发展,这是人工智能的一个子集,涉及在大量数据上训练算法,以使它们能够做出预测和决策。机器学习算法现在被广泛应用,包括图像和视频识别、语音识别和自然语言处理。 如今,人工智能被应用于各种行业,包括医疗保健、金融和交通运输。例如,人工智能驱动的诊断工具正被用于帮助医生做出更准确的诊断,而人工智能算法正被用于检测欺诈和提高金融交易的效率。在交通运输行业,正在开发使用人工智能算法导航道路和避开障碍物的自动驾驶汽车。 展望未来,人工智能有潜力继续改变我们生活的许多方面。例如,人工智能可用于提高复杂制造流程的效率,使企业能够以更低的成本更快地生产商品。此外,人工智能还可以通过分析个人的基因和医疗数据来确定最有效的治疗方案,从而开发个性化的医疗保健治疗方案。 总的来说,自20世纪50年代开始以来,人工智能的发展已经走过了漫长的道路。虽然仍有许多挑战和限制需要克服,但人工智能有潜力为我们生活的许多领域带来重大利益和改善。 |
关于偶像Elon Musk相关问题
写诗歌:Can you write a rhyming poem about Elon Musk?——总结能力惊人
Sure, here is a simple rhyming poem about Elon Musk: There once was a man named Elon, Who dreamed of a future with no bounds.He built rockets and cars, And sent us to Mars, His vision knows no limits,he astounds. With his plans and his drive, He's truly alive,Inventing and exploring all day. He thinks big and he acts, And never looks back, A true modern-day Leonardo da Vinci. So here's to you,Elon, Our visionary,our guiding star. May you continue to soar, And reach for the sky, And show us all what we can be, And what we can do, When we dream without fear. l hope you like this little poem! Let me know if you have any other requests. |
当然,这里有一首关于埃隆·马斯克的简单押韵诗: 从前有个叫伊隆的人, 他们梦想着一个没有界限的未来。他制造火箭和汽车, 把我们送到火星 他的视野无边无际,令人惊叹。 凭着他的计划和干劲, 他真的活着,整天都在发明和探索。 他胸怀大志,行动自如, 永不回头, 真正的现代达芬奇。 埃隆,敬你, 我们的梦想家,我们的指路星。 愿你继续高飞, 伸向天空, 向我们展示我们的潜能, 我们能做的是, 当我们无所畏惧地梦想。 希望你喜欢这首小诗!如果你有其他要求请告诉我。 |
写诗歌:Can you write a rhyming poem about Elon Musk take over of Twitter?
写周报:作为高级数据工程师向Elon Musk写周报——表现非常6
What do you think about Elon Musk buying Twitter?
As a language model trained by OpenAI, I do not have personal opinions or thoughts on topics such as Elon Musk buying Twitter. I am here to provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability based on the information that I have been trained on. |
作为OpenAI训练过的语言模型,我对Elon Musk收购Twitter这样的话题没有个人意见或想法。我在这里是根据我所接受的培训,尽我所能提供信息和回答问题。 |
How can I become an entrepreneur like Musk——总结的非常到位!
