Review Questions
4.1 State whether the following statement are TRUE or FALSE.
a. A function argument is a value returned by the function to the calling program.
b. When arguments are passed by value, the function works with the original arguments in the calling program.
c. When a function returns a value, the entire function call can be assigned to a variable.
d. A function can return a value by reference.
e. When an argument is passed by reference, a temporary variable is created in the calling program to hold the argument value.
f. It is not necessary to specify the variable name in the function prototype.
a. FALSE; b. FALSE; c. TRUE; d. TRUE; e. FALSE; f. TRUE
4.2 What are the advantages of function prototypes in C++?
Function prototyping is one of the major improvements added to C++ functions. The prototype describes the function interface to the compiler by giving details such as the number and type of arguments and the type of return values.
4.3 Describe the different styles of writing prototypes.
General form of function prototyping:
return_type Function_Name(argument_list) ;
int do_something(void);
float area(float a, float b);
float area(float, float);
4.4 Find errors, if any, in the following function prototypes.
a. float average(x, y);
b. int mul(int a, b);
c. int display(…);
d. void Vect(int? &V, int &size);
e. void print(float data[ ], size=201);
a. Undefined symbol ‘x’, ‘y’ -> float average(float x, float y);
b. Undefined symbol ‘b’ -> int mul(int a, int b);
c. No error
d. invalid character in the variable name -> void Vect(int &V, int &size);
e. Undefined symbol ‘size’ -> void print(float data[ ], int size=201);
4.5 What is the main advantage of passing arguments by reference?
When we pass arguments by reference, the formal arguments in the called function become aliases to the ‘actual’ arguments in the calling function.
4.6 When will you make a function inline? why?
When a function contains a small number of statements, then it is declared as inline function. By declaring a function inline the execution time can be minimized.
4.7 How does an inline function differ from a preprocessor macro?
The macros are not really functions and therefore, the usual error checking does not occur during compilation. But using inline function this problem can be solved.
4.8 When do we need to use default arguments in a function?
When some constant values are used in a user defined function, then it is needed to assign a default value to the parameter.
float area (float r, float PI = 3.14159)
return PI * r *r;
4.9 What is the significance of an empty parenthesis(括号) in a function declaration?
Indicates that no parameters are passed.
4.10 What do you mean by overloading of a function? When do we use this concept?
Overloading of a function means the use of the same thing for different purposes.
When we need to design a family of functions with oen function name but with different argument lists, then we use this concept.
4.11 Comment on the following function definitions:
int *f()
int m = 1;
... ...
... ...
return (&m);
double f()
... ...
... ...
int &f()
int n = 10;
... ...
... ...
a. This function returns address of ‘m’ after execution this function.
b. This function returns 1 after execution.
c. This function returns address of ‘n’.
Debugging Exercises
4.1 Identify the error in the following program.
using namespace std;
int fun()
return 1;
float fun()
return 10.23;
int main()
cout << (int)fun() << " ";
cout << (float)fun() << " ";
return 0;
Here two functions are same except return type. Function overloading can be using different argument type but not return type.
using namespace std;
int fun1()
return 1;
float fun2()
return 10.23;
int main()
cout << fun1() << " ";
cout << fun2() << " ";
return 0;
4.2 Identify the error in the following program.
# include<iostream>
using namespace std;
void display(const int const1 = 5)
const int const2 = 5;
int array1[const1];
int array2[const2];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
array1[i] = i;
array2[i] = i * 10;
cout << array1[i] << " " << array2[i] << " ";
int main()
return 0;
# include<iostream>
using namespace std;
void display()
const int const1 = 5;
const int const2 = 5;
int array1[const1];
int array2[const2];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
array1[i] = i;
array2[i] = i * 10;
cout << array1[i] << " " << array2[i] << " ";
int main()
return 0;
Result: 0 0 1 10 2 20 3 30 4 40
4.3 Identify the error in the following program.
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int gValue = 10;
void extra()
cout << gValue << " ";
int main()
int gValue = 20;
cout << gValue << " ";
cout << :gValue << " ";
return 0;
Here "cout << : gValue << " "; " replace with "cout << ::gValue << " “;”
Result : 10 20 10
4.4 Find errors, if any, in the following function defination for displaying a matrix:
void diaplay (int A[ ] [ ], int m, int n)
cout<<" "<<A[i][j];
First dimension of an array may be variable but others must be constant.
