
发布于:2024-06-16 ⋅ 阅读:(14) ⋅ 点赞:(0)







  1. 微观经济学(Microeconomics)

    • 内容:研究个体经济单位(如消费者、企业)的行为和决策过程。主要内容包括供需理论、市场结构(如完全竞争、垄断、垄断竞争、寡头)、生产与成本分析、价格形成机制等。
    • 特点:关注个体经济行为和市场机制,强调理论模型和数学分析。
    • 作用:为理解市场运作和经济政策奠定基础,帮助学生分析和预测个体经济行为。
  2. 金融市场学(Financial Markets)

    • 内容:介绍金融市场的基本概念、结构、功能及其在经济中的作用。包括股票市场、债券市场、外汇市场、衍生品市场等。
    • 特点:强调实际市场操作和金融工具的使用,结合案例分析和实际数据。
    • 作用:帮助学生了解金融市场的运作机制及其对经济的影响,为后续金融专业课程打下基础。
  3. 会计学(Accounting)

    • 内容:讲解会计的基本理论与方法,包括财务会计和管理会计。主要内容有财务报表编制、成本计算、预算管理、财务分析等。
    • 特点:注重实务操作和案例分析,强调财务信息的记录、整理和分析。
    • 作用:培养学生掌握会计基本技能,为企业财务管理和决策提供重要支持。


  1. 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics)

    • 内容:研究整体经济活动的行为和决定因素,主要包括国民收入、失业、通货膨胀、经济增长、财政政策和货币政策等。
    • 特点:侧重于宏观经济指标的分析和经济政策的研究,结合实际经济数据进行分析。
    • 作用:帮助学生理解和分析国家和全球经济的整体运行,为政策制定和经济预测提供理论依据。
  2. 货币银行学(Money and Banking)

    • 内容:介绍货币的性质、货币供求理论、银行体系、货币政策及其对经济的影响等。包括商业银行和中央银行的职能和操作。
    • 特点:结合理论和实际,强调金融机构和货币政策在经济中的作用。
    • 作用:培养学生理解货币政策和银行业的运作机制,对金融系统的稳定和经济增长有深入的认识。
  3. 公司金融(Corporate Finance)

    • 内容:研究公司如何获取、分配和管理资金,主要内容包括资本预算、资本结构、股利政策、企业估值等。
    • 特点:注重财务决策和风险管理,结合实际案例进行分析。
    • 作用:帮助学生掌握企业财务管理的基本方法和工具,为企业的财务决策提供支持。


  1. 国际金融(International Finance)

    • 内容:研究跨国金融活动的理论与实践,包括外汇市场、国际收支、汇率决定、国际资本流动、国际金融危机等。
    • 特点:结合全球经济环境,强调跨国金融活动的复杂性和风险管理。
    • 作用:培养学生理解和分析国际金融市场及其对全球经济的影响,为跨国企业和金融机构的决策提供理论基础。
  2. 国际贸易(International Trade)

    • 内容:研究国家之间商品和服务交换的理论与政策,主要内容包括贸易理论、贸易政策、关税与非关税壁垒、国际贸易争端等。
    • 特点:结合经济学理论和国际贸易实际,分析全球贸易格局和政策影响。
    • 作用:帮助学生理解国际贸易的基本原理和政策工具,为贸易政策分析和国际商务活动提供知识支持。


  1. 金融工程(Financial Engineering)

    • 内容:研究金融产品设计、风险管理和定价方法,主要包括期权、期货、互换、金融衍生工具等。
    • 特点:强调数学模型和计算技术在金融产品设计和风险管理中的应用。
    • 作用:培养学生掌握复杂金融工具的设计和应用,提升金融创新和风险管理能力。
  2. 商业银行业务与管理(Commercial Banking Operations and Management)

    • 内容:介绍商业银行的业务运营和管理,包括存贷款业务、风险管理、银行监管与合规等。
    • 特点:结合实际银行操作和管理案例,强调风险控制和运营效率。
    • 作用:培养学生了解和掌握商业银行的运营机制和管理策略,为银行业职业发展提供实务知识。



Here’s a detailed introduction to the courses in your minor in finance program, including the content, characteristics, and significance of each course:

