<version>${openapi-generator.version}</version> <!-- 使用最新稳定版本 -->
<phase>generate-sources</phase> <!-- 绑定到 Maven 编译阶段 -->
<inputSpec>${project.basedir}/api/api.yml</inputSpec> <!-- API 描述文件路径 -->
<generatorName>spring</generatorName> <!-- 生成 Spring 服务端代码 -->
<output>${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/openapi</output> <!-- 输出目录 -->
<apiPackage>com.example.demo.api.controller</apiPackage> <!-- 接口包名 -->
<modelPackage>com.example.demo.api.model</modelPackage> <!-- 模型类包名 -->
<java8>true</java8> <!-- 标记生成代码兼容 Java 8 语法 -->
<dateLibrary>java8</dateLibrary> <!-- 使用 Java 8 的日期时间类型 -->
参数名 | 类型 | 配置说明 |
addCompileSourceRoot | boolean | Add the output directory to the project as a source root, so that the generated java types are compiled and included in the project artifact. Mutually exclusive with addTestCompileSourceRoot. |
addTestCompileSourceRoot | boolean | Add the output directory to the project as a test source root, so that the generated java types are compiled only for the test classpath of the project. Mutually exclusive with addCompileSourceRoot. |
additionalProperties | java.util.List | A map of additional properties that can be referenced by the mustache templates |
apiNameSuffix | java.lang.String | Sets the suffix for api classes. |
apiPackage | java.lang.String | The package to use for generated api objects/classes. |
apisToGenerate | java.lang.String | A comma separated list of apis to generate. All apis is the default. |
artifactId | java.lang.String | artifactId in generated pom.xml |
artifactVersion | java.lang.String | artifact version in generated pom.xml |
auth | java.lang.String | Adds authorization headers when fetching the swagger definitions remotely. " Pass in a URL-encoded string of name:header with a comma separating multiple values. |
cleanupOutput | boolean | |
collapsedSpec | java.lang.String | The path to the collapsed single-file representation of the OpenAPI spec. |
configHelp | boolean | |
configOptions | java.util.Map | A map of language-specific parameters as passed with the -c option to the command line |
configurationFile | java.lang.String | Path to separate json configuration file. |
dryRun | boolean | |
enablePostProcessFile | boolean | To file post-processing hook |
engine | String | The name of templating engine to use, "mustache" (default) or "handlebars" (beta) |
enumNameMappings | java.util.List | A map of enum names and the new names |
environmentVariables | java.util.Map | |
generateAliasAsModel | boolean | To generate alias (array, map) as model |
generateApiDocumentation | boolean | Generate the api documentation |
generateApiTests | boolean | Generate the api tests |
generateApis | boolean | Generate the apis |
generateModelDocumentation | boolean | Generate the model documentation |
generateModelTests | boolean | Generate the model tests |
generateModels | boolean | Generate the models |
generateRecursiveDependentModels | boolean | Generate the models recursively if models should generate selectively (see modelsToGenerate) and all dependent models are to generate |
generateSupportingFiles | boolean | Generate the supporting files |
generatorName | String | The name of the generator to use. |
gitHost | String | Git host, e.g. gitlab.com. |
gitRepoId | String | Git repo ID, e.g. openapi-generator. |
gitUserId | String | Git user ID, e.g. swagger-api. |
globalProperties | Map | |
groupId | String | groupId in generated pom.xml |
httpUserAgent | String | Sets custom User-Agent header value |
ignoreFileOverride | String | Sets an optional ignoreFileOverride path |
importMappings | List | A map of classes and the import that should be used for that class |
includeCollapsedSpecInArtifacts | boolean | Includes the collapsed spec in the Maven artifacts. |
inlineSchemaNameMappings | List | A map of inline scheme names and the new names |
inlineSchemaOptions | List | A map of inline scheme option and the value |
inputSpec | String | Location of the OpenAPI spec, as URL or file. |
inputSpecRootDirectory | String | Local root folder with spec files |
instantiationTypes | List | A map of types and the types they should be instantiated as |
invokerPackage | String | The package to use for the generated invoker objects |
languageSpecificPrimitives | List | A map of additional language specific primitive types |
library | String | Sets the library |
logToStderr | Boolean | To write all log messages (not just errors) to STDOUT |
mavenProject | MavenProject | The Maven project context. |
mergedFileName | String | Name of the file that will contain all merged specs |
modelNameMappings | List | A map of model names and the new names |
modelNamePrefix | String | Sets the prefix for model enums and classes |
modelNameSuffix | String | Sets the suffix for model enums and classes |
modelPackage | String | The package to use for generated model objects/classes |
modelsToGenerate | String | A comma separated list of models to generate. All models is the default. |
mojo | MojoExecution | |
nameMappings | List | A map of property names and the new names |
openapiGeneratorIgnoreList | List | A list of openapi-generator-ignore entries |
openapiNormalizer | List | A set of rules for OpenAPI normalizer |
operationIdNameMappings | List | A map of operation id names and the new names |
output | File | Location of the output directory. |
packageName | String | The default package to use for the generated objects |
parameterNameMappings | List | A map of parameter names and the new names |
project | MavenProject | The project being built. |
removeOperationIdPrefix | Boolean | To remove operationId prefix (e.g. user_getName => getName) |
reservedWordsMappings | List | A map of reserved names and how they should be escaped |
schemaMappings | List | A map of scheme and the new one |
serverVariableOverrides | List | A map of server variable overrides for specs that support server URL templating |
skip | Boolean | Skip the execution. |
skipIfSpecIsUnchanged | Boolean | Skip the execution if the source file is older than the output folder. |
skipOperationExample | Boolean | To skip examples defined in the operation |
skipOverwrite | Boolean | Specifies if the existing files should be overwritten during the generation. |
skipValidateSpec | Boolean | To skip spec validation |
strictSpec | Boolean | To treat a document strictly against the spec. |
supportingFilesToGenerate | String | A comma separated list of models to generate. All models is the default. |
templateDirectory | File | Folder containing the template files. |
templateResourcePath | String | Resource path containing template files. |
typeMappings | List | A map of swagger spec types and the generated code types to use for them |
verbose | boolean |