H.265(HEVC)码流的NALU结构和AVC有一些不同,属于增强版,HEVC NALU结构如下:
NALU Header
:3位,表示每个NALU所属的时域ID(TempOraL ID),主要用于多时域编码
NALU Payload
nal_unit_type | NALU 类型 |
0 |
TRAIL_N,表示这类型的NALU包含的是普通的切片,并且这个切片在编码顺序上是其他切片的后续(trailing),大部分的NALU都是这个类型,"N"是"Non-reference"的意思,表示切片不能作为其他切片预测的参考 |
1 |
TRAIL_R,同TRAIL_N,只不过这个切片可以作为其他视频切片预测的参考 |
2 |
TSA_N,Temporal Sub-layer Access(时间子层访问),包含的是普通的视频切片,这个切片在编码顺序上是其它切片的后继,但是不能作为其它切片的预测参考 |
3 |
4 |
STSA_N,Decoding order random access point(解码顺序的随机访问点) |
5 |
6 |
RADL_N,Random Access Decodable Leading(随机访问可解码的前导) |
7 |
8 |
RASL_N,Random Access Skipped Leading(随机访问跳过的前导) |
9 |
19 |
IDR_W_RADL,Instantaneous Decoding Refresh(顺势解码刷新),W 表示它是可以作为预测参考的帧,RADL同上,表示这是一个可以瞬间刷新解码器状态并且可以被解码的帧 |
20 |
IDR_N_LP,Instantaneous Decoding Refresh No Reference Leading Picture,此类帧可以立即被解码并显示,且其后的所有帧都不会引用此帧的数据 |
21 |
CRA_NUT,Clean Random Access Network(无重叠的随机访问) Abstraction Layer Unit Type(网络抽象层单元类型) |
22 |
RSV_IRAP_VCL22,RSV表示保留,IRAP(Instantaneous Decoding Refresh Picture)保留的瞬时解码刷新图片 |
23 |
32 |
VPS_NUT,Video Parameter Set(视频参数集),包含了视频序列的一些全局参数,比如视频的分辨率,帧率等等 |
33 |
SPS_NUT,Sequence Parameter Set(序列参数集),包含了相应视频序列的基本参数信息,如像素尺寸,颜色空间等等 |
34 |
PPS_NUT,Picture Parameter Set(图像参数集),包含了解码单个或多个图像(或称为帧)所需的参数 |
35 |
AUD_NUT,Access Unit Delimiter(分界符),用于标识访问单元(一个视频帧及其相关信息)的开始和结束 |
36 |
EOS_NUT,End of Sequence,用于标识视频序列的结束 |
37 |
EOB_NUT,End of Bitstream,用于标识视频比特流的结束 |
38 |
FD_NUT,Filler Data,用于填充视频数据流 |
39 |
PREFIX_SEI_NUT,Supplemental Enhancement Information,前缀补充增强信息,提供一些对解码图像并不是必须的,但对提高图像质量或提供额外功能是有帮助的信息 |
40 |
SUFFIX_SEI_NUT,后缀补充增强信息 |
从上面的表格我们可以知道,对于H.265, I帧的nalu_type值为19(IDR_W_RADL)或者20(IDR_N_LP),这两种类型都表示随机访问帧,即I帧;IDR帧的nalu_type值也是19(IDR_W_RADL)或20(IDR_N_LP)。
HEVC的csd buffer结构参考:
typedef struct HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord {
uint8_t configurationVersion;
uint8_t general_profile_space;
uint8_t general_tier_flag;
uint8_t general_profile_idc;
uint32_t general_profile_compatibility_flags;
uint64_t general_constraint_indicator_flags;
uint8_t general_level_idc;
uint16_t min_spatial_segmentation_idc;
uint8_t parallelismType;
uint8_t chromaFormat;
uint8_t bitDepthLumaMinus8;
uint8_t bitDepthChromaMinus8;
uint16_t avgFrameRate;
uint8_t constantFrameRate;
uint8_t numTemporalLayers;
uint8_t temporalIdNested;
uint8_t lengthSizeMinusOne;
uint8_t numOfArrays;
HVCCNALUnitArray *array;
} HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord;
Android中创建hevc csd buffer的代码参考:
sp<MetaData> MakeHEVCCodecSpecificData(const sp<ABuffer> &accessUnit){
ALOGI("MakeHEVCCodecSpecificData ++");
const uint8_t *data = accessUnit->data();
size_t size = accessUnit->size();
size_t numOfParamSets = 0;
const uint8_t VPS_NAL_TYPE = 32;
const uint8_t SPS_NAL_TYPE = 33;
const uint8_t PPS_NAL_TYPE = 34;