First Semester

  1. Microeconomics:

    • Content: Studies the behavior and decision-making processes of individual economic units such as consumers and firms. Key topics include supply and demand theory, market structures (perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly), production and cost analysis, and price formation mechanisms.
    • Characteristics: Focuses on individual economic behavior and market mechanisms, emphasizing theoretical models and mathematical analysis.
    • Significance: Provides a foundation for understanding market operations and economic policies, helping students analyze and predict individual economic behaviors.
  2. Financial Markets:

    • Content: Introduces the basic concepts, structures, and functions of financial markets, and their role in the economy. Covers stock markets, bond markets, foreign exchange markets, and derivatives markets.
    • Characteristics: Emphasizes practical market operations and the use of financial instruments, incorporating case studies and real data analysis.
    • Significance: Helps students understand the functioning of financial markets and their impact on the economy, laying the groundwork for advanced finance courses.
  3. Accounting:

    • Content: Explains the basic theories and methods of accounting, including financial accounting and managerial accounting. Key topics include preparation of financial statements, cost accounting, budgeting, and financial analysis.
    • Characteristics: Focuses on practical operations and case analysis, emphasizing the recording, organizing, and analysis of financial information.
    • Significance: Equips students with essential accounting skills, supporting financial management and decision-making in businesses.

Second Semester

  1. Macroeconomics:

    • Content: Studies the behavior and determining factors of aggregate economic activity. Key topics include national income, unemployment, inflation, economic growth, fiscal policy, and monetary policy.
    • Characteristics: Emphasizes the analysis of macroeconomic indicators and economic policies, using real economic data.
    • Significance: Helps students understand and analyze the overall functioning of national and global economies, providing a theoretical basis for policy-making and economic forecasting.
  2. Money and Banking:

    • Content: Introduces the nature of money, the theory of money supply and demand, the banking system, monetary policy, and their impact on the economy. Covers the roles of commercial banks and central banks.
    • Characteristics: Combines theory and practice, emphasizing the role of financial institutions and monetary policy in the economy.
    • Significance: Enables students to understand the mechanisms of monetary policy and banking operations, providing insights into financial system stability and economic growth.
  3. Corporate Finance:

    • Content: Studies how companies obtain, allocate, and manage funds. Key topics include capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy, and corporate valuation.
    • Characteristics: Focuses on financial decision-making and risk management, using real-life case studies.
    • Significance: Equips students with the basic methods and tools of corporate financial management, supporting financial decision-making in businesses.

Third Semester

  1. International Finance:

    • Content: Studies the theory and practice of international financial activities. Key topics include foreign exchange markets, balance of payments, exchange rate determination, international capital flows, and financial crises.
    • Characteristics: Emphasizes the complexity and risk management of cross-border financial activities in the global economic environment.
    • Significance: Prepares students to understand and analyze international financial markets and their impact on the global economy, supporting decision-making in multinational enterprises and financial institutions.
  2. International Trade:

    • Content: Studies the theories and policies of goods and services exchange between countries. Key topics include trade theories, trade policies, tariffs and non-tariff barriers, and international trade disputes.
    • Characteristics: Combines economic theory with practical international trade, analyzing global trade patterns and policy impacts.
    • Significance: Helps students understand the principles and policy tools of international trade, supporting trade policy analysis and international business activities.

Fourth Semester

  1. Financial Engineering:

    • Content: Studies the design, risk management, and pricing methods of financial products. Key topics include options, futures, swaps, and financial derivatives.
    • Characteristics: Emphasizes the application of mathematical models and computational techniques in the design and risk management of financial products.
    • Significance: Prepares students to master the design and application of complex financial instruments, enhancing financial innovation and risk management capabilities.
  2. Commercial Banking Operations and Management:

    • Content: Introduces the operations and management of commercial banks, including deposit and loan business, risk management, bank regulation, and compliance.
    • Characteristics: Combines real banking operations and management cases, emphasizing risk control and operational efficiency.
    • Significance: Equips students with an understanding of commercial banking operations and management strategies, supporting career development in the banking industry.

These courses cover the core aspects of finance, including economic fundamentals, financial markets, corporate finance, and international finance, aiming to develop students’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills to meet the diverse demands of the finance industry.

