
发布于:2024-07-03 ⋅ 阅读:(15) ⋅ 点赞:(0)


MetaGPT 是一种多智能体框架,其利用SOP(Standard Operating Procedures)来协调多智能体系统。即:多智能体=智能体+环境+标准流程(SOP)+通信+经济

DataInterpreter :简单三行代码,即可完成用户requirement任务

from metagpt.roles.di.data_interpreter import DataInterpreter
mi = DataInterpreter(use_reflection=True, tools=["<all>"])


from metagpt.roles.di.data_interpreter import DataInterpreter
mi = DataInterpreter() # 实例化方法

private_llm=<metagpt.provider.openai_api.OpenAILLM object at 0x7fa432f2cc40>,

name='David', profile='DataInterpreter', goal='', constraints='', desc='', is_human=False, role_id='', 

states =  ["0. <class 'metagpt.actions.di.write_analysis_code.WriteAnalysisCode'>"],
actions=  [WriteAnalysisCode], 

rc = RoleContext(env=None, msg_buffer=MessageQueue(),
             memory=Memory(storage=[], index=defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {}), ignore_id=False),                       			         working_memory=Memory(storage=[], index=defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {}), ignore_id=False), 
             state=0, todo=WriteAnalysisCode, 

addresses={'David', 'metagpt.roles.di.data_interpreter.DataInterpreter'},

planner=Planner(plan=Plan(  goal='', context='', tasks=[], task_map={}, current_task_id=''),
                            working_memory=Memory(storage=[], index=defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {}), ignore_id=False),

recovered=False, latest_observed_msg=None, auto_run=True, use_plan=True, use_reflection=False, execute_code=ExecuteNbCode,
tool_recommender=None, react_mode='plan_and_act', max_react_loop=1

上述展示 DataInterpreter 组成,首先补充下pydantic 基础知识点:


  • 验证器方法需要接受两个参数:cls(类本身)和 value(要验证的值)
  • 可以在自定义逻辑中决定是否调用默认的 handler 方法来继续验证过程
  • 允许在默认验证之前和之后执行自定义逻辑


  • 验证器方法只需要接受一个参数:value(已经通过默认验证的值)
  • 验证器方法通常以 self 作为第一个参数,表示模型实例本身
  • 这种模式下的验证器会在 Pydantic 的默认字段验证逻辑之后执行。


  • 这种模式下的验证器会在 Pydantic 的默认字段验证逻辑之前执行

  • 验证器方法通常以 cls 作为第一个参数,表示模型类本身

  • 这种模式适用于类方法,因为它们在类级别上操作,可以在创建实例之前对类进行操作

  • 要点1:SerializationMixin(BaseModel, extra="forbid")

        def __convert_to_real_type__(cls, value: Any, handler):
            # ... 方法实现 ...
    • @model_validator(mode="wrap") 装饰器用于自定义 Pydantic 模型的验证和设置过程。
    • 这个类方法用于在反序列化过程中将字典转换回正确的子类实例。
    • 如果输入值不是一个字典,或者不包含 __module_class_name 字段,它会使用默认的处理程序来处理值。
    • 如果 __module_class_name 存在,它会查找这个名称对应的类类型,并使用这个类来实例化对象。


  • 要点2:DataInterpreter(Role)

    class DataInterpreter(Role):
        name: str = "David"
        profile: str = "DataInterpreter"
        auto_run: bool = True
        use_plan: bool = True
        use_reflection: bool = False
        execute_code: ExecuteNbCode = Field(default_factory=ExecuteNbCode, exclude=True)
        tools: list[str] = []  # Use special symbol ["<all>"] to indicate use of all registered tools
        tool_recommender: ToolRecommender = None
        react_mode: Literal["plan_and_act", "react"] = "plan_and_act"
        max_react_loop: int = 10  # used for react mode
        def set_plan_and_tool(self) -> "Interpreter":
            self._set_react_mode(react_mode=self.react_mode, max_react_loop=self.max_react_loop, auto_run=self.auto_run)
            self.use_plan = (
                self.react_mode == "plan_and_act"
            )  # create a flag for convenience, overwrite any passed-in value
            if and not self.tool_recommender:
                self.tool_recommender = BM25ToolRecommender(
            return self

