跟李笑来学美式俚语(Most Common American Idioms): Part 49

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Most Common American Idioms: Part 49


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961. Put in their place

“把某人放在应有的位置” 或 “让某人清楚自己的位置”。


This phrase originates from management or educational contexts, where a person who is behaving out of line or being arrogant is made aware of their misbehavior through words or actions by another, thus restoring order or correct understanding. It is commonly used to correct someone’s attitude or behavior, reminding them not to be overly arrogant or overstep their bounds.

  • The teacher quickly put the disruptive student in their place by highlighting the class rules.老师通过强调课堂规则很快地让捣乱的学生知道了自己的位置。

  • She was getting too arrogant, so her boss had to put her in her place during the meeting.她变得太傲慢,所以她的老板在会议中不得不让她明白自己的位置。

  • Sometimes, you need to put people in their place to maintain respect and order.有时候,你需要让人清楚自己的位置以维持尊重和秩序。

962. Put it on the back burner


“将它放在次要位置” 或 “暂时搁置”。


This phrase originates from the kitchen, where placing a pot on the back burner implies it is not the most important item at the moment and can be set aside temporarily. Today, it is commonly used to describe postponing or deprioritizing a task so that more urgent or important matters can be addressed first.

  • We need to put the marketing project on the back burner until we finish the product launch.我们需要暂时搁置市场推广项目,直到产品发布完成。

  • She decided to put her studies on the back burner while she dealt with some family issues.她决定暂时搁置学业,处理一些家庭问题。

  • With all the urgent deadlines, we’ll have to put this plan on the back burner for now.由于所有紧急的截止日期,我们现在得暂时搁置这个计划。

963. Put my foot down

“坚持立场” 或 “断然拒绝”。


This idiom originally comes from the act of pressing down on a car’s brake pedal to stop firmly. It metaphorically describes a person taking a decisive stand or position on an issue. It is often used in family, work, or any relationship context when someone wants to express their strong intention or to stop something.

  • She had to put her foot down when her kids asked for ice cream before dinner.当她的孩子们要求饭前吃冰淇淋时,她不得不坚持立场。

  • My boss put his foot down about the deadline next week.我的老板对下周的截止日期坚持立场。

  • Sometimes, you need to put your foot down to maintain order.有时,你需要坚持立场以维持秩序。

964. Put on my thinking cap

“仔细思考” 或 “认真思考”。

这个短语起源于过去的课堂或游戏,其中参与者被要求戴上一顶象征性的 “思考帽”,表示他们正在集中注意力,进行深思。在现代用法中,这个短语被用来鼓励人们在解决问题或面对挑战时认真思考。

This phrase originates from old classrooms or games where participants were asked to put on a symbolic “thinking cap” to indicate they were focusing and engaging in deep thought. In modern usage, the phrase is used to encourage people to think carefully and thoroughly when solving problems or facing challenges.

  • I need to put on my thinking cap to solve this puzzle.我要戴上我的思考帽来解决这个谜题。

  • Let’s all put on our thinking caps and come up with some creative ideas for the project.让我们大家都戴上思考帽,为项目想出一些创意点子。

  • She put on her thinking cap to figure out the best solution to the problem.她戴上她的思考帽,想出了这个问题的最佳解决方案。

965. Put our heads together

“共同商议” 或 “一起商量”。

这个短语起源于人们在紧急或者需要解决问题的时候,往往会坐下来,把头聚在一起,进行商讨和交流意见。通过大家集思广益,可以更快地找到解决办法。“Put our heads together” 用来描述一群人共同努力,通过讨论来解决问题的过程。

This phrase originates from the act of people literally getting their heads close when discussing and brainstorming to solve a problem. By pooling ideas together, they can find a solution more efficiently. “Put our heads together” is used to describe a group of people working together, discussing to find a solution to a problem.

  • We need to put our heads together to come up with a solution for this issue.我们需要一起商量,找出解决这个问题的办法。

  • Let’s put our heads together and figure out how to improve the project.让我们共同商议一下,看看如何改进这个项目。

  • The team decided to put their heads together to solve the client’s problem.团队决定一起商量,解决客户的问题。

966. Put someone on the spot

“让某人当场回答问题” 或 “让某人难堪”。

这个短语源自于一种让某人处于立即回答问题或处理某个情况的状态,通常这种情形会让人感到尴尬或措手不及。这个短语最早可以追溯到 19 世纪中期,描述的是一种在公开场合或当众情况下,让某人无法逃避或无法准备的情形。

This phrase originates from putting someone in a position where they must answer a question or handle a situation immediately, often causing them to feel embarrassed or unprepared. The phrase can be traced back to the mid-19th century, referring to the context where someone is singled out in public and put under pressure.