Correction examples:
int A[ ] [ 5];
int A[5] [5];
int A[ ] [size];
int A[size] [size];
Programming Exercises
4.1 Write a function to read a matrix of size m*n from the keyboard.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int matrix(int m, int n);
int main()
int r, c;
cout << "Enter size of matrix : ";
cin >> r >> c;
matrix(r, c);
return 0;
int matrix(int m, int n)
float arr[m][n];
cout << "Enter " << m << " by " << n << " matrix elements one by one " << endl;
for(int i=0; i<m; i++) // row
for(int j=0; j<n; j++) //colum
float value;
cin >> value;
arr[i][j] = value; // 赋值
cout << "The given matrix is : " << endl;
for(int k=0; k<m; k++)
for(int t=0; t<n; t++)
cout << arr[k][t] << " ";
cout << "\n";
return 0;
Note: 二维数组的创建方法
方法1: float arr[row][col];
float **arr = new float *[row];
for(int i=0; i<row; i++)
arr[i] = new float[col];
注意: 使用动态内存分配,记得delete[ ]释放内存!
for(int i=0; i<row; i++)
delete[] arr[i];
delete[] arr;
4.2 Rewrite the program of Exercise 4.1 to make the row parameter of the matrix as a default argument.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int matrix(int n, int m=3);
int main()
int c;
cout << "Enter colum of matrix : ";
cin >> c;
return 0;
int matrix(int n, int m)
// Dynamic memory allocation
float **arr = new float *[m];
for(int l=0; l<m; l++)
arr[l] = new float[n];
cout << "Enter " << m << " by " << n << " matrix elements one by one " << endl;
for(int i=0; i<m; i++) // row
for(int j=0; j<n; j++) //colum
float value;
cin >> value;
arr[i][j] = value; // 赋值
cout << "The given matrix is : " << endl;
for(int k=0; k<m; k++)
for(int t=0; t<n; t++)
cout << arr[k][t] << " ";
cout << "\n";
// Release memory
for(int r=0; r<m; r++)
delete[] arr[r];
delete[] arr;
return 0;
Tip: 当同时有函数原型和定义时,默认参数只需在原型中指定,不必在函数定义时指定默认参数,否则会报错。
4.3 Write a macro that obtains the largest of the three numbers.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
float largest(float a, float b, float c);
int main()
float x, y, z;
cout << "Enter 3 Numbers : ";
cin >> x >> y >> z;
float biggest = largest(x, y, z);
cout << "The largest is : " << biggest << endl;
return 0;
float largest(float a, float b, float c)
float largest;
if(a > b)
if(a > c)
largest = a;
largest = c;
if(b > c)
largest = b;
largest = c;
return largest;
4.4 Write a function power() to raise a number m to power n. The function takes a double value for m and int value for n and returns the result correctly. Use a default value of 2 for n to make the function to calculate the squares when this argument is omitted. Write a main that gets the values of m and n from the user to test the function.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
long double power(double m, int n);
long double power(double m, long int n=2);
int main()
long double mn;
double m;
int n;
cout << "Enter the value of m & n " << endl;
cin >> m >> n;
mn = power(m, n);
cout << "m to power n : " << mn << endl;
mn = power(m);
cout << "m to power n :" << mn << endl;
return 0;
long double power(double m, int n)
long double mn = pow(m, n);
return mn;
long double power(double m, long int n)
long double mn = pow(m, n);
return mn;