    如果采用plan_and_act 模式,引入规划器planner

    self.planner = Planner(goal=self.goal, working_memory=self.rc.working_memory, auto_run=auto_run)

    Planner : 3 个字段分别是 planworking_memoryauto_run

    class Planner(BaseModel):
        plan: Plan
        working_memory: Memory = Field(
        )  # memory for working on each task, discarded each time a task is done
        auto_run: bool = False
        def __init__(self, goal: str = "", plan: Plan = None, **kwargs):
            plan = plan or Plan(goal=goal)
            super().__init__(plan=plan, **kwargs)

    plan 字段也是个类实例,具有的字段如下:

    class Plan(BaseModel):
        goal: str
        context: str = ""
        tasks: list[Task] = []
        task_map: dict[str, Task] = {}
        current_task_id: str = ""

    Roleset_actions 中有段代码如下:

    for action in actions:
                if not isinstance(action, Action):
                    i = action(context=self.context)

    self.contextContextMixin 类中一个方法,返回是 Context() 对象实例;

  • 要点3:Action(SerializationMixin, ContextMixin, BaseModel)

    class Action(SerializationMixin, ContextMixin, BaseModel):
        model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
        name: str = ""
        i_context: Union[
            dict, CodingContext, CodeSummarizeContext, TestingContext, RunCodeContext, CodePlanAndChangeContext, str, None ] = ""
        prefix: str = ""  # aask*时会加上prefix,作为system_message
        desc: str = ""  # for skill manager
        node: ActionNode = Field(default=None, exclude=True)

    **字段验证:**先执行 Action 里字段验证,mode=“before” 字段从后向前验证;

        def set_name_if_empty(cls, values):
            if "name" not in values or not values["name"]:
                values["name"] = cls.__name__
            return values
        def _init_with_instruction(cls, values):
            if "instruction" in values:
                name = values["name"]
                i = values.pop("instruction")
                values["node"] = ActionNode(key=name, expected_type=str, instruction=i, example="", schema="raw")
            return values

    这里验证values 值到底是什么?其实校验就是上述的 self.context

    **字段验证:**后执行 ContextMixin 里字段验证,mode=“after” 字段从前向后验证;

        def validate_context_mixin_extra(self):
            return self
        def _process_context_mixin_extra(self):
            """Process the extra field"""
            kwargs = self.model_extra or {}
            self.set_context(kwargs.pop("context", None))
            self.set_config(kwargs.pop("config", None))
            self.set_llm(kwargs.pop("llm", None))
         def set(self, k, v, override=False):
            """Set attribute"""
            if override or not self.__dict__.get(k):
                self.__dict__[k] = v

    打印下 self.__dict__

    {'private_context': Context(kwargs=AttrD...': 0.0}})), 'private_config': None, 'private_llm': None, 'name': 'WriteAnalysisCode', 'i_context': '', 'prefix': '', 'desc': '', 'node': None}

    _init_action 中 追加 Action 字段的 private_llmprefix

run 方法:
  • 要点1:run 函数使用异步编程并被role_raise_decorator 装饰(用于处理在异步函数执行过程中可能出现的异常);

    async def run(self, with_message=None) -> Message | None:
           """Observe, and think and act based on the results of the observation"""
    def role_raise_decorator(func):
        async def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return await func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            except KeyboardInterrupt as kbi:
                logger.error(f"KeyboardInterrupt: {kbi} occurs, start to serialize the project")
                if self.latest_observed_msg:
                # raise again to make it captured outside
                raise Exception(format_trackback_info(limit=None))
            except Exception as e:
                if self.latest_observed_msg:
                        "There is a exception in role's execution, in order to resume, "
                        "we delete the newest role communication message in the role's memory."
                    # remove role newest observed msg to make it observed again
                # raise again to make it captured outside
                if isinstance(e, RetryError):
                    last_error = e.last_attempt._exception
                    name = any_to_str(last_error)
                    if re.match(r"^openai\.", name) or re.match(r"^httpx\.", name):
                        raise last_error
                raise Exception(format_trackback_info(limit=None))
        return wrapper