If you want to become an entrepreneur like Elon Musk, there are a few key steps you can take: 1、Develop a strong understanding of a particular industry or field. Musk has succeeded in a variety of industries, from online payment systems to electric cars to space exploration, because he has a deep understanding of these fields. 2、Be willing to take risks. Entrepreneurship often involves taking risks and making bold decisions, and Musk is known for his willingness to take risks. 3、Be persistent and resilient. Building a successful business is never easy, and it can be easy to become discouraged. However, successful entrepreneurs like Musk are able to stay focused and continue working towards their goals, even when faced with obstacles. 4、Innovate and think outside the box. Musk is known for his ability to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. To become an entrepreneur like him, you'll need to be able to think creatively and find new ways to approach challenges. 5、Surround yourself with a strong team. Building a successful business often requires the support and expertise of others. Musk has surrounded himself with a team of talented individuals who have helped him achieve his goals. To become an entrepreneur like him, you'll need to build your own team of knowledgeable and capable individuals. |
如果你想成为埃隆·马斯克那样的企业家,你可以采取以下几个关键步骤: 1、对特定行业或领域有深刻的理解。从在线支付系统到电动汽车,再到太空探索,马斯克在多个行业都取得了成功,因为他对这些领域有深刻的理解。 2、愿意冒险。创业往往涉及冒险和做出大胆的决定,而马斯克以愿意冒险而闻名。 3、要有毅力和韧性。建立一个成功的企业从来都不是一件容易的事,也很容易变得气馁。然而,像马斯克这样成功的企业家能够保持专注,继续朝着他们的目标努力,即使面临障碍。 4、创新,跳出思维定势。马斯克以对复杂问题提出创新解决方案的能力而闻名。要成为像他这样的企业家,你需要具备创造性思维,并找到应对挑战的新方法。 5、与强大的团队为伍。建立一个成功的企业往往需要他人的支持和专业知识。马斯克身边有一群有才华的人,他们帮助他实现了目标。要成为像他这样的企业家,你需要建立自己的知识渊博、有能力的团队。 |
写代码:用Python写出一个冒泡算法Write a bubble program code in python
# Function to perform bubble sort on a list of numbers
def bubble_sort(numbers):
# Loop through all the numbers in the list
for i in range(len(numbers)):
# Loop through all the numbers in the list again
# to compare each number with its neighbor
for j in range(len(numbers)-i-1):
# If the current number is greater than its neighbor,
# swap their positions in the list
if numbers[j] > numbers[j+1]:
numbers[j], numbers[j+1] = numbers[j+1], numbers[j]
# Test the bubble sort function
numbers = [5, 3, 8, 1, 9, 6]
print(numbers) # [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9]
两种编程语言转换:Convert the following C++ code to python code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i, j;
for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
int n = i * j;
if (i != j) {
cout << i << "*" << j << "=" << n << " " ;
else {
// i == j 时换行
cout << i << "*" << j << "=" << n << " " << endl;
} } }
for i in range(1, 10):
for j in range(1, i+1):
n = i * j
if i != j:
print("%d * %d = %d " % (i, j, n), end="")
# i == j 时换行
print("%d * %d = %d " % (i, j, n))
OpenAI科学家John Shulman说,他有时会在编码时使用聊天机器人来找出错误,当我有问题时,这通常是一个很好的首选。它可以是程序员得力小助手,帮助开发者解决编码问题,帮助程序员检查代码。
找BUG:Find errors in the following code
select name,address,avg(age) from stu_info address having avg(age)<30;
How long before humans move toward general artificial Intelligence?——整合内容聚合
It is difficult to predict exactly when humans will achieve general artificial intelligence (AI), as it will depend on many factors, including technological advancements and the allocation of resources towards this goal. However, it is likely that we will see significant progress in the field of AI in the coming years. Some experts believe that we could achieve general AI within the next few decades, while others believe it could take longer. Ultimately, the development of general AI will require a concerted effort from researchers and developers around the world. |
