想要扩容一个Azure VM 的磁盘空间,门户里面竟然无法扩展,点点鼠标就完事的时代在离去,微软越来不想微软。
在门户里面即便使用Azure Cli命令行也不行。
PS /home/gpchina> az disk list
不过使用 vm unmanaged-disk list可以看到磁盘。
PS /home/gpchina> az vm unmanaged-disk list
但是 az vm unmanaged-disk只有分离和附加的命令,无法扩容磁盘空间命令。
az vm unmanaged-disk attach
az vm unmanaged-disk detach
az vm unmanaged-disk list
List unmanaged disks of a VM.
--.查看power shell版本
PS Z:\> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
5 1 17763 6414
PS Z:\> Get-Module -Name AzureRM -ListAvailable
PS Z:\> Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force
PS Z:\> Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
PS Z:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Execution Policy Change
The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose
you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic at
https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170. Do you want to change the execution policy?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): y
PS Z:\> Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
Scope ExecutionPolicy
----- ---------------
MachinePolicy Undefined
UserPolicy Undefined
Process Undefined
CurrentUser RemoteSigned
LocalMachine RemoteSigned
PS Z:\> Connect-AzAccount
Please select the account you want to login with.
Retrieving subscriptions for the selection...
With the new Azure PowerShell login experience, you can select the subscription you want to use more easily. Learn more about it and its configuration at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink.
If you encounter any problem, please open an issue at: https://aka.ms/azpsissue
Subscription name Tenant
----------------- ------
Pay-As-You-Go company china, Inc.
PS Z:\> $rgName = 'MyRESOURCE'
PS Z:\> $vmName = 'FILESERVER'
PS Z:\> $vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $vmName
PS Z:\> ($vm.StorageProfile).DataDisks
Name : Fileserver-20230501-103834
DiskSizeGB : 1500
Lun : 0
Caching : None
CreateOption : Attach
SourceImage :
SourceResource :
DetachOption :
ToBeDetached : False
VirtualHardDisk :
Name : Fileserver-20230501-145230
DiskSizeGB : 1300
Lun : 1
Caching : None
CreateOption : Attach
SourceImage :
SourceResource :
DetachOption :
ToBeDetached : False
VirtualHardDisk :
PS Z:\> Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $vmName
Virtual machine stopping operation
This cmdlet will stop the specified virtual machine. Do you want to continue?
[Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
OperationId : c89526d4-88a7-439f-9905-a1cd6e6a8da0
Status : Succeeded
StartTime : 12/6/2024 12:22:26 PM
EndTime : 12/6/2024 12:23:47 PM
Error :
PS Z:\>$vm.StorageProfile.DataDisks[0].DiskSizeGB = 1800
PS Z:\> Update-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgName -VM $vm
RequestId IsSuccessStatusCode StatusCode ReasonPhrase
--------- ------------------- ---------- ------------
True OK
PS Z:\> Start-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgName -Name $vmName
OperationId : fb870d09-9601-4910-bb07-5d58b7915ec0
Status : Succeeded
StartTime : 12/6/2024 12:27:07 PM
EndTime : 12/6/2024 12:27:29 PM
Error :