    1. try块中,调用原始的异步函数func,并使用await来等待其完成。
    2. 如果在执行func时捕获到KeyboardInterrupt异常(通常由用户按Ctrl+C触发),代码将记录一个错误日志,并删除角色的最新观察消息self.latest_observed_msg,然后重新抛出一个异常。调用的是traceback.format_exc(limit=limit),这是一个用于获取当前异常的堆栈跟踪信息的函数。
    3. 如果异常是RetryError,它将检查最后的错误类型,如果错误与openaihttpx相关,则抛出这个最后的错误。如果异常不是RetryError或者最后的错误与openaihttpx无关,代码将重新抛出一个异常,并包含完整的堆栈跟踪信息。
  • 要点2:Message 解读:

    class Message(BaseModel):
        """list[<role>: <content>]"""
        id: str = Field(default="", validate_default=True)  # According to Section of RFC 135
        content: str
        instruct_content: Optional[BaseModel] = Field(default=None, validate_default=True)
        role: str = "user"  # system / user / assistant
        cause_by: str = Field(default="", validate_default=True)
        sent_from: str = Field(default="", validate_default=True)
        send_to: set[str] = Field(default={MESSAGE_ROUTE_TO_ALL}, validate_default=True)

    Message 类具有多个字段,包括 idcontentinstruct_contentrolecause_bysent_fromsend_to, 使用 Pydantic 的功能来提供类型注解和验证。

    Field(default=None, validate_default=True): 默认值为 None,并且即使它是默认值,也会进行验证。

        def __init__(self, content: str = "", **data: Any):
            data["content"] = data.get("content", content)

    一旦基类初始化完成,Pydantic 会根据 @field_validator 装饰器指定的顺序执行校验函数。

     @field_validator("id", mode="before")
     def check_id(cls, id: str) -> str:
            return id if id else uuid.uuid4().hex
     @field_validator("instruct_content", mode="before")
     def check_instruct_content(cls, ic: Any) -> BaseModel:       

    mode="before" 的情况下,这些校验函数会在字段值被最终赋值给实例属性之前执行,这样可以确保所有的校验逻辑都在属性被设置之前完成。

    user: Run data analysis on sklearn Wine recognition dataset, include a plot, and train a model to predict wine class (20% as validation), and show validation accuracy.
    cause_by:  'metagpt.actions.add_requirement.UserRequirement'
    'Run data analysis on sklearn Wine recognition dataset, include a plot, and train a model to predict wine class (20% as validation), and show validation accuracy.'
    id:  '39defc4ed634430e9e87893a60557bc3'
    instruct_content: None
    role: 'user'
    send_to: {'<all>'}
    sent_from: ''
  • 要点3:RoleContext 解读:

    class RoleContext(BaseModel):
        """Role Runtime Context"""
        model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
        # # env exclude=True to avoid `RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison`
        env: "Environment" = Field(default=None, exclude=True)  # # avoid circular import
        # TODO judge if ser&deser
        msg_buffer: MessageQueue = Field(
            default_factory=MessageQueue, exclude=True
        )  # Message Buffer with Asynchronous Updates
        memory: Memory = Field(default_factory=Memory)
        # long_term_memory: LongTermMemory = Field(default_factory=LongTermMemory)
        working_memory: Memory = Field(default_factory=Memory)
        state: int = Field(default=-1)  # -1 indicates initial or termination state where todo is None
        todo: Action = Field(default=None, exclude=True)
        watch: set[str] = Field(default_factory=set)
        news: list[Type[Message]] = Field(default=[], exclude=True)  # TODO not used
        react_mode: RoleReactMode = (
        )  # see `Role._set_react_mode` for definitions of the following two attributes
        max_react_loop: int = 1
    1. RoleContext 类是一个用于创建具有多个属性的数据模型,包括环境、消息缓冲区、记忆、状态、待办动作、监听、新消息、回应模式和最大反应循环次数。

