Life perception 6

发布于:2024-06-16 ⋅ 阅读:(17) ⋅ 点赞:(0)

I have't exercised much for about half a year. Last night, I did a set of fat-reducing exercises indoors. There are altogether 3 groups in this practice. I used to finish it very easily and did't feel anything after finishing. Last night I barely managed to finish two groups, and I really didn't have the strength to do the third group. Originally, it only take 40 minutes to finish three groups, but this time I only did two groups and it took me an hour. Suddenly, I found that my physical quality has dropped too much.


This makes me realize that even if I 'm busy at ordinary times, I still have to find time to exercise, otherwise I will degenerate and have no energy to do anything. When I was in college, I was on the basketball team and was able to complete a dunk, and my physical quality was okay. But now after not exercising for several months, I can't even finish a fat-reducing training. I really can't imagine what kind of body will become if I don't keep exercising in the future.


My current state is that I will be tired even when climbing a staircase, and the time used to run 3 kilometers has also changed from the previous 15 minutes to 25 minutes. The body is the capital of the revolution, and now I have a deeper understanding of this sentence!


This is the content of the movement that I practiced.
