
发布于:2025-02-25 ⋅ 阅读:(14) ⋅ 点赞:(0)

向 AWS 客服提交退款申请,说明你是新用户,在免费试用期结束后没有留意到 EC2 仍在运行,导致了意外扣费,并请求 AWS 免除费用并退款。以下是具体操作步骤和申诉信模板:


  1. 登录 AWS 控制台

  2. 提交支持工单

    • 在 AWS 控制台顶部,点击 “Support” > “Support Center”
    • 选择 “Create Case”(创建工单)。
    • “Regarding”(关于)部分,选择 “Account and billing”
    • “Service”(服务)部分,选择 “Billing”
    • 选择 “Payment issue”(支付问题)。
  3. 填写退款申请

    • “Case description”(工单描述)中,填写以下信息:
      • 说明你是新用户,不小心忘记了 EC2 仍在运行,导致了非预期的费用。
      • 你已经终止了 EC2 实例,并希望 AWS 免除费用并退款。
      • 提供你的账号 ID 和实例 ID,列出具体的账单信息。
  4. 提交申请

    • 选择 联系方式(建议选择 Email 或 Live Chat)。
    • 提交工单后,AWS 支持团队通常会在 24-48 小时内回复。
Dear AWS Support Team,

I hope you are doing well. I recently noticed unexpected charges on my AWS account (Account ID: XXXXXX) due to an EC2 instance (Instance ID: i-0dc8XXXXXX) that I unintentionally left running after my free tier expired. As a new AWS user, I was unaware that the instance continued to accrue charges after the free trial period.

Upon realizing this, I immediately terminated the instance to prevent further charges. However, I have already been billed for the following months:

December 2024: $XXX (Issued on 01/02/2025)
January 2025: $XXX (Issued on 02/02/2025)
February 2025 (Estimated): $XXX
I kindly request a refund for the charges incurred after my free tier expired, as I did not intend to use the service beyond the free trial period. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide regarding this matter.

Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,