    2. exclude=True 参数是 Field 装饰器的一个选项,用于控制模型序列化时的行为。当一个字段被标记为 exclude=True 时,它在默认情况下不会出现在模型的 JSON 序列化结果中。这可以用于隐藏敏感信息或不需要传输的字段。例如:

      rc = RoleContext()
      print(rc.json) # 设置 exclude 参数的字段不会被序列化
    3. arbitrary_types_allowed=Truemodel_config 中的一个配置选项,它允许模型中使用任意类型的对象作为属性值。设置 arbitrary_types_allowed=True,那么 Pydantic 将不会对未知类型的对象进行校验,而是直接允许它们作为模型属性的值。

    4. msg_buffer: 这是一个 MessageQueue 类型的字段,用于存储消息缓冲区;

      class MessageQueue(BaseModel):
          Message queue which supports asynchronous updates.
          model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
          _queue: Queue = PrivateAttr(default_factory=Queue)

      该类提供多种方法:pushpoppop_alldumploadempty 方法;

    5. memory: Memory = Field(default_factory=Memory) 这是一个 Memory 类型的字段,用于存储角色的记忆。

      class Memory(BaseModel):
          The most basic memory: super-memory
          storage: list[SerializeAsAny[Message]] = []
          index: DefaultDict[str, list[SerializeAsAny[Message]]] = Field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(list))
          ignore_id: bool = False
      • storage: list[SerializeAsAny[Message]] = [] 这是一个列表类型的字段,用于存储 Message 类型的实例。SerializeAsAny 可能是一个自定义的类型转换器,它允许 Message 类型的实例在序列化时被转换为一个可序列化的形式。

      • index: DefaultDict[str, list[SerializeAsAny[Message]]] = Field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(list)) 这是一个 DefaultDict 类型的字段,用于存储消息的索引。DefaultDict 是一个特殊的字典,当访问一个不存在的键时,它会自动创建一个默认值。在这个例子中,默认值是一个空列表。这个索引字典的键是字符串类型,值是一个 SerializeAsAny[Message] 类型的列表,用于存储与特定键相关联的消息。这个字段使用了 Field 装饰器,并且使用了一个 lambda 函数作为默认工厂,这个 lambda 函数返回一个空的 DefaultDict

      • ignore_id: bool = False 这是一个布尔类型的字段,用于表示是否忽略消息的 ID。默认值为 False,意味着消息的 ID 会被考虑在内

        该类提供多种方法:addadd_batchget_by_roleget_by_contentdelete_newestdeleteclearcounttry_remembergetfind_newsget_by_actionget_by_actions 方法;

    6. default_factory

    使用 default_factory 可以确保每次创建模型实例时,可选字段都会被赋予一个新创建的默认实例,而不是共享同一个实例。这对于可变数据类型(如列表、字典)尤其重要;

    1. news: list[Type[Message]] = Field(default=[], exclude=True) 这是一个 Message 类型的列表字段,用于存储角色的新消息;

      从消息缓冲区 msg_buffer 拿到所有未处理的消息 Message , 后放置在特定 Rolememory 里, 根据规则过滤感兴趣的消息,放在news 里;(这些消息要么是由 中的某些内容导致的,要么是发送给 的。此外,这些消息不能在 old_messages 中找到,以避免重复处理)

