git 合并多次提交 commit

发布于:2025-03-24 ⋅ 阅读:(48) ⋅ 点赞:(0)

在工作中,有时候在反复修改代码中(比如处理MR的检视意见,或者为了推送到测试环境,先 commit到自己的远程分支上)不免会有多次 commit,这样发起 MR 的时候,就会有一堆 commit 信息,看起来不清爽,如果想把多次提交合并成一个提交,可参考如下操作:


git log --oneline


最新提交为 56f3fec 因此,该提交为 HEAD

HEAD 指向最新放入仓库的版本。

2)合并 a84e379(最旧提交)-56f3fec(最新提交)


git rebase -i HEAD~4

 HEAD~4 会包含 HEAD、HEAD~1、HEAD~2、HEAD~3、HEAD~4(共 5 个提交)。


pick a84e379 revise review comments
s 5542cd0 revise review comments 2
s e5b712f revise review comments 3
s 614f74a revise review comments 3
s 56f3fec revise review comments 5

第一个提交保留为 pick,后续提交改为 squash 或 s。

编辑完成后,:wq 保留并且退出。


# This is a combination of 5 commits.
# This is the 1st commit message:
revise review comments

# This is the commit message #2:
revise review comments 2

# This is the commit message #3:
revise review comments 3

# This is the commit message #4:
revise review comments 3

# This is the commit message #5:
revise review comments 5

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Date:      <原始提交的时间戳>
# interactive rebase in progress; onto <父提交哈希>
# Last commands done (5 commands done):
#    pick a84e379 revise review comments
#    squash 5542cd0 revise review comments 2
#    squash e5b712f revise review comments 3
#    squash 614f74a revise review comments 3
#    squash 56f3fec revise review comments 5
# No commands remaining.
# You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch 'main' on '<父提交哈希>'.
# Changes to be committed:
#       modified:   file1.txt
#       modified:   file2.txt

 这时候,只需要删除该窗口中的所有信息,保留最后合并完后想保留的提交信息,然后 :wq 保存并且退出即可:

revise review comments


git log --oneline 



6)执行 git push --force,更新远程代码仓库的 commit 信息。

git push origin loustest --force



