【Neo4j】图数据库Neo4j 认证专家考试题目总结(判断/单选/多选),正确率高达99%

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1. 证书展示

2. 考试介绍

3. 题目荟萃







1. 证书展示


2. 考试介绍

Neo4j认证专家(Neo4j Certified Professional)考试是由Neo4j公司提供的一项认证考试,考试形式为在线考试,考试内容包括理论知识和综合应用,考试题目均以客观题的形式展现,包括判断题和选择题,考试通过后,考生将获得Neo4j认证专家的认证,并获得一份认证证书。


考试链接:Neo4j Certified Professional | Free Neo4j Courses from GraphAcademy

3. 题目荟萃



(1)  The four building blocks of a Neo4j Graph Database are:Neo4j 

  • Nodes
  • Relationships
  • Properties
  • Labels


(2)  Neo4j is an ACID-compliant database.



(3)  ORDER BY is a valid Cypher clause.



(4)  You can create the same type of relationship between two nodes with each relationship havingdifferent properties.



(5)  Foreign keys are necessary in a graph database. These allow you to determine which nodesare related.



(6)  When you create a relationship in Cypher using the CREATE keyword, you must specify a direction.



(7)  Adding a label to a node will automatically index the name property.



(8)  A single node can have a relationship that points at itself



(9)  All nodes with the same label must have the same property keys.



(10)  It is possible for a node to have more than one label.



(11)  Relationships are defined with regard to node instances, not classes of nodes.



(12)  Two nodes representing the same kind of entity, such as a person, can be connected to othernodes using different relationship types.



(13)  The Cypher WlTH clause can be used to perform some intermediate processing during a querywhere you may want to save some results or test some values during the query to controlwhether a query will end.



(14)  Referential integrity is maintained in Neo4j because you cannot delete a node that has existingrelationships attached.



(15)  The Cypher WITH clause can be used to perform some intermediate processing during a query where you may want to save some results or test some values during the query to control whether a query will end.

A. True

B. False


(1)  What statement best describes index-free adjacency for a Neo4j database.

A、Each group of nodes is stored as a table where the relationships are mapped to nodes in the same group. 

B、You never have to add indexes to a Neo4j database to perform faster queries.

C、Each relationship is stored as a table where nodes related to each are stored in the same table. 

D、Nodes and their relationships are stored as pointers so that access is very fast without the need for an index to traverse nodes.

(2)  How can you create relationship types dynamically, based upon existing property or relationship types? 

Hint: This is typically done when you refactor a graph for better query performance.

A、Use the MERGE DYNAMIC <expr> clause.

B、Use the CREATE DYNAMIC <expr> clause.

C、CALL apoc.dynamic.create()

D、CALL apoc.merge.relationship()

(3)  In a Neo4j database, what are nodes used for?

A、Used to represent entities and complex value types in the graph.

B、As a table structure that identifies like entities and groups them together.

C、As a reference holder for keys, which also store values, and foreign key links to other nodes.

D、They are stored as a linked list that enables you to traverse all data in the graph starting at the root node.

(4)  When modeling with Neo4j, which of the following best represents inferring a symmetric relationship for the below simple graph:

A、child is the PARENT_OF parent

B、child HAS_SIBLINGS from parent

C、child is a CHILD_OF parent

D、parent is the CHILD_OF parent

(5)  Neo4j uses the property graph model.  What statement best describes a property graph?

A、Nodes and relationships define the graph while properties add context by storing relevant information in the nodes and relationships.

B、The property graph allows for configuration properties to define schema and structure of the graph.

C、Property graph defines a graph meta-structure that acts as a model or schema for the data as it is entered.

D、The property graph is a model similar to RDF which describes how Neo4j stores resources in the database.

(6)  What statement best describes the OPTIONAL MATCH clause in Cypher?

A、The OPTIONAL MATCH searches for a described pattern that may or may not exist, assigning NULL to any identifiers in the pattern that do not exist.

B、OPTIONAL MATCH is not a Cypher clause.

C、The OPTIONAL MATCH clause will take a set of property values and optionally match them against all nodes in the database.

D、OPTIONAL MATCH provides parameter placeholders for Cypher queries. It holds a parameterized query and then optionally matches it against the graph with the values supplied by the client.

(7)  Suppose you have a graph that has millions of Person nodes that are related using the :FOLLOWS relationship. Given this MATCH clause:

MATCH (follower:Person)-[:FOLLOWS*2]->(p:Person)

WHERE follower.name = 'John Smith'


What node or nodes are returned?

A、All Person nodes that have exactly two :FOLLOWS relationships from John Smith.

B、All Person nodes that are one or two hops away from John Smith using the :FOLLOWS relationship.

C、Two Person nodes that are followed by John Smith.

D、All Person nodes that are exactly two hops away from John Smith using the :FOLLOWS relationship.

(8)  What statement best describes uniqueness constraints in Neo4j?

A、Neo4j does not support uniqueness constraints.

B、A rule in the database that ensures a node or relationship is unique.

C、A rule in the database that ensures a property value is unique among all nodes.

D、A rule in the database that ensures a property value is unique for all nodes with a specific label.

(9)  What statement best describes Cypher's MERGE clause?

A、MERGE is used to return multiple nodes in a Cypher return statement.

B、MERGE can be used to join two graph databases together by de-duplicatingnodes and relationships.