//find vps,only choose the first vps,
//need check whether need sent all the vps to decoder
sp<ABuffer> videoParamSet = FindHEVCNAL(data, size, VPS_NAL_TYPE, NULL);
if (videoParamSet == NULL) {
ALOGW("no vps found !!!");
//return NULL;
ALOGI("find vps, size =%d",videoParamSet->size());
//find sps,only choose the first sps,
//need check whether need sent all the sps to decoder
sp<ABuffer> seqParamSet = FindHEVCNAL(data, size, SPS_NAL_TYPE, NULL);
if (seqParamSet == NULL) {
ALOGW("no sps found !!!");
return NULL;
ALOGI("find sps, size =%d",seqParamSet->size());
int32_t width, height;
FindHEVCDimensions(seqParamSet, &width, &height);
//find pps,only choose the first pps,
//need check whether need sent all the pps to decoder
size_t stopOffset;
sp<ABuffer> picParamSet = FindHEVCNAL(data, size, PPS_NAL_TYPE, &stopOffset);
if (picParamSet == NULL) {
ALOGW("no sps found !!!");
return NULL;
ALOGI("find pps, size =%d",picParamSet->size());
int32_t numbOfArrays = numOfParamSets;
int32_t paramSetSize = 0;
//only save one vps,sps,pps in codecConfig data
if(videoParamSet != NULL){
paramSetSize += 1 + 2 + 2 + videoParamSet->size();
if(seqParamSet != NULL){
paramSetSize += 1 + 2 + 2 + seqParamSet->size();
if(picParamSet != NULL){
paramSetSize += 1 + 2 + 2 + picParamSet->size();
size_t csdSize =
1 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1
+ 1 + paramSetSize;
ALOGI("MakeHEVCCodecSpecificData,codec config data size =%d",csdSize);
sp<ABuffer> csd = new ABuffer(csdSize);
uint8_t *out = csd->data();
*out++ = 0x01; // configurationVersion
/*copy profile_tier_leve info in sps, containing
1 byte:general_profile_space(2),general_tier_flag(1),general_profile_idc(5)
4 bytes: general_profile_compatibility_flags, 6 bytes: general_constraint_indicator_flags
1 byte:general_level_idc
memcpy(out,seqParamSet->data() + 3, 1 + 4 + 6 + 1);
uint8_t profile = out[0] & 0x1f;
uint8_t level = out[11];
out += 1 + 4 + 6 + 1;
*out++ = 0xf0; //reserved(1111b) + min_spatial_segmentation_idc(4)
*out++ = 0x00;// min_spatial_segmentation_idc(8)
*out++ = 0xfc; // reserved(6bits,111111b) + parallelismType(2)(0=unknow,1=slices,2=tiles,3=WPP)
*out++ = 0xfd; //reserved(6bits,111111b)+chromaFormat(2)(0=monochrome, 1=4:2:0, 2=4:2:2, 3=4:4:4)
*out++ = 0xf8;//reserved(5bits,11111b) + bitDepthLumaMinus8(3)
*out++ = 0xf8;//reserved(5bits,11111b) + bitDepthChromaMinus8(3)
uint16_t avgFrameRate = 0;
*out++ = avgFrameRate >> 8; // avgFrameRate (16bits,in units of frames/256 seconds,0 indicates an unspecified average frame rate)
*out++ = avgFrameRate & 0xff;
*out++ = 0x03;//constantFrameRate(2bits,0=not be of constant frame rate),numTemporalLayers(3bits),temporalIdNested(1bits),
*out++ = numbOfArrays;//numOfArrays
if(videoParamSet != NULL){