  • 要点4:Role 解读:

    class Role(SerializationMixin, ContextMixin, BaseModel):
        model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, extra="allow")
        name: str = ""
        profile: str = ""
        goal: str = ""
        constraints: str = ""
        desc: str = ""
        is_human: bool = False
        role_id: str = ""
        states: list[str] = []
        # scenarios to set action system_prompt:
        #   1. `__init__` while using Role(actions=[...])
        #   2. add action to role while using `role.set_action(action)`
        #   3. set_todo while using `role.set_todo(action)`
        #   4. when role.system_prompt is being updated (e.g. by `role.system_prompt = "..."`)
        # Additional, if llm is not set, we will use role's llm
        actions: list[SerializeAsAny[Action]] = Field(default=[], validate_default=True)
        rc: RoleContext = Field(default_factory=RoleContext)
        addresses: set[str] = set()
        planner: Planner = Field(default_factory=Planner)
        # builtin variables
        recovered: bool = False  # to tag if a recovered role
        latest_observed_msg: Optional[Message] = None  # record the latest observed message when interrupted
        __hash__ = object.__hash__  # support Role as hashable type in `Environment.members`


        def validate_role_extra(self):
            return self
        def _process_role_extra(self):
            kwargs = self.model_extra or {}
            if self.is_human:
                self.llm = HumanProvider(None)
            # Check actions and set llm and prefix for each action.
            # 'You are a DataInterpreter, named David, your goal is . '
            self.llm.system_prompt = self._get_prefix()
            self.llm.cost_manager = self.context.cost_manager
            self._watch(kwargs.pop("watch", [UserRequirement]))
            if self.latest_observed_msg:
                self.recovered = True
  • 要点5:react 方法解读:

    该方法根据角色当前的回应模式选择执行不同的策略。如果反应模式是 RoleReactMode.REACTRoleReactMode.BY_ORDER,则执行 self._react() 方法;如果是 RoleReactMode.PLAN_AND_ACT,则执行 self._plan_and_act() 方法。

    • self._plan_and_act()直观简洁,很容易理解
        async def _plan_and_act(self) -> Message:
            """first plan, then execute an action sequence, i.e. _think (of a plan) -> _act -> _act -> ... Use llm to come up with the plan dynamically."""
            # create initial plan and update it until confirmation
            goal = self.rc.memory.get()[-1].content  # retreive latest user requirement
            await self.planner.update_plan(goal=goal)
            # take on tasks until all finished
            while self.planner.current_task:
                task = self.planner.current_task
      "ready to take on task {task}")
                # take on current task
                task_result = await self._act_on_task(task)
                # process the result, such as reviewing, confirming, plan updating
                await self.planner.process_task_result(task_result)
            rsp = self.planner.get_useful_memories()[0]  # return the completed plan as a response
            self.rc.memory.add(rsp)  # add to persistent memory
            return rsp
  • 要点6:llm 大语言模型怎么调用:

    • _aask 方法:

          async def _aask(self, prompt: str, system_msgs: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> str:
              """Append default prefix"""
              return await self.llm.aask(prompt, system_msgs)

      实例化 self.llm :

          def llm(self) -> BaseLLM:
              """Role llm: if not existed, init from role.config"""
              if not self.private_llm:
                  self.private_llm = self.context.llm_with_cost_manager_from_llm_config(self.config.llm)
              return self.private_llm

      llm 如何回应:

        async def _achat_completion_stream(self, messages: list[dict], timeout=USE_CONFIG_TIMEOUT) -> str:
              response: AsyncStream[ChatCompletionChunk] = await
                  **self._cons_kwargs(messages, timeout=self.get_timeout(timeout)), stream=True

      self.aclient 实例化通过 self.aclient = AsyncOpenAI(**kwargs) , kwargs{'api_key': 'sk-', 'base_url': 'http://10.9.xx.xx:8000/v1'}

      输入信息self._cons_kwargs(messages, timeout=self.get_timeout(timeout))

      'messages':[{'role': 'system', 'content': 'As a data scientist,... function.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': '\n# User Requirement\n... code\n```\n'}]