  • He put me on the spot by asking me to explain the mistake during the meeting.他在会议上让我当场解释那个错误,这让我很尴尬。

  • Don’t put her on the spot; she hasn’t had time to review the documents yet.别让她当场作答,她还没时间审阅那些文件。

  • The reporter put the politician on the spot with a tough question.记者用一个难题让那位政治家当场难堪。

967. Put something down in black and white

“用书面形式记录下来” 或 “白纸黑字写下来”。

这个短语源于书写和印刷的过程,其中文字是以黑色墨水书写在白色纸张上的。因此,当某物被 “用黑白色” 记录下来时,意味着它已正式以书面形式被记录下来,不容否认和改变。

This phrase originates from the process of writing and printing, where text is written in black ink on white paper. Therefore, when something is “put down in black and white,” it means it has been formally documented in a written form, making it undeniable and unchangeable.

  • Make sure to put the agreement down in black and white to avoid any misunderstandings.确保用白纸黑字把协议写下来,以免产生任何误解。

  • I always prefer to have important details put down in black and white.我总是倾向于把重要细节用白纸黑字记录下来。

  • They put the terms down in black and white to avoid disputes later.他们用白纸黑字把条款写下来,以避免以后的争议。

968. Put something into practice

“将某事付诸实践” 或 “实践某事”。


The literal meaning of this phrase is to apply a plan or theory into actual practice. It is commonly used to indicate the transition from the planning or theoretical stage to real-time execution. This is widely applicable in fields such as education, business strategies, and personal goals.

  • The students were excited to put their project into practice.学生们对于将他们的项目付诸实践感到兴奋。

  • We need to put these new strategies into practice to see if they work.我们需要将这些新策略付诸实践,以看看它们是否有效。

  • It’s time to put all these lessons into practice in the real world.是时候把所有这些课程应用到现实世界中了。

969. Put something on ice

“搁置某事” 或 “暂缓处理某事”。


This phrase originates from the preservative quality of ice. Before the widespread use of refrigeration, people would place items on ice to prevent spoilage. This extended to mean postponing or shelving plans or projects temporarily, akin to preserving food for future use.

  • We’ll have to put the project on ice until we get more funds.我们得把这个项目搁置,直到我们获得更多资金。

  • Due to the unexpected problems, they decided to put the plan on ice.由于出现了意料之外的问题,他们决定暂缓计划。

  • We need to put the marketing campaign on ice for now.我们现在需要暂时搁置市场推广活动。

970. Put the squeeze/screws on someone

“施压于某人” 或 “对某人施加压力”。

这个短语源自一种形象的表达方式,意指通过某种方式对某人施压,让其屈服或做某事。它可以追溯到两种古老的刑罚工具:一种是 “screws”(螺丝),用来加压,而且这种施压方式会让人非常难受并最终妥协;另一种是 “squeeze”(压榨),意指通过榨取和压迫逼迫某人。同样的表达方式在现代被用来比喻得寸进尺地施压以达到目的。

This phrase originates from a vivid expression that means to apply pressure on someone to make them comply or do something. It can be traced back to two ancient forms of punishment devices: “screws,” which were used to apply pressure causing considerable pain, compelling people to concede, and “squeeze,” which indicates pressing or squeezing forcefully. This expression is widely used in modern times to metaphorically describe putting pressure on someone to achieve a certain goal.

  • The boss really put the screws on us to finish the project by Friday.老板真的对我们施加了压力,让我们在星期五之前完成项目。

  • She had to put the squeeze on her landlord to fix the leaking roof.她不得不向房东施压,去修理漏水的屋顶。

  • During negotiations, they put the screws on the other party to agree to the terms.在谈判过程中,他们对对方施压,以使其同意条款。

971. Put your finger on it

“准确指出” 或 “恰恰找出问题的根源”。


This phrase originates from the action of pointing to a specific spot with one’s finger, which signifies identifying or indicating something precisely. In modern English, it is commonly used to describe someone accurately identifying the root cause or key point of a problem.