*out++ = 0x3f & VPS_NAL_TYPE; //array_completeness(1bit)+reserved(1bit,0)+NAL_unit_type(6bits)
//num of vps
uint16_t numNalus = 1;
*out++ = numNalus >> 8;
*out++ = numNalus & 0xff;
//vps nal length
*out++ = videoParamSet->size() >> 8;
*out++ = videoParamSet->size() & 0xff;
out += videoParamSet->size();
if(seqParamSet != NULL){
*out++ = 0x3f & SPS_NAL_TYPE; //array_completeness(1bit)+reserved(1bit,0)+NAL_unit_type(6bits)
//num of sps
uint16_t numNalus = 1;
*out++ = numNalus >> 8;
*out++ = numNalus & 0xff;
//sps nal length
*out++ = seqParamSet->size() >> 8;
*out++ = seqParamSet->size() & 0xff;
out += seqParamSet->size();
if(picParamSet != NULL){
*out++ = 0x3f & PPS_NAL_TYPE; //array_completeness(1bit)+reserved(1bit,0)+NAL_unit_type(6bits)
//num of pps
uint16_t numNalus = 1;
*out++ = numNalus >> 8;
*out++ = numNalus & 0xff;
//pps nal length
*out++ = picParamSet->size() >> 8;
*out++ = picParamSet->size() & 0xff;
//no need add out offset
sp<MetaData> meta = new MetaData;
meta->setData(kKeyHVCC, kTypeHVCC, csd->data(), csd->size());
meta->setInt32(kKeyWidth, width);
meta->setInt32(kKeyHeight, height);
ALOGI("found HEVC codec config (%d x %d, %s-profile level %d.%d)",
width, height, HEVCProfileToString(profile), level / 10, level % 10);
ALOGI("MakeHEVCCodecSpecificData --");
return meta;
一般来说 0 <= sliceType <= 3, 16 <= sliceType <= 21
,表示当前NALU中存储的是一个Slice。Slice分为Header和Data两部分,Slice Header中包括有如下内容:
- first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag:指示当前切片是不是该帧的第一个切片;
- slice_pic_parameter_set_id:指定使用哪一个图片参数集PPS对当前切片进行解码;
- dependent_slice_segment_flag: 表明此切片是不是依赖其他切片的切片;
- slice_address: 标识切片在图片中的位置;
- slice_type: 指定当前切片的类型,包括I(帧内编码)、P(预测编码)和B(双向预测编码)类型;
- pic_output_flag: 标识该图片是否需要输出;
- colour_plane_id: 如果色度格式是4:4:4,此字段指定当前切片的色度平面;
- slice_pic_order_cnt_lsb: 当前切片的图片顺序计数最低有效位(Least Significant Bit);
- short_term_ref_pic_set: 指定参考图片集合的配置;
- num_ref_idx_active_override_flag: 表示当前帧的参考索引数是否覆盖PPS中的设置;
Slice Header的第一位就可以表示当前NALU是否为帧的第一个NALU。如first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag的值为1,表示当前的slice segment是该帧的第一个slice segment。如果它的值为0,则表示当前的slice segment并不是该帧的第一个slice segment。
先了解一个概念:访问单元(Access Unit),表示一个视频序列中的一帧图像及其关联数据的集合,一个访问单元中可能包含一个或多个NALU,这些NALU可能代表着包含真实视频数据的I帧、P帧或B帧,也可能是包含元数据或其他辅助信息的非视频编码层(Non-VCL)NAL单元,例如SEI等。
AUD(Access Unit Delimiter)访问单原分隔符,AUD用于标记访问单元的边界,AUD结构如下:
- aud_irap_or_idr_flag: 1 bit,如果当前帧是I帧或者IRAP帧,那么该位为1,否则为0;
- aud_pic_type: 3 bits,这个值表明了当前帧的类型(I帧,P帧,B帧,等等);
- rbsp_stop_one_bit: 1 bit,必须为1;
- rbsp_alignment_zero_bits: 后续0比特,直到字节对齐,即到达下一个字节;
- 0: 对应的PicType是B图像(B picture)
- 1: 对应的PicType是P图像(P picture)
- 2: 对应的PicType是I图像(I picture)
- 3: 对应的PicType是SP图像(SP(Switching Pictures))
- 4: 对应的PicType是SI图像(SI picture)
- 5-7: 未来可能进行扩展的备用字段