Python应用开发——30天学习Streamlit Python包进行APP的构建(11)

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Bokeh 是 Python 的一个图表库。此函数的参数与 Bokeh 的 show 函数的参数非常接近。有关 Bokeh 的更多信息,请访问。

要在 Streamlit 中显示 Bokeh 图表,请在调用 Bokeh 的 show 时调用 st.bokeh_chart。

Function signature[source]

st.bokeh_chart(figure, use_container_width=False)


figure (bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure)

A Bokeh figure to plot.

use_container_width (bool)

Whether to override the figure's native width with the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is False (default), Streamlit sets the width of the chart to fit its contents according to the plotting library, up to the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is True, Streamlit sets the width of the figure to match the width of the parent container.


import streamlit as st
from bokeh.plotting import figure

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [6, 7, 2, 4, 5]

p = figure(
    title='simple line example',

p.line(x, y, legend_label='Trend', line_width=2)

st.bokeh_chart(p, use_container_width=True)



使用 dagre-d3 库显示图表。

Function signature[source]

st.graphviz_chart(figure_or_dot, use_container_width=False)


figure_or_dot (,, str)

The Graphlib graph object or dot string to display

use_container_width (bool)

Whether to override the figure's native width with the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is False (default), Streamlit sets the width of the chart to fit its contents according to the plotting library, up to the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is True, Streamlit sets the width of the figure to match the width of the parent container.


import streamlit as st
import graphviz

# Create a graphlib graph object
graph = graphviz.Digraph()
graph.edge('run', 'intr')
graph.edge('intr', 'runbl')
graph.edge('runbl', 'run')
graph.edge('run', 'kernel')
graph.edge('kernel', 'zombie')
graph.edge('kernel', 'sleep')
graph.edge('kernel', 'runmem')
graph.edge('sleep', 'swap')
graph.edge('swap', 'runswap')
graph.edge('runswap', 'new')
graph.edge('runswap', 'runmem')
graph.edge('new', 'runmem')
graph.edge('sleep', 'runmem')


这段代码使用了Streamlit和Graphviz库。首先,导入了streamlit和graphviz模块。然后创建了一个graphviz的有向图对象graph。接着,通过调用edge方法,向图中添加了一系列的边,构成了一个简单的图形结构。最后,使用st.graphviz_chart方法将图形显示在Streamlit应用程序中。整体来说,这段代码的作用是创建一个简单的有向图并在Streamlit应用程序中展示出来。或者,您也可以使用 GraphViz 的 Dot 语言从图形中渲染图表:

    digraph {
        run -> intr
        intr -> runbl
        runbl -> run
        run -> kernel
        kernel -> zombie
        kernel -> sleep
        kernel -> runmem
        sleep -> swap
        swap -> runswap
        runswap -> new
        runswap -> runmem
        new -> runmem
        sleep -> runmem


显示交互式 Plotly 图表。

Plotly 是 Python 的图表库。该函数的参数与 Plotly 的 plot() 函数的参数非常接近。

要在 Streamlit 中显示 Plotly 图表,请在调用 Plotly 的 py.plot 或 py.iplot 时调用 st.plotly_chart。

Function signature[source]

st.plotly_chart(figure_or_data, use_container_width=False, *, theme="streamlit", key=None, on_select="ignore", selection_mode=('points', 'box', 'lasso'), **kwargs)


(element or dict)

If on_select is "ignore" (default), this method returns an internal placeholder for the chart element. Otherwise, this method returns a dictionary-like object that supports both key and attribute notation. The attributes are described by the PlotlyState dictionary schema.


figure_or_data (plotly.graph_objs.Figure, plotly.graph_objs.Data, or dict/list of plotly.graph_objs.Figure/Data)

The Plotly Figure or Data object to render. See Plotly Python Graphing Library for examples of graph descriptions.

use_container_width (bool)

Whether to override the figure's native width with the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is False (default), Streamlit sets the width of the chart to fit its contents according to the plotting library, up to the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is True, Streamlit sets the width of the figure to match the width of the parent container.

theme ("streamlit" or None)

The theme of the chart. If theme is "streamlit" (default), Streamlit uses its own design default. If theme is None, Streamlit falls back to the default behavior of the library.

key (str)

An optional string to use for giving this element a stable identity. If key is None (default), this element's ide