  • I can’t quite put my finger on what’s wrong with this project.我无法准确指出这个项目的问题出在哪里。

  • After thinking for a while, she finally managed to put her finger on the issue.经过一段时间的思考后,她终于成功地找出了问题所在。

  • There’s something not quite right, but I can’t put my finger on it.有些地方不太对劲,但我无法准确说出是什么。

972. Put your money where your mouth is

“言行一致” 或 “用实际行动证明”。这个短语用来敦促一个人去支持他所说过的话,用財务或实际行动来证明他们确实相信这些话。


This phrase originates from early 20th-century America and is often used to urge people to be consistent between their statements and their spending. It implies that if you say you support an idea or cause, you should be willing to spend money or take action to prove your support.

  • If you really believe in this project, you should put your money where your mouth is and invest in it.如果你真的相信这个项目,你应该言行一致,投资其中。

  • He keeps talking about helping the poor, but he never donates. It’s time for him to put his money where his mouth is.他总是说要帮助穷人,但从未捐赠。是时候让他言行一致了。

  • You can’t just criticize others for not volunteering. You need to put your money where your mouth is and volunteer yourself.你不能只是批评别人不做志愿者,你需要言行一致,自己去做志愿者。

973. Quality time

“优质时间” 或 “高质量的陪伴时间”。

这个短语起源于 20 世纪 70 年代,主要用于强调与重要的人(如家人、朋友)共度的一段时间的意义和质量,而不仅仅是时间的长短。人们开始认识到,与家人尤其是孩子在一起的时间较少,但质量高的互动可以带来更好的亲密联系。

This phrase originated in the 1970s, primarily emphasizing the significance and quality of the time spent with important people (like family and friends), rather than just the amount of time. People began to realize that less time but higher quality interactions with family, especially children, could foster better intimate bonds.

  • We decided to spend some quality time together this weekend to strengthen our relationship.我们决定这个周末一起度过一些优质时间,以加强我们的关系。

  • Parents should ensure they have some quality time with their children every day.父母应该确保每天都与孩子度过一些优质时间。

  • Spending quality time with friends can significantly improve your mental health.与朋友共度优质时间能显著改善你的心理健康。

974. Racking my brain

“绞尽脑汁” 或 “费力思考”。

这个短语来源于 “rack” 这个词,指的是一种折磨装置,用来拉伸并折磨人的身体。它后来转化为一种比喻,形象地描述动脑筋的痛苦和努力。因此,当一个人说他在 “racking his brain” 的时候,就是在说他花费了大量的精力和努力,试图解决一个问题或者忆起某件事情。

This phrase originates from the word “rack,” which refers to a torture device used to stretch and strain a person’s body. It later evolved into a metaphorical expression to describe the agony and effort of thinking hard. So when someone says they are “racking their brain,” they mean they are putting in a lot of effort and energy to solve a problem or recall something.

  • I’ve been racking my brain all week trying to figure out this equation.我整个星期都在绞尽脑汁试图解开这个方程式。

  • She’s been racking her brain to remember where she left her keys.她一直在费力想着她把钥匙放在哪里了。

  • I was racking my brain for hours, trying to come up with a solution.我绞尽脑汁好几个小时,想要找到一个解决办法。

975. Rain on someone’s parade

parade: 美 [pəˈreɪd] 游行;行列;队列;检阅;

“煞某人的风景” 或 “泼某人冷水”。

这个短语的直译是 “在某人的游行上降雨”,意味着在某人正高兴或庆祝的时刻,用消极的言行破坏他们的心情或计划。类似于中文的 “泼冷水”。

This phrase literally means “to rain on someone’s parade,” signifying spoiling someone’s happy moment or plans with negative comments or actions, similar to the Chinese idiom “泼冷水” (pouring cold water).

  • I’m sorry to rain on your parade, but the event has been canceled.很抱歉泼你冷水,但活动已经取消了。

  • I hate to rain on your parade, but your project needs a lot more work.我不想煞你的风景,但你的项目还需要很多工作。

  • Don’t rain on my parade just because you’re in a bad mood.不要因为你心情不好就泼我的冷水。

976. Rain or shine



This phrase originates from activities or tasks that continue despite weather conditions, originally describing postal carriers who deliver mail regardless of the weather. In modern society, it is used to express the determination to carry out an activity or task despite challenges or inconveniences.

  • The soccer game will take place rain or shine.无论风雨,足球比赛仍将照常进行。

  • We’ll meet for the picnic rain or shine.无论风雨,我们都会去野餐。

  • They promised to support each other rain or shine.他们承诺无论风雨都会互相支持。

977. Raise Cain

“惹是生非” 或 “生事”。

这个习语来源于《圣经》中的该隐(Cain)和亚伯(Abel)兄弟故事。该隐是亚当和夏娃的长子,因妒忌而杀害弟弟亚伯。这个故事让该隐成为邪恶和暴力的象征,因此 “Raise Cain” 的意思就是引起混乱或制造麻烦。

This idiom originates from the biblical story of Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve. Cain, the elder brother, killed his younger brother Abel out of jealousy. As a result, Cain became synonymous with evil and violence, giving rise to the expression “Raise Cain,” meaning to cause a disturbance or trouble.

  • The kids started to raise Cain when the teacher left the room.老师离开房间时,孩子们开始惹是生非。

  • My neighbors were raising Cain last night with their loud party.我的邻居昨晚开着大声派对,闹得天翻地覆。

  • If the boss finds out about the mistake, he’s going to *raise Cain.*如果老板发现了这个错误,他会大发雷霆。

978. Read someone the riot act

“严厉训斥某人” 或 “警告某人”。

这个短语起源于英国 1725 年的《骚乱法案》。根据该法案,地方当局在驱散骚动人群时需宣读《骚乱法案》的部分内容,警告他们如果不在一小时内解散,将面临法律处罚。这个短语现指对某人进行严厉的训斥或警告。

This phrase originates from the British “Riot Act” of 1725. According to the Act, local authorities needed to read a part of it to disperse a riotous crowd, warning them that if they didn’t disperse within an hour, they would face legal consequences. Nowadays, the phrase means to severely reprimand or warn someone.

  • The manager really read Tom the riot act for missing the deadline.经理因为 Tom 错过了最后期限而严厉训斥了他。

  • After their poor performance, the coach read the team the riot act.在他们表现不佳后,教练严厉地训斥了全队。

  • When the kids came home late, their mom read them the riot act.孩子们回家晚了,他们妈妈狠狠地训斥了他们。

979. Real McCoy

“正牌货” 或 “真品”。

这个短语的起源众说纷纭,但其中一个著名的说法是,源于 19 世纪苏格兰非法酿酒商件案的标记。为了区分其他冒牌酒,人们开始用这个标记代表真正高质量的酒。这种标记逐渐演变成了 “Real McCoy” 这个短语,用来表示真品、原版没有掺假的物品或人。

There are various theories about the origin of this phrase, one famous version dates back to a 19th-century Scottish illegal whiskey dealer case involving quality assurance marks. To distinguish genuine high-quality liquor from fakes, people began using this mark. This gradually evolved into the phrase “Real McCoy,” used to indicate genuine, unadulterated items or people.

  • This vintage watch is the Real McCoy, not a replica.这只古董手表是正牌货,不是仿制品。

  • When it comes to Italian pizza, this restaurant serves the Real McCoy.说到意大利披萨,这家餐厅提供的是真品。

  • She wanted an authentic experience, the Real McCoy, not just a touristy version.她想要的是一次真实的体验,不是一个商业化的版本。

980. Red flag

“红旗” 或 “危险信号”。

Red flag” 的短语起源于游乐场或竞技场中用红旗表示危险或警告的做法。现在,这个短语广泛应用于任何需要警惕和注意的情况,用来指出潜在的问题或警告某事可能会有害或有危险。

This phrase originates from the use of red flags in places like amusement parks or sporting arenas to signal danger or warning. Nowadays, the phrase is widely used in any context that requires vigilance and caution, indicating a potential problem or a warning that something might be wrong or harmful.

  • His sudden change in behavior was a major red flag.他行为突然改变是一个重要的危险信号。

  • Poor financial records can be a significant red flag for investors.不良的财务记录对投资者来说是一个显著的危险信号。

  • If the job interview feels off, consider it a red flag.如果面试感觉不对劲,视为一个危险信号。




