本文主要使用python tkinter下的Gride编写一个计算器(标准和科学计算器),自测没有发现问题,如果有哪位网友发现bug可以给我留言或私信,我来修改。代码如下:
import tkinter from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox,ttk win = Tk() win.title('Grid 科学计算器') c=str() def add(i): global c a = ['*', '/', '-', '+', '.'] if mode.get()=='科学': if str(c) in a and i in a: #判断本次输入和前一次输入的是非数字,删除前一次输入的非数字 qq = res.get()[:-1] res.set(qq) # elif str(c) in a and i==0: # print('00',res.get()) # res.set(res.get()) if res.get(): #重新把输入的i复制到后面展示 qq = str(res.get()) qq1 = qq + str(i) # print(len(qq1)) if len(qq1) >=3: # print(qq1[-3],type(qq1[-2])) if qq1[-3] in ['*', '/', '-', '+'] and qq1[-2] == '0' and qq1[-1] not in '.': #eval无法识别x+0xxxx或0x+x qq = str(res.get()[:-1]) + str(i) res.set(qq) print('qq', qq) else: res.set(qq1) else: res.set(qq1) else: res.set(i) else: #mode='标准' if str(c) in a and i in a: # 判断本次输入和前一次输入的是非数字,删除前一次输入的非数字 qq = res.get()[:-1] res.set(qq) elif str(i) in ['*', '/', '-', '+'] and res.get()[:-1]: print(res.get()) qq=str(round(eval(res.get()),10)) res.set(qq) if res.get(): # 重新把输入的i复制到后面展示 qq = str(res.get()) qq1 = qq + str(i) # print(len(qq1)) if len(qq1) >= 3: # print(qq1[-3],type(qq1[-2])) if qq1[-3] in ['*', '/', '-', '+'] and qq1[-2] == '0' and qq1[-1] not in '.': # eval无法识别x+0xxxx或0x+x qq = str(res.get()[:-1]) + str(i) res.set(qq) print('qq', qq) else: res.set(qq1) else: res.set(qq1) else: res.set(i) c=i def calc(): try: if res.get()[0]=='0': if res.get()[1] in ['*', '/', '-', '+', '.']: #eval无法识别x+0xxxx或0x+x res.set(round(eval(res.get()),10)) else: print('fail',res.get()[1:]) res.set(eval(res.get()[1:])) else: print('daol') res.set(round(eval(res.get()),10)) except: # print(res.get()) if res.get(): tkinter.messagebox.showerror('message info','在瞎输入,40m长的大刀等着你') else: res.set('') print('empty') pass def AC(): #AC为了给按钮用,AC1给bind用,一个要带参数 global c c='0' res.set('') def AC1(self): res.set('') def dele(): # global c i=res.get() # try: # c=i[-2] # except: # print('可忽略') i=i[:-1] res.set(i) # for i in range(1,10): # # i-1表示从第一行开始,+2(-1+3)表示从第二行开始,这相法比较666,缺点是点击任意一个按钮都只能调用一个函数,且i永远是最后一个数字 # #目前没有找到解决办法,故废弃,用土鳖办法,这段代码可以忽略,如果有解决方法也可以留言 # Li = tkinter.Button(win, text=str(i), width=10,command=add).grid(row=(i +2) // 3, column=(i +2) % 3) Button(win, text="AC",command=AC,width =10,fg='red').grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) Button(win, text="Del",command=dele,width =10).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W) mode=ttk.Combobox(win,values=["科学","标准"],width =8,state='readonly',background='red') mode.grid(row=1, column=2, columnspan=1, sticky=W) mode.current(0) mode.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>',AC1) Button(win, text="/",command=lambda :add('/'),width =10).grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=W) Button(win, text="*",command=lambda :add('*'),width =10).grid(row=4, column=3, sticky=W) Button(win, text="0",command=lambda :add(0),width =10).grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=2,sticky=E+W) Button(win, text=".",command=lambda :add('.'),width =10).grid(row=5, column=2, sticky=W) Button(win, text="1",command=lambda:add(1),width =10,).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) Button(win, text="2",command=lambda :add(2),width =10).grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W) #,state=DISABLED--禁用按钮状态 Button(win, text="3",command=lambda :add(3),width =10).grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=W) Button(win, text="4",command=lambda :add(4),width =10).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) Button(win, text="5",command=lambda :add(5),width =10).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W) Button(win, text="6",command=lambda :add(6),width =10).grid(row=3, column=2, sticky=W) #,state=DISABLED--禁用按钮状态 Button(win, text="7",command=lambda :add(7),width =10).grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W) Button(win, text="8",command=lambda :add(8),width =10).grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=W) Button(win, text="9",command=lambda :add(9),width =10).grid(row=4, column=2, sticky=W) Button(win, text="+",command=lambda :add('+'),width =10).grid(row=2, column=3, sticky=W) Button(win, text="-",command=lambda :add("-"),width =10).grid(row=3, column=3, sticky=W) Button(win, text="=",command=calc,bg='blue',height =1,width =10).grid(row=5, column=3, sticky=W) win.mainloop()