
发布于:2022-10-29 ⋅ 阅读:(1016) ⋅ 点赞:(0)

1. 下面代码的输出是什么? +true;!"Lydia";

    * A: 1 and false

    * B: false and NaN

    * C: false and false


2. 下面代码的输出是什么?function sayHi() {  console.log(name);  console.log(age);

     var name = "Lydia";  let age = 21;}sayHi();

    * A: Lydia 和 undefined

    * B: Lydia 和 ReferenceError

    * C: ReferenceError 和 21

    * D: undefined 和 ReferenceError

 3. 下面代码的输出是什么?

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {  

     setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 1);


for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

      setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 1);


    * A: 0 1 2 and 0 1 2

    * B: 0 1 2 and 3 3 3

    * C: 3 3 3 and 0 1 2


4. 下面代码的输出是什么?

const shape = {  

       radius: 10,  

       diameter() {    

              return this.radius * 2;


      perimeter: () => 2 * Math.PI * this.radius




    * A: 20 and 62.83185307179586

    * B: 20 and NaN

    * C: 20 and 63

    * D: NaN and 63


5. 当我们这样做时会发生什么?

function bark() {  



bark.animal = "dog";

    * A: Nothing, this is totally fine!

    * B: SyntaxError. You cannot add properties to a function this way.

    * C: undefined

    * D: ReferenceError



6. 下面代码的输出是什么?

 let greeting;greetign = {};

 // Typo!console.log(greetign);

    * A: {}

    * B: ReferenceError: greetign is not defined

    * C: undefined


7. 下面代码的输出是什么?

function sum(a, b) {

     return a + b;


sum(1, "2");

    * A: NaN

    * B: TypeError

    * C: "12"

    * D: 3


8. 下面代码的输出是什么?

function getPersonInfo(one, two, three) {  





const person = "Lydia";

const age = 21;

getPersonInfo`${person} is ${age} years old`;

    * A: Lydia 21 ["", "is", "years old"]

    * B: ["", "is", "years old"] Lydia 21

    * C: Lydia ["", "is", "years old"] 21


9. 下面代码的输出是什么?

function getAge() {

      "use strict";  

      age = 21;  




    * A: 21

    * B: undefined

    * C: ReferenceError

    * D: TypeError


10. 下面代码的输出是什么?

var num = 8;

var num = 10;


    * A: 8

    * B: 10

    * C: SyntaxError

    * D: ReferenceError


11. 下面代码的输出是什么?

const obj = { a: "one", b: "two", a: "three" };


    * A: { a: "one", b: "two" }

    * B: { b: "two", a: "three" }

    * C: { a: "three", b: "two" }

    * D: SyntaxError


12. 下面代码的输出是什么?

 const a = {};

 const b = { key: "b" };

 const c = { key: "c" };

 a[b] = 123;

 a[c] = 456;


    * A: 123

    * B: 456

    * C: undefined

    * D: ReferenceError


13. 单击下面的html片段打印的内容是什么?

<div οnclick="console.log('div')">  

     <p οnclick="console.log('p')">    Click here!   </p>


    * A: p div

    * B: div p

    * C: p

    * D: div


14. 下面这些值哪些是假值?0;new Number(0);("");(" ");new Boolean(false);undefined;

    * A: 0, '', undefined

    * B: 0, new Number(0), '', new Boolean(false), undefined

    * C: 0, '', new Boolean(false), undefined

    * D: 所有都是假值


15. 下面代码的输出是什么?

 (() => {  

      let x, y;

      try {    

         throw new Error();

     } catch (x) {

         (x = 1), (y = 2);  





    * A: 1 undefined 2

    * B: undefined undefined undefined

    * C: 1 1 2

    * D: 1 undefined undefined


16. 下面代码的输出是什么?!!null;!!"";!!1;

    * A: false true false

    * B: false false true

    * C: false true true

    * D: true true false


17. 下面代码的输出是什么?

function* generator(i){

     yield i;

     yield i *2;


const gen = generator(10);  



    * A: [0,10],[10,20]

    * B: 20,20

    * C: 10,20

    * D: 0,10and10,20


18. 下面代码的输出是什么?

let person ={ name:"Lydia"};

const members =[person];

person =null;


    * A: null

    * B: [null]

    * C: [{}]

    * D: [{name:"Lydia"}]


19. num的值是什么?

    const num = parseInt("7*6",10);

    * A: 42

    * B: "42"

    * C: 7

    * D: NaN


20. 下面代码的输出是什么?

 [1,2,3].map(num =>{

     if(typeof num ==="number")return;

       return num *2;



    * A: []

    * B: [null,null,null]

    * C: [undefined,undefined,undefined]

    * D: [3x empty]