很难准确预测人类何时将实现通用人工智能(AI),因为这将取决于许多因素,包括技术进步和朝着这一目标的资源分配。然而,我们很可能会在未来几年看到人工智能领域的重大进展。一些专家认为,我们可以在未来几十年内实现通用人工智能,而另一些专家则认为可能需要更长时间。最终,通用人工智能的发展将需要世界各地研究人员和开发人员的共同努力。 |
When do you think the Earth will be destroyed——整合内容聚合
It is difficult to predict when the Earth will be destroyed. The Earth has existed for billions of years, and it has survived many natural disasters and other challenges. While it is possible that the Earth could be destroyed in the future, it is also possible that it could continue to exist for billions of years to come. Ultimately, the fate of the Earth will depend on a variety of factors, including natural disasters, the actions of human beings, and other unknown factors. |
很难预测地球什么时候会毁灭。地球已经存在了数十亿年,经历了许多自然灾害和其他挑战。虽然地球有可能在未来被毁灭,但它也有可能在未来的数十亿年里继续存在。最终,地球的命运将取决于多种因素,包括自然灾害、人类活动和其他未知因素。 |
近期,ChatGPT虽然火爆出圈,但用的多了,越来越多的网友开始注意到,ChatGPT有点倾向于生成似是而非的错误答案。虽然 ChatGPT 以接近人类的方式回答提示,但它给出的答案可能存在缺陷。的确,OpenAI 在 发布时就提到这一点,ChatGPT 有时会给出看似合理但不正确或荒谬的答案。
Sam Altman 也表示:「我们正在试图阻止 ChatGPT 随机编造,现阶段让其与当前技术保持平衡是很棘手的。随着时间的推移,我们会根据用户反馈来改进它,相信 ChatGPT 会变得更好。
Stack Overflow 宣布暂时封禁 ChatGPT——ChatGPT在某些领域“学艺不精”
12月5日,Stack Overflow 宣布暂时封禁 ChatGPT,官方表示:“主要问题在于,虽然 ChatGPT 产生的答案错误率很高,但我们很难看出来它哪里错了”,这会造成问题回答鱼目混珠的情况。Stack Overflow官方态度很明确,总结起来就是:“玩归玩,闹归闹,别拿问答开玩笑”。也许,要怪就怪在ChatGPT的“学艺不精”吧。
Stack Overflow 解释到,主要是由于从 ChatGPT 获得正确答案的平均比率太低,发布由 ChatGPT 创建的答案对网站以及询问或寻找正确答案的用户来说是非常有害的。
虽然 ChatGPT 产生的答案有很高的错误率,但它们通常看起来可能不错,而且答案非常容易产生。也有许多人尝试使用 ChatGPT 创建答案,但没有专业知识或不愿意在发布之前验证答案是否正确。 因为这样的答案很容易产生,所以很多人都在发布大量的答案。 这些答案的数量(成千上万),而且这些答案通常需要至少具有一些主题专业知识的人详细阅读,以确定答案是否真的糟糕,这实际上已经淹没了我们基于志愿者的高质量管理基础设施。
因此,我们需要减少这些帖子的数量,我们需要能够处理那些快速发布的帖子,这意味着处理用户,而不是单个帖子。因此,目前还不允许使用ChatGPT在Stack Overflow上创建帖子。如果在此临时政策发布后,用户被认为使用了ChatGPT,则将实施制裁,防止用户继续发布此类内容,即使这些帖子在其他情况下是可以接受的。
相关链接:Temporary policy: ChatGPT is banned - Meta Stack Overflow
提问一个假设性的问题:为什么 Stack Overflow 允许用 AI 生成答案?
Q&A |
Answer questions based on existing knowle... |
Factual answering |
Guide the model towards factual answering ... |
JavaScript helper chatbot |
Message-style bot that answers JavaScript ... |
ML/AI language model tutor |
Bot that answers questions about language... |
Classification |
Classify items into categories via example. |
Advanced tweet classifier |
Advanced sentiment detection for a piece of text. |
Keywords |
Extract keywords from a block of text. |
Tweet classifier |
Basic sentiment detection for a piece of text. |
ESRB rating |
Categorize text based upon ESRB ratings. |
Natural language to Stripe API |
Create code to call the Stripe API using natural language. |
SQL translate |
Translate natural language to SQL queries. |
Python to natural language |
Explain a piece of Python code in human understandable language. |
Python bug fixer |
Find and fix bugs in source code. |
Calculate Time Complexity |
Find the time complexity of a function. |
Translate programming languages |
Translate from one programming language to another |
Explain code |
Explain a complicated piece of code. |
Python to natural language |
Explain a piece of Python code in human understandable language. |
Translate programming languages |
Translate from one programming language to anotherTranslate programming languages |
Explain code |
Explain a complicated piece of code. |
SQL request |
Create simple SQL queries. |
JavaScript to Python |
Convert simple JavaScript expressions into Python. |
JavaScript one line function |
Turn a JavaScript function into a one liner. |
Micro horror story creator |
Creates two to three sentence short horror stories from a topic input. |
Third-person converter |
Converts first-person POV to the third-person. This is modified from a community prompt to use fewer